Action Request (Dingus)

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Reaction score
Your Steam Name: lencz
Your Roleplay Name: Terrence Smith
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:73112972

Player's Steam Name: Dingus
Player's Roleplay Name: Renzo Novator
Player's SteamID: STEAM_0:0:43996678

Why should this player be punished?: Player broke 2.5 and 3.4 by killing me for giving them a ticket (7.6 Transport of Offensive Weapons) and then after they failed to store the firearm for a prolonged amount of time (a bit more than 4 minutes) I confiscated the firearm. Instead of storing the firearm as instructed by me, they decided to argue/threaten over what would happen if they were to become the mayor. After I left Bazaar as the situation was concluded I responded to a different incident after which I ended up at City Hall, where I tried tending to a RTC victim, but was killed by Dingus.

Context to what happened prior:
I got a Life Alert and responded to Bazaar Code 3, upon arriving I took over the scene and ruled it out as a Self Defence. Out of 4 cuffed suspects I determined two had a reason to carry their firearm for Self Defence. The two others I ticketed for 7.6 Transport of Offensive Weapons and told everyone to store their guns as soon as possible.

Some timestamps:
0:00 Context of the incident I responded to.
0:22 Me issuing 2x tickets for 7.6 Transport of Offensive Weapons
0:33 Arguing
4:46 Firearm Confiscation
6:16 My death

If further clarification is needed, I'm happy to provide it.

Evidence Link:
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Absolutely, I can also share my point of view here:

After being fined for a crime I didn´t commit that happened in front of me, I tried to talk and explain to the officer it was not a just cause and to please remove the fine.

Instead, shortly after, I was the only person he confiscated the gun, for speaking up. No one else had the same treatment.

Since he added insult on top of injury , and committed such corrupt actions, I warned him various times that there would be consequences. Ignoring my demands, and displaying such blatant arrogance , instead of coming to good terms and concluding with a positive outcome, he pushed me even further with these provocations, so as you can see in the video, I decided that I would have to take matters into my own hands.

Since I was not voted mayor, I couldn´t find any diplomatic alternatives, I announced at the bazaar the vendetta and proceeded to find him.
I honestly believe he deserved it, since I never had such an issue with any officer up to now, I thought It would teach him a lesson and show that such corruption would have an effect on citizens of paralakes, roleplaying the situation as best as possible.

I would gladly know if there are any mistakes, but I played it out as best as possible inside the rules, and I believe I had quite a few reasons to do what I did, and I think so does Terrence Smith deep inside.

Best Regards, Renzo Novatore.
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I honestly believe he deserved it, since I never had such an issue with any officer up to now, I thought It would teach him a lesson and show that such corruption would have an effect on citizens of paralakes, roleplaying the situation as best as possible.
I told you that if you felt like I did something wrong, you can make an IA complaint, you knew my badge number and my name. If you had an issue this is a place to complain about me.
I would gladly know if there are any mistakes, but I played it out as best as possible inside the rules, and I believe I had quite a few reasons to do what I did, and I think so does Terrence Smith.
You can't kill an officer for simply doing their job even if you think they did their job incorrectly.
No one else had the same treatment.
Cigma Balls - Sarah dropped their gun for sale and was fined same as you.
Lemon Car - Karl went into back of their shop so I gave them benefit of the doubt, that the gun was stored.
bopiing - Bill left and I was fine with that, and same as with Karl I gave him benefit of the doubt that he would store it.
You on the other failed to even attempt to store your firearm and engaged me in a 4 minute long monologue conversation.

After being fined for a crime I didn´t commit that happened in front of me,
I didn't fine you for anything having to do with the murder/self defence. You were found, due to a coincidence (you being GP by another officer and having to surrender), in possession of a firearm, which I decided was you breaking the law 7.6.

P.S the video is not accessible.
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I told you that if you felt like I did something wrong, you can make an IA complaint, you knew my badge number and my name. If you had an issue this is a place to complain about me.
I know this would be the outcome you would want the most because it is convenient for you, but if you do this to a criminal, they wouldn´t behave this way. On the other hand if I was voted mayor it would of gone in a very different direction.
You can't kill an officer for simply doing their job even if its .
You didn´t do your job, you bent the law in your favor, and after trying to simply speak to you, I got even more punished. Giving more reasons for the vendetta.
Cigma Balls - Sarah dropped their gun for sale and was fined same as you.
Lemon Car - Karl went into back of their shop so I gave them benefit of the doubt, that the gun was stored.
bopiing - Bill left and I was fine with that, and same as with Karl I gave him benefit of the doubt that he would store it.
You on the other failed to even attempt to store your firearm and engaged me in a 4 minute long monologue conversation.
You did not even search or speak to anyone else during the whole time because I was the one getting your attention, calling you out. Instead of actually trying to make amends you made the situation even worse by giving me the such a special treatment. I was trying to talk some sense into you and didn´t listen or care, thinking you would get away with anything you do just because you are the law, but obviously as you can see citizens can end up becoming your enemies instead of friends for your actions.
I didn't fine you for anything having to do with the murder/self defence. You were found, due to a coincidence (you being GP by another officer and having to surrender), in possession of a firearm, which I decided was you breaking the law 7.6.
I was a bystander that had nothing to do with the situation, I cooperated and you still fined me. Even after trying to explain to you the situation you didn´t want to listen and got punished even more for interacting with you, this is not how the police force should behave in my opinion.

P.S. ( be patient with the video since its still processing)

Best Regards.
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@lencz in this situation fined you and the two other people on-scene for the firearms transportation charges, which completely invalidates your belief that you were given preferrential treatment.
Your firearm was confiscated for violating law 7.6 for a second time. To top this off, lencz gave you ample opportunity, and a lawful order, to seek out a proper storage medium to stow your firearm into within a completely reasonable timeframe.
In this situation, he gave everybody involved the opportunity to fall in compliance with law 7.6

lencz was completely within his right to charge you for this. Law 7.6 explicitly states;

"A person does not act unlawfully under articles 7.3, 7.4 or 7.5 if they are transporting an offensive weapon in a way that is direct and immediate between places of secure storage, such as a vehicle trunk or storage chest."
This means that the law does not support your continued bazaar walk-around to continue shopping or hang around. The wording of law 7.6 is taken literally here, and taking detours or time away from following this law to either argue or do something else means you commit an offense. When you've been given an order by an Officer, there are no exceptions to this law.

Exacting revenge on an officer solely for the loss of a firearm, and his doing his job violates Rule 2.5 and Rule 3.4. As not only is the killing completely disproportionate to your loss in this situation, the officer(s) involved are simply performing their duties. Murdering an officer, in front of the police department no less, severely jeopardizes your freedom and life over a hunk of metal and a handful of paper.

So in the interest of maintaining roleplay of good quality on the server, firing at officers over minor interactions that don't already put your life or freedom at significant risk is not allowed as defined within the aformentioned rules.

To conclude this Action Request;
@Mr.Hyde. You will receive a 5 day ban for repeated violations of 3.4, and a prior violation of 2.5 within the short timeframe of November.

@lencz's actions in this situation does not violate the server rules, and therefore no action will be taken.

In addition to this, @Mr.Hyde, you raised the topic of being elected mayor and running the PD into the ground due to your distaste.
I would advise against doing so, and that you read Rule 4.1, Rule 3.5, the following terminology and Law 4.4 before considering any actions that may violate the law or our server rules.

Make an Internal Affairs Complaint if you believe lencz's treatment of you was in violation of department SOP, policy or law.
lencz's information:
PLPD Username: ✪ lencz
Steam Username: lencz
Roleplay name: Terrence Smith
Badge number: 9074

Here are the server rules:
Here are the server laws:

If you feel this ruling is incorrect, feel free to bring relevant evidence and create a dispute here:
Reviewed with @Valentine
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