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  1. torbizzle

    Rule Changes and 3.4 poll - 28/07/2024

    what are you supposed to do then? sell 100 cocaine 10 times over? even if dd is at subs storage that'd take ages
  2. torbizzle

    Rule Changes and 3.4 poll - 28/07/2024

    yeah let me just grind hours upon hours to get to 1k cocaine just to get mugged at dd by a bunch of hooligans with PPKs when I have a fully automatic SMG just because they outnumber me 3-1
  3. torbizzle


    he'd be able to contribute so much with his special eyes, this is an un-refusable applicant unlike @Dave's half-blind dumbass
  4. torbizzle

    Police Suggestion RTU Wrenches

    tbf you could just go buy some wrenches from the gas station, they're hella cheap and you only need a few of them
  5. torbizzle

    still in a better org than you

    still in a better org than you
  6. torbizzle

    Refund Request (qaanaaq)

  7. torbizzle

    Refund Request (qaanaaq)

    Your Steam Name: qaanaaq Your Roleplay Name: Torben Hans Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:186565557 Reason for Request: Sweater RDMed me Requested Items: 1X SW Model 500 Evidence Type: Authorised by Staff Member Staff Member: @Erwin
  8. torbizzle

    happy birth

    happy birth
  9. torbizzle

    Server Suggestion Drug Use
  10. torbizzle

    arma reforger review

    even a nasa pc wouldn't be able to handle arma 3 antistasi with 5k render distance
  11. torbizzle

    arma reforger review

    try and have more than 20 fps in any arma game challenge (impossible)
  12. torbizzle

    arma reforger review

    real, 85% of my hours on arma 3 are in antistasi
  13. torbizzle

    arma reforger review

    arma 3 will forever be on top
  14. torbizzle

    Is this RP?

    yeah yeah, ur just washed
  15. torbizzle

    roadcrew montage

    this video is peak perp gameplay idk what ur on about
  16. torbizzle

    What's your fav story game?

    indeed, iirc I'm more or less maxed out on every single thing in the game, missing some DLCs & that's it I believe
  17. torbizzle

    What's your fav story game?

    Assassin's creed games imo, especially black flag, unity & valhalla
  18. torbizzle

    Theft of a Motor Vehicle

    As goonsberg mentioned above, the reward is crazy good & it's relatively low risk depending on which time of day you do it at & if you're a shit driver or not. Not to mention some cops genuinely don't know what to charge car thieves with, I've seen multiple occasions of sweater cops charging car...
  19. torbizzle

    Police Suggestion SO/CPL TFOs being able to battering ram doors

    Exactly, TFU isn't easy to get & personally I have never seen anyone abuse it. We'll see what the policy board think though
  20. torbizzle

    Police Suggestion SO/CPL TFOs being able to battering ram doors

    Suggestion Title: SO/CPL TFOs being able to battering ram doors Suggestion Description: Give SO/CPL TFOs (in gear) permission to battering ram doors of unwarranted people, we're already entrusted with being able to C2 unwarranted peoples' doors, I don't see why we shouldn't be entrusted to...
  21. torbizzle

    Server Suggestion Snipers

    This isn't to mention that heavy tfu is already slower than crims afaik
  22. torbizzle

    thanks man

    thanks man
  23. torbizzle

    a goodbye. for now.

    csgo was goated, cs2 is shit r6 would be a good game too, if it wasn't ubisoft that owns it
  24. torbizzle

    PERPHeads Performance Guide (2024)

    pretty please ctrl c ctrl v the insides of ur autoexec cfg file
  25. torbizzle

    Free multiplayer games on steam

    totally accurate battlegrounds is super fun w friends, though depending on ur region & what time ur playing 90% of the time if u want short queues you'll need to queue vs squads on EU servers (from my experience)
  26. torbizzle

    happy birth

    happy birth
  27. torbizzle

    What is the worst scandinavian language?

    I can ensure u, no scandinavians care - we fuck w each other for a living