Search results

  1. SamSN

    Ban Dispute (Ellie Gempost)

    I see, what software are you using to do this if you don't mind me asking? I'm very curious how it can decide what files are and aren't necessary.
  2. SamSN

    Ban Dispute (Ellie Gempost)

    This server requires that demos aren't disabled and are not deleted before 21 days since they were recorded, if they have not been kept for this time period this dispute may be denied for lack of evidence and you won't be allowed to play until the issue has been rectified regardless of the...
  3. SamSN


  4. SamSN

    Thanks helper

    Thanks helper
  5. SamSN

    Rule Suggestion (3.7 Properties)

    This specific thing was brought up for discussion in an staff meeting fairly recently, the conclusion being that player-made shops within the walkways of bazaar shop be prohibited for a number of reasons. As I mentioned in the report following today's shop removal, this exception is one of the...
  6. SamSN

    Ban Apology (Bnjeman)

  7. SamSN

    Dumb rejected petitions on Parliament petitions website.

    You're one to talk
  8. SamSN

    happy birthday ficklestein

    happy birthday ficklestein
  9. SamSN

    Here we all are mocking @Megasaw and all this time you're the real staff team furry :facepalm:

    Here we all are mocking @Megasaw and all this time you're the real staff team furry :facepalm:
  10. SamSN

    I think you can have him back

    I think you can have him back
  11. SamSN

    Ban Dispute (Ellie, Sindarin)

    If you believe that any of the staff members involved acted improperly beyond the issuance of this ban you are welcome to make a staff complaint. As for the actual ban, you very clearly attempted to mock @Ellie's voice when she asked you if you knew what metagaming was, which is a undeniable...
  12. SamSN

    Ban Apology (SamSN)

  13. SamSN

    Disposable vapes to be banned

    Unfortuantely we don't live in a world where all parents are responsible and good at parenting or even give a fuck, they can't be wholly trusted to teach their children and enforce their behaviors. At what point does this end? Should we remove restrictions on tobacco and alcohol on the basis...
  14. SamSN

    Disposable vapes to be banned

    I don't know where tf you live but I don't think it is an accurate representation of the rest of the country.
  15. SamSN

    Disposable vapes to be banned

    You think that a tobacco shop is going to refuse sale to a random underage teen seeking out the product? Just because they were born after a set date? We should legalise heroine, absolute nonsense, just creates a monopoly scheme for anyone who is willing break this stupid law to sell heroine...
  16. SamSN

    How to 'play' Perpheads on a Steamdeck

    tbf would probably perform better than his main PC too!
  17. SamSN

    "We need a furry update" -Megasaw

    "We need a furry update" -Megasaw
  18. SamSN

    Ban Dispute (Megasaw)

  19. SamSN

    @Collier says you're a furry, can you confirm?

    @Collier says you're a furry, can you confirm?
  20. SamSN

    Server Blacklist Apology (SamSN)

  21. SamSN

    Ban Dispute (ellie)

    Indeed the police were all dead by the time you had arrived. You have an obligation to ensure you have a good reason to kill someone before you do so, this person was not visibly armed when you shot them and killing someone as a preventative measure in this scenario is not allowed. You were...
  22. SamSN

    Ban Dispute (ellie)

    Please provide your demo of this situation, which will be perpheads_demo_2024-1-13 20-01-19.dem There is a guide on doing so here: - I would recommend uploading to
  23. SamSN

    Ban Apology (Super_)

  24. SamSN

    Ban Apology (Super_)

  25. SamSN

    Ban Apology (SamSN)

    The signature sold it ngl
  26. SamSN

    Ban Apology (SamSN)

    Nowhere in this apology do you actually apologise, if you want to dispute the reasoning for your ban feel free to make a ban dispute. I would recommend taking the time to read through the main text of both of these rules, as your comments here have made it very clear that you read the example...
  27. SamSN

    You're 14.

    You're 14.
  28. SamSN

    cutest perpheads player

    Get scammed
  29. SamSN

    cutest perpheads player

    Say it then I'll give you helper
  30. SamSN

    cutest perpheads player

    Can't believe nobody has said me yet