Search results

  1. Exnem

    Ban Apology (@Exnem)

    Seeing as you tried to fix your mistake immediately when you realized that you had made one, I'm going to reduce your ban to 3 weeks. Your ban will expire in 8 days on 05/12/2022
  2. Exnem

    Ban Dispute (Exnem)

    Additionally, in the logs it is shown that through multiple seconds of firing your AK, you hit several people not only intentionally, but as collateral damage with no regard for who was actually involved in whatever shootout you saw fit to join. You had no stakes in the shootout, you arrived in...
  3. Exnem

    Been a while since I posted any sort of video. If my time here has taught me anything, it is that I am very good at dying from retarded angles and failing the easiest of kills. Frankly I never learn, and my aim hasn't gotten any better over the years. This is as good as it gets. Sometimes, it's...
  4. Exnem

    Ban Apology (Exnem)

    Try not to disconnect with an open report on you next time. You have been unbanned.
  5. Exnem

    Favourite Drinks people?

    And to think, this thread was made purely to get the forum and discord reward. Most effective forum post by a new player I must say.
  6. Exnem

    Favourite Drinks people?

    peach iced tea
  7. Exnem

    Server Suggestion [Suggestion] DNA Tool

    Your name is not tied to any kind of murder if you didn't shoot anyone with that gun. It will only show who last touched the item. It does not mean you are at all involved in a murder for selling the weapon, plus there'd be a rough date and time (I've added this to the suggestion) on the print...
  8. Exnem

    Server Suggestion [Suggestion] DNA Tool

    Suggestion Title: [Suggestion] DNA Tool Suggestion Description: Allow the DNA tool to identify the last 3 people who interacted with a gun, melee or grenade. You'd get a similar popup to the one that appears now, but it will show "fingerprints" of the last 3 people who interacted with the item...
  9. Exnem

    Ban Apology (@Exnem)

    Ellie has spoken to you for hours about 3.4, yet you never seem to learn. Whilst you may be sorry for your actions, I cannot accept this as I don't actually believe you are sorry, and it is more likely than not that you'll repeat your behavior. Reviewed with @Ellie.
  10. Exnem

    Ban Apology (Exnem)

    Your actions that day caused a ripple effect. You shot the mayor, which set her back 30 minutes of playtime to respawn, re-apply and hopefully get re-elected as mayor. The paramedic lost 250 job XP when being killed, and at that time of day, cost him around 30 minutes of playtime with the low...
  11. Exnem

    Action Request (S)

    Situation handled in-game.
  12. Exnem

    Action Request (Dingus)

    @lencz in this situation fined you and the two other people on-scene for the firearms transportation charges, which completely invalidates your belief that you were given preferrential treatment. Your firearm was confiscated for violating law 7.6 for a second time. To top this off, lencz gave...
  13. Exnem

    Action Request (Dingus)

    @Mr.Hyde can you explain your actions as seen in the video?
  14. Exnem

    Refund Request (SPECIALIST)

    1x Remington 870 (6/6) 12x Cocaine Seeds 12x Gardening Pot Contact an Administrator in-game via a report (F6) to receive your items.
  15. Exnem


  16. Exnem


  17. Exnem


  18. Exnem


  19. Exnem

    Refund Request (magrio)

    The item has been tracked down and returned in-game.
  20. Exnem

    grats g

    grats g
  21. Exnem

    Server Suggestion Automatically disable Whisper after some time

    Although I've upvoted this, I personally have no issue dealing with accidentally whispering. The blue voice icon is extremely obvious and I immediately know I need to change voice mode if I want to be heard at any useful range. It's still a good idea to have some sort of auto-unwhisper function...
  22. Exnem

    [SPOILER] This aged well.

    This aged well.
  23. Exnem

    You're cursed man. [IMG] I had to do it again.

    You're cursed man. I had to do it again.
  24. Exnem

    Why did I have to confirm liking one of your posts. Are you protected or something? [IMG]

    Why did I have to confirm liking one of your posts. Are you protected or something?
  25. Exnem

    Ban Apology (Exnem)

    This has already been denied. Making any more apologies will result in the same outcome. You only just got banned, give it at least a week before you make another appeal.
  26. Exnem

    How do people have gun skins / skin packs ?

    They're skins made by some of the players here. They either made it themselves, or had it shared to them by their friend.
  27. Exnem

    Server Suggestion Police computer in PD sentencing room (forgot it's name)

    Just remove the wall and the quarter wall connected to the ceiling, leaving just the counter for cover perhaps?
  28. Exnem

    Server Suggestion Police computer in PD sentencing room (forgot it's name)

    Can't we just have police be able to press R on a chair and force a suspect off the same way you'd do with a car?
  29. Exnem

    Server Suggestion Police computer in PD sentencing room (forgot it's name)

    I think an alternative solution to this could be to make the processing area slightly bigger, add benches, and make the sentencing window show the player you're sentencing's record when you select their name. On the right hand side you'd see their history, and if they're warranted just like in...
  30. Exnem

    Community Project Zomboid

    Randomly generated the Penguinz0 style when I created my character.