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  1. Exnem

    Ban Apology (Exnem)

    You never surrendered in this scenario, so that is a complete lie. You returned from AFK only to start spectating the shootout, you had ample opportunity to escape and never took it. Create a staff complaint if you disagree with the length.
  2. Exnem

    Update log 27/04/2023 - The Organisation Rebalance

    The whole point of this change is to discourage retarded playstyles, and to prevent crims from being swarmed by a constant wave of cops. Prior to this update, crims were under constant barrage unless every cop pushed at once, which usually only happens on first wave. Crims spend 5 minutes in...
  3. Exnem

    Update log 27/04/2023 - The Organisation Rebalance

    Bazaar back rooms are treated as a public location until administration has reviewed the change. Assume it is public for now. @Maia
  4. Exnem

    Update log 27/04/2023 - The Organisation Rebalance

    @Dank someone wanna explain what is happening
  5. Exnem

    Map Suggestion Suburbs Petrol Station
  6. Exnem

    Resigning from powergrowing

    All that work amounts to 3140 paid casino spins, or 837 10k*3 slot spins.
  7. Exnem

    Ban Dispute (exmem and 3izu)

    None of us are on a manhunt for you, and the only reason you're facing any sort of punishment is because you genuinely broke the rules. The fact that you broke the same rule a couple hours earlier is not my doing. I didn't trust you to not break the same rule again, hence the ban...
  8. Exnem

    Server Suggestion Civilians and LEO be able to do CPR

    It's a skill.
  9. Exnem

    Server Suggestion Civilians and LEO be able to do CPR

    Instead of limiting CPR to a police rank, have it only be half as effective as any medical personnel doing it. Would incentivize prioritizing firefighters and medics over a cop or SS doing CPR. I personally dislike rank limiting anything as essential as this. Civilians and cops should never be...
  10. Exnem


  11. Exnem

    Ban Dispute (Ellie)

    Logs show you building in Business Shop 6. Please provide some form of evidence that shows, and proves you did not violate rule 3.7 and/or 3.8. (Maze defense, as described in your ban reasoning)
  12. Exnem

    Warning Dispute (Riekelt)

    Duplicate thread.
  13. Exnem

    Server Suggestion Stop draging

    This has already been somewhat implemented. If you hold a gun in your hand in passive, it'll still let you drag since you have a free hand. If you put it in attack stance, you'll automatically stop dragging. Primary weapons should do the same as attack stance pistols, regardless if you're in...
  14. Exnem

    Ban Dispute (Super_)

    Unfortunately you can only do one of the two. If you're trying to do both at the same time, the one that your appeal looks like the most will be the one that it is reviewed as. Disputing the excessiveness of a punishment should occur in a staff complaint on the staff member who issued it...
  15. Exnem

    Ban Dispute (Super_)

    Evidence is mandatory if you're disputing your ban. Please read the information section here for more info:
  16. Exnem

    Server Suggestion [Suggestion] Delivery app.

    Suggestion Title: [Suggestion] Delivery app. Suggestion Description: The phone has an unused skin for using the delivery app. Currently the phone immediately closes when you open the delivery app and opens a menu. I propose that the phone does not visibly close for other players, and switches...
  17. Exnem

    Action Request (Pops)

    Pops has responded via in-game report. It is clear that @sasuke0115 was not lying when he stated that he had no idea how to unclamp a vehicle. (Press R with the clamp tool) Placing a wheel clamp on your vehicle does not give you any reason whatsoever to kill him in this particular context...
  18. Exnem

    Action Request (unkown)

    The player that seems to have peeked into your base and then later on raided you, is Enforcer @Dave. You will have to create a Staff Complaint for this to be processed. Using ESP in demos is completely safe as it runs the script clientside. The PERP server has clientside lua turned off, so even...
  19. Exnem

    Death to ASDA

    $315,000 down the drain in 30 seconds.
  20. Exnem

    Ban Dispute (Valentine)

    Rule 3.4; "Any actions taken by a player that may put their In-Character life, freedom from imprisonment or general well being at risk must be done so in a realistic fashion and for beneficial reasons." By definition, this means that if you shoot police over your friends whom you know are dead...
  21. Exnem

    Warning Dispute (Maia)
  22. Exnem

    Warning Dispute (Maia)

    So you have no evidence to provide to show that this warning is false? You can gather evidence from your demo.
  23. Exnem

    Refund Request (Sproxy)

    I made an error while investigating this. The item was returned in-game.
  24. Exnem

    Server Suggestion Ammo Efficiency

    Not so much a personal belief, and more of a predicted result. Your proposed system for ammo management I can only see being used for repacking magazines, which in my reply I've already proposed a simplified version for. Scavenging ammo from magazines, again, will be more tedious and time...
  25. Exnem

    Server Suggestion Ammo Efficiency

    That's the fun part. You don't. The point of ammo is to use it. Scavenging from magazines is inefficient and a big waste of time, because at the end of the day you're going to be reloading the same mags again with fresh ammo anyway. You can already unload a gun by taking the mag out though. I...
  26. Exnem

    Server Suggestion Ammo Efficiency

    The simplest solution is to just have magazines fill from ammo boxes first, same type magazines secondary, and same ammo magazines as a tertiary choice. Dragging mags onto others to fill them is just going to be tedious and excessive. You'd go to drag a mag over another, its filled by the...
  27. Exnem

    Server Suggestion Ammo Efficiency

    Couldn't you just make it so that if you have half-used mags but no ammo in your inventory, you just repack your mags the same way you fill water from one container to the other? You just click on it the same way you fill mags from boxes. This would completely remove the need for extracting ammo...
  28. Exnem


  29. Exnem

    Ban Apology (Admin meeting)

    You have been unbanned. Tread lightly. I trust you've learned something from this experience, and focus on keeping yourself out of trouble. Make a report in-game if you don't quite understand how to handle a situation, or just want rule guidance.
  30. Exnem

    Ban Apology (Admin meeting)

    You can just click the edit button at the bottom of your post to make changes next time.