Ban Apology (Nutrient10, Super)

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Reaction score
Punishment Type: Ban
Appeal Type: Apology
Which staff member issued the punishment?: Nutrient10, Super
How long were you banned/blacklisted for?: Permanent

Your Steam Name: Suspine
Your Roleplay Name: Matteo Sanchez
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:76865063

Why were you banned/blacklisted?: 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.5 - Leaking and/or attempting to gain personal details of another player(s). Also contacted a player involved in this situation and began to be incredibly discriminatory and disrespectful to an extremely disgusting extent. These actions will not be tolerated. Also continuing to be slanderous towards staff and making libellous accusations. Extended to Permanent - Community Wide Ban

Why should this appeal be considered?: I was originally banned because LilChicken had posted a youtube video reporting me and it was under his IRL name. The link was then sent to me. I admittingly accidentally said his name in a TeamSpeak call with myself and another staff member in it. Although I think my ban was biased and unfair, My response was inappropriate and unacceptable. After I was banned I made several insulting, and derogatory comments towards LilChiken and Nutrient because of their personal relationship. Even though I feel LilChicken was purposely pushing my buttons in order to get reactions out of me, the way I responded was hateful and unfair towards him and Nutrient for that I apologize for acting in such a way. I was banned in 2020, coming up on two years ago and at that time I was an immature high school student who thought it was funny to poke fun at people for having different lifestyles. Since the time I was banned I've matured as a person and am now a sophomore in college and working full time as an EMT.

Although I could argue that there was a bias in my ban because LilChiken waited a month for Nutrient to become active again to ban me, I am not appealing the ban, I am apologizing for my hateful actions. These comments were disgusting and disrespectful towards Nutrient and Lilchicken including their personal life, and extremely uncalled for especially in a Garrysmod community.

I also apologize to @Collier @blackdown for causing such a situation that involved you two in the middle of it as you were both present in some of the conversations.

Additional Information: I am truly sorry and am asking for a second chance,
How about we start with an honest version of events so we can accurately sum up what you did in relation to your punishment? So, this all started with @Shay sharing a video with you despite specifically being told not to, Shay was evidently at fault for this and has since apologised as it was a genuine mistake. You took it upon yourself to record my name on your phone (in-game) through your own admission. This is very weird and the type of behaviour I'd expect from a CWB'd individual. Fast forward maybe a few months and we arrive in a Teamspeak 3 Channel in the (an epic Garry's mod community)'s server.

@blackdown started things off by saying my name to me, this was completely unwarranted, and was very alarming that a staff member would seek to break 1.5 in the server they're supposed to be a Moderator (at the time) of. You then took it one step further and sought my full name from your records (again very weird) @blackdown didn't take any action at all and immediately a staff complaint was made on him. Due to multiple failings on the part of @Madda (who was SA at the time), no action was taken against @blackdown because @Madda neglected to fully review the evidence I had provided him with (including Blackdown's admission that he had found my Facebook). Following this was a series of weird remarks from both of you and I especially remember @blackdown calling me "LilCutie" in relation to my Facebook Profile Picture

Given that you had admitted to several rule breaches and @blackdown had taken no action I had recorded the entire exchange with the view of sending the evidence to a member of Senior Administration for review. I also provided the evidence to @nutrient10 who issued you with your initial ban after seeking advice from an admin this was agreed to and you were given an initial ban on which the length was also agreed to by the same admin.

@nutrient10 was spoken to by @Collier and @Madda but they kept the ban in place and your dispute was denied so you can't really claim that you didn't do anything wrong nor was any bias present.

You didn't seem to appreciate being banned for whatever reason and then decided to go on a rampage targeting both me and @nutrient10 with disgusting hate speech. You also sought to create fake social media profiles to contact me, and you also admitted there was a second party to the account (part of the reason you were permanently banned was that you refused to give up this second person's name.) You are overall an individual with a disgusting attitude and an inability to conduct yourself properly. Your actions and attitude throughout the period immediately after your ban was deeply disturbing and you should never be unbanned. You may have shared blame with @blackdown for the 1.5 and if it was just that I would agree you should be unbanned however it was your clear determination to cause upset and harm, your inability to just accept your punishment and move on which leaves me wanting your permanent ban to stay permanent.
I really don't see any need to go full dive into this entire story when the majority of what you say is completely warped. I was entirely unaware that you did not want your name to be shared as this was not the nature of the conversation, me saying your name to you was in no way meant to cause any harm or malice but as simple joking around. However, it did not stop there. You at no point attempted to inform both me or Suspine that you were not comfortable with your name being shared, therefore I obviously was not going to take any immediate action during the situation. Additionally, it is entirely false that I called you "LilCutie" based on seeing your face. I had not seen your face or any other social media of yours until months later when Suspine made said social media account and posted your face. Me calling you LilCutie was literally just a fucking joke and you continue to try to leech off of that to promote me as some sort of pedophile, it was a joke do not accuse me of this anymore.

You only informed me after that the use of your name had made you uncomfortable and from there I apologized to you directly and sat with you on teamspeak for an hour trying to sort the situation out with you so that I could better understand what to do next to deal with this whole situation. Making a staff complaint was in no way the wrong choice in this situation, you are always entitled to make one. That being said, both Madda and Collier were present for the staff complaint when they were talking with me, and suggesting that they failed to investigate properly because you didn't receive the desired outcome is just bland.

I'm not going to comment on Suspines actions as overall I agree that he took the whole situation way too far and has earned his punishment. But I am not going to just sit around and let you follow me on perp calling me a pedophile for months on end, tell other people that I am a pedophile behind my back, and continue to bring my involvement in this situation up with an altered story. Honestly, it makes me extremely uncomfortable and unsafe within the community at times, and I will not stand for this.

I will 100% take responsibility for my actions and I have many times said that I was in the wrong and I should have stopped the situation and I was dealt with accordingly for failing to do that. I will say it once again, I am sorry that this happened, I am glad that at least for a period of time this situation appeared resolved and you felt safe within the community again.
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