PERPHeads Performance Guide (2024)

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Hi all. I want to make a performance guide because I feel like I've tuned my game quite well to the point where I can almost always maintain 100+ FPS, save for some edge cases that only happen on full player count.

My computer's setup is as follows:

Gigabyte B550M Aorus Elite motherboard
Ryzen 7 5800X 8-Core processor
32.0 GB of 3200mHz RAM
Windows 10 Pro Build 19045

I have my own autoexec that is a mishmash of commands that give me a performance boost one way or another. If you'd like, you can use mine. Or you can look for others on the internet and use those. These don't work for everyone, but it should work for most people. To install an autoexec, ensure the file itself is called autoexec.cfg. Then navigate to your game's directory using the same method from the previous section. Then navigate to garrysmod\cfg, and put the autoexec in there. Then, go to your Steam library, right click on Garry's Mod, then click on Properties. You should see a command line text field where you can put in commands for launch options. Put "+exec autoexec" in there to ensure the autoexec actually executes every time you open your game.

// multicore
gmod_mcore_test 1
mat_queue_mode 2
cl_threaded_bone_setup 1
cl_threaded_client_leaf_system 1
r_threaded_client_shadow_manager 1
r_threaded_particles 1
r_threaded_renderables 1
r_queued_ropes 1
studio_queue_mode 1
host_flush_threshold 0
cl_particle_batch_mode 1

// material
mat_specular 1
mat_disable_lightwarp 1
mat_filterlightmaps 0

// props and lighting
r_drawmodeldecals 0
r_lightaverage 0
r_3dsky 0
r_drawdetailprops 0
r_radiosity 4

// misc
fps_max 0
jpeg_quality 100


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If only there was a way to increase resource allocation for an application without use of third party software. . . It's crazy how they didn't think of that
Deadass? elaborate
I hate the UX and overall look of the software. This doesn't mean I think GeForce Experience is any better (matter of fact, I debloat my drivers using NVCleanstall), but their recent reboot of GeForce Experience already looks miles better than anything AMD has for their GPUs, in my opinion. Also, while NVIDIA doesn't open-source anything they do (huge bummer), it doesn't necessarily apply to me so I don't care. NVIDIA is better for me because it's better for workstation activities like 3D rendering or anything 3D related, and I also like having RTX and DLSS as it speeds up my games and makes them look better.
This is great, but I’m more wondering why do you have a RTX 3060 over a 6700 XT
as much as a AMD fanboy I was with my RX 580 and Sapphire Nitro 5700XT for several years I haven't looked back ever since I got a 3080. Honestly it's just way better software, drivers and way less problems over all.

Sure you get more bang for your buck but it's not worth the headache. My many problems in Tarkov were fixed just by switching to Nvidia, every wipe brought some new problem with the biggest being 0% GPU usage and VRAM usage hitting above 8GB on low texture settings where it even accesses my page file as I run out of RAM to use as VRAM.

Only thing I miss from AMD software is Wattman. Having built in overclocking (I primarily used it for undervolting which is really good on AMD) is something I miss on Nvidia along with adjustable fan curves on a official level.

oh yeah and my AMD software would occasionally uninstall so I couldn't access any of its features so I had to do clean re-installs.
I hate the UX and overall look of the software. This doesn't mean I think GeForce Experience is any better (matter of fact, I debloat my drivers using NVCleanstall), but their recent reboot of GeForce Experience already looks miles better than anything AMD has for their GPUs, in my opinion. Also, while NVIDIA doesn't open-source anythign they do (huge bummer), it doesn't necessarily apply to me so I don't care. NVIDIA is better for me because it's better for workstation activities like 3D rendering or anything 3D related, and I also like having RTX and DLSS as it speeds up my games and makes them look better.
The last part worries me though. I did RTX on my 6600 so I think RTX should be possible on a 6700 XT?

Also like sure DLSS is good, but isn’t FSR just better? Especially the 3.0 model?
Sure you get more bang for your buck but it's not worth the headache. My many problems in Tarkov were fixed just by switching to Nvidia, every wipe brought some new problem with the biggest being 0% GPU usage and VRAM usage hitting above 8GB on low texture settings where it even accesses my page file as I run out of RAM to use as VRAM.
That sounds terrible. I really want to try to conserve the spending on a new GPU, do you think it’s still worth getting a 6700 XT? I can’t afford a 3080 rn and the next best thing is a 3070. The market is 480$ or at least 400$ on new egg for a 6700 XT anyway while a 3070 is only $425.

Granted the 3070 has 4 less GB VRAM.

I didn’t even know the issue I replied to exists and that might’ve been the cause for my performance loss in the past games I played using my 6600

What would you recommend?
That sounds terrible. I really want to try to conserve the spending on a new GPU, do you think it’s still worth getting a 6700 XT? I can’t afford a 3080 rn and the next best thing is a 3070. The market is 480$ or at least 400$ on new egg for a 6700 XT anyway while a 3070 is only $425.

Granted the 3070 has 4 less GB VRAM.

I didn’t even know the issue I replied to exists and that might’ve been the cause for my performance loss in the past games I played using my 6600

What would you recommend?
Look into the used market. GPU's don't really degrade that quickly and you should be fine, only thing you're missing out on is warranty.

If you really want new and money is a concern go with AMD.
That sounds terrible. I really want to try to conserve the spending on a new GPU, do you think it’s still worth getting a 6700 XT? I can’t afford a 3080 rn and the next best thing is a 3070. The market is 480$ or at least 400$ on new egg for a 6700 XT anyway while a 3070 is only $425.

Granted the 3070 has 4 less GB VRAM.

I didn’t even know the issue I replied to exists and that might’ve been the cause for my performance loss in the past games I played using my 6600

What would you recommend?
literally anything after 30 series, don't f yourself cus of budget
Look into the used market. GPU's don't really degrade that quickly and you should be fine, only thing you're missing out on is warranty.

If you really want new and money is a concern go with AMD.
And if I go with used, a 3070 is better in my case to avoid the problems? I mean it supposedly performs better than a 6700 XT and costs less anyway at the moment

i might upgrade to a 4060 to keep things low cost if it’s compatible

My cpu is a Ryzen 5 3600