Search results

  1. Hayden

  2. [MEDIA]

  3. [MEDIA]

  4. Happy birthday karma whore

    Happy birthday karma whore
  5. Map ideas needed

    Lots of people mentioning puffer mart. While this is in no way a complete design, I did essentially replace puffer with a dummy building for this mock up that could be replaced with anything. I personally perfer this layout as it adds another road, increases useable space, and kinda livens up...
  6. I feel educated

    I feel educated
  7. [IMG] missing out on the fun m8

    missing out on the fun m8
  8. yeah fuck you @Brandito

    yeah fuck you @Brandito
  9. what about perc 31 tho ?????????????????????

    what about perc 31 tho ?????????????????????
  10. fellow 240 chad i see?

    fellow 240 chad i see?
  11. Ban Apology (blackdown!!)

    Originally I had unbanned you since I figured you by yourself instead of with all your other friends wouldn’t be as destructive, but nothing had changed! Hopefully these messages will help you remember!
  12. Nostalgia trip and my goodbye

    Thanks for all the fun with Minecraft :)
  13. ez

  14. Ban Apology (Nutrient10, Super)

    I really don't see any need to go full dive into this entire story when the majority of what you say is completely warped. I was entirely unaware that you did not want your name to be shared as this was not the nature of the conversation, me saying your name to you was in no way meant to cause...
  15. Lua Bug Report (First aid kit lets you look through walls)

    Type of Bug: Lua Description of the Bug: First aid kit lets you look through walls How to reproduce the Bug: Equip a first aid kit and stand close to the wall, you can see the dots on the people behind it. Also works with doors. Radio in so police can wallbang. Media:
  16. miss talking with your girlfriend hmu im in Alabama right now buying guns

    miss talking with your girlfriend hmu im in Alabama right now buying guns
  17. Resignation! Thanks for a great 2 years :)

    much respect, being staff with you in 2014 and again in 2021 was a blast. Really happy to see someone from so long ago come back and have such an impact. Keep it up as SM and Chief, you're really doing a great job :)!
  18. Resignation! Thanks for a great 2 years :)

    where is my 1m you bastard
  19. Resignation! Thanks for a great 2 years :)

    Hey everyone, So it is no surprise that I have been quite inactive! With corona coming to a close in America (lol not really tho) much of my time is spent out of the house and I really don't have much time to jump on Perpheads or interact with the community at all, to be honest, I'm just...
  20. i mean its time for flugs to resing jeez get a hold of yourselves

    i mean its time for flugs to resing jeez get a hold of yourselves
  21. Time to resign

    Time to resign
  22. literally reported

    literally reported
  23. happy birthday mate

    happy birthday mate
  24. you aot mf be like [SPOILER]

    you aot mf be like
  25. god why

    god why
  26. [IMG]

  27. Mazda Furai Raffle

    STEAM_0:0:51410733 mcdonalds
  28. get off my case, creep

    get off my case, creep
  29. happy birthday mate

    happy birthday mate