Server Suggestion Drug Use

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Suggestion Title: Drug Use
Suggestion Description: Currently, using drugs to help in criminal activity is very rare.

Simply enabling players to go above the 5 genetic limit through drug use would make it worth the trade off during criminal activity while keeping the risk of overdose as an equalizer.

An example would be in taking Alcohol or Mushrooms while in foot pursuit to have better stamina due to increased dexterity.

Additionally, I always hoped meth would have a better reason for personal use beyond just “increased strength,” personally I would say it’s better to make it better Dexterity; Strength and Regeneration as to crown it the raiding drug where criminals can use it if they know their limit and don’t mind the heavy visual downside it can bring.

Why should this be added?:
- Give a motivating reason to cook meth for players
- Add a new dynamic to crime
- Make fights more interesting with a fresh spin on an implemented mechanic

What negatives could this have?:
- meth part can be seen as OP, especially if the player is at 5/5 on all 3 already

What problem would this suggestion solve?: Drug use is rarely done and cooking meth is often not done due to the intense manual labor required, this offers to fix both of those issues while hoping to enhance the enjoyability of crime.
I swear it already works like this? Meth with 5/5 strength boosts it beyond 5.
This is already a thing, I did this at someone's fight club not long ago disguised as a sweater

Also add addiction to it. If you do it to often or to much you get addicted and it will decrease your gens untill you use some more drugs.
This is already a thing, I did this at someone's fight club not long ago disguised as a sweater

Maybe what we're missing is like an in-game item guide. Like a book you pull out, which is searchable to help newer (and even experienced players as I did not know drugs give you any benefits).
I guess the meth use benefit change then would realistically be the only proposed change. It certainly is a welcome change in my opinion and it would give the needed motivation to Invest the manual labor into cooking meth in game.

Furthermore, @Rick F. ‘S addiction system seems VERY intriguing to me because the natural result would actually be that surviving raiders would seek meth and thus a player-ran drug market is born. Definitely needs to be thoroughly laid out in how it would work but it sounds like a very cool idea.
This is such a nice suggestion! Some one also mentioned that addiction feature should be implemented and it would reduce stat points if not using.
This seems like a great suggestion, I'd definitely support this. As both Rick F. and Buddie suggested, adding an addiction feature would be good as well, possibly a withdrawals feature too. The longer you go without the drug, the more severe the impact on your stats are, you start losing health, losing stamina quicker, you have to eat and drink more to sustain normal levels of satisfying your hunger and thirst. This would also motivate players who are suffering from addiction to the drug to go out to raid more of these meth labs or raid / rob the general public for money to fuel their habit.

Alternatively, if you had the funds, you could go the hospital and buy prescription drugs to help you with the withdrawal effects. But these prescription drugs would be 20 times the price compared to creating / buying the meth instead.
I will personally stop every bit of graphic work I'm doing to make perp cali packs textures if you rework the weed system so people can smoke it and do more than sell it to dd

Could have benefits having junkies on perpheads

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