Disposable vapes to be banned

Flavoured air people are cringe
Any smoking is cringe to me.. And I still huff the flavored air because I gave myself an addiction.

Whilst I don't want to control what people can or can't do, I wish these things didn't exist.
You think that a tobacco shop is going to refuse sale to a consenting adult seeking out the product? Just because they were born after a set date?
You think that a tobacco shop is going to refuse sale to a random underage teen seeking out the product? Just because they were born after a set date?

Absolute nonsense. This just creates a monopoly scheme for anyone who is willing to break this stupid law.
We should legalise heroine, absolute nonsense, just creates a monopoly scheme for anyone who is willing break this stupid law to sell heroine.

People may break laws, therefore all laws have been revoked and all crime is now legal, have fun guys!
Step foot in any residential area in the U.K. and you’ll see teenagers sparking up cigarettes en masse, cigarette to vape ratio of smoking kids is 10 to 1. Kids are all rolling their own here.
I don't know where tf you live but I don't think it is an accurate representation of the rest of the country.
It sounds like the parents need spoken to instead of banning shit.
Unfortuantely we don't live in a world where all parents are responsible and good at parenting or even give a fuck, they can't be wholly trusted to teach their children and enforce their behaviors.

At what point does this end? Should we remove restrictions on tobacco and alcohol on the basis that the parents should be teaching their children not to use them? Do we need laws at all or should the entirety of society be held to "Your parents should have told you not to do ..."? Do the "tyrant" government punish people who fail to teach these values to their children or is that overstepping too?
I don't know where tf you live but I don't think it is an accurate representation of the rest of the country.
That's because @Bnje pulled it out of his ass. In reality the proportion of children smoking tobacco has sharply decreased every year since 1982, meanwhile underage vaping has grown 50% year on year.

Current statistics (June 2023 - Action on Smoking and Health) are 7.6% of children aged 11-17 vape versus 3.7% who smoke.

Interestingly enough in 2021 disposable vapes only accounted for the source of 7.7% of underage vapes, compared to 2023 at a massive 69%!
Current statistics (June 2023 - Action on Smoking and Health) are 7.6% of children aged 11-17 vape versus 3.7% who smoke.
What are these rookie numbers. You stop drinking and smoking by the time you're 18 in the balkans.
I don't know where tf you live but I don't think it is an accurate representation of the rest of the country.
Probably not wrong to be honest, east anglia is just a shithole stuck in the past.
That's because @Bnje pulled it out of his ass. In reality the proportion of children smoking tobacco has sharply decreased every year since 1982, meanwhile underage vaping has grown 50% year on year.

Current statistics (June 2023 - Action on Smoking and Health) are 7.6% of children aged 11-17 vape versus 3.7% who smoke.

Interestingly enough in 2021 disposable vapes only accounted for the source of 7.7% of underage vapes, compared to 2023 at a massive 69%!
Sorry I don’t hang out near schools and read numbers :cool::cool::cool:

On a more serious note, My point against disposables was they were wasteful and difficult to dispose of safely. Blanket banning something intended for adult use only because kids are getting their hands on it isn’t something I feel like is a step too far before better measures are taken.

Underage vaping going up can attribute to the evolution of the E cigarette. When I was a teen, this was a disposable e cigarette:

Simple, unassuming, and obviously, supposed to emulate a cigarette. A REAL smoking substitute, offering the same experience without much more off your life. Not a very pleasant feeling, making quitting easier. In fact prior to taking up smoking I tried one similar to this, and it made me gag. These were usually made to be slim, contain as little waste as possible, and be the replacement for maybe 12 cigarettes. People used these to quit, successfully.

Now, the common ones look like this:


This would be appealing to kids, anyone with eyes can see that. Whether or not the manufacturer is intending on marketing these to children is not proven with the evidence we have, and in most cases it probably isn’t the case. The problem with these is, they’re not made to quit smoking, with the flavours and tastes of these things, they’re obviously made to replace nicotine intake with a more pleasant flavour, making “smoking“ more appealing and making you less likely to quit. Furthermore, look at the size of these things. Believe it or not, they have the same capacity as the ”Cig-a-like” ones. Unlike cig a likes, a lot of disposable vape brands aren’t offering stuff in lower nicotine count, like the cig a likes.

My problem is, Why should the former be banned because of the latter? Unfortunately, the former would also be banned alongside the latter. If a “disposable e cigarette” Is, in literal sense, an electronic cigarette, made to taste and feel like smoking a cigarette and not a pack of Parma violets mixed with corn syrup, it is a beneficial medical device for smokers, with little benefit from anyone else.

Unless the law can discern a “disposable vape” from a “Disposable E-Cigarette” by offering a legal exemption for the devices which are made to be a carbon copy of a cigarette with less harmful ingredients than tobacco smoke then the legislation is a huge L.

so conclusion vape dumb

legalise weed please
> Weed gets legalised
> Half the people who wanted it legalised are teens
> Teen weed epidemic replaces teen vaping epidemic

Maybe decriminalisation and medicinal legalisation (which is technically in the U.K. currently) is fine but sale for recreational use being an entirely legal act would be detrimental to the lesser fortunate areas of the U.K.
It sounds like the parents need spoken to instead of banning shit. People are gonna get what they want even if it's banned. Very common example drugs are banned still be used to an insane amount.
Parents of people I grew up with who started smoking at 14 gave up entirely on trying to stop their kids smoking (if they tried before) and in some cases were the ones buying them the tobacco. Parents feel like they have no obligation to enforce this. Particularly problematic when the parents themselves are heavy smokers. Maybe it’s different now, but when I was growing up, Over half the people (myself included) I grew up with were smokers by 17. We can’t solely entrust parents to make the best decisions for their children.
Sorry I don’t hang out near schools and read numbers :cool::cool::cool:

On a more serious note, My point against disposables was they were wasteful and difficult to dispose of safely. Blanket banning something intended for adult use only because kids are getting their hands on it isn’t something I feel like is a step too far before better measures are taken.

Underage vaping going up can attribute to the evolution of the E cigarette. When I was a teen, this was a disposable e cigarette:
View attachment 20764

Simple, unassuming, and obviously, supposed to emulate a cigarette. A REAL smoking replacement. In fact prior to taking up smoking I tried one similar to this, and it made me gag. These were usually made to be slim, contain as little waste as possible, and be the replacement for maybe 12 cigarettes. People used these to quit, successfully.

Now, the common ones look like this:

View attachment 20765

This would be appealing to kids, anyone with eyes can see that. Whether or not the manufacturer is intending on marketing these to children is not proven with the evidence we have, and in most cases it probably isn’t the case. The problem with these is, they’re not made to quit smoking, with the flavours and tastes of these things, they’re obviously made to replace smoking, which to many is a good thing, but you’re still addicted to them and the manufacturers know this. It makes smoking more appealing. Furthermore, look at the size of these things. Believe it or not, they have the same capacity as the ”Cig-a-like” ones. Unlike cig a likes, a lot of disposable vape brands aren’t offering stuff in lower nicotine count, like the cig a likes.

My problem is, Why should the former be banned because of the latter? Unfortunately, the former would also be banned alongside the latter. If a “disposable e cigarette” Is, in literal sense, an electronic cigarette, made to taste and feel like smoking a cigarette and not a pack of Parma violets mixed with corn syrup, it is a beneficial medical device for smokers, with little benefit from anyone else.

Unless the law can discern a “disposable vape” from a “Disposable E-Cigarette” by offering a legal exemption for the devices which are made to be a carbon copy of a cigarette with less harmful ingredients than tobacco smoke then the legislation is a huge L.

> Weed gets legalised
> Half the people who wanted it legalised are teens
> Teen weed epidemic replaces teen vaping epidemic

Maybe decriminalisation and medicinal legalisation (which is technically in the U.K. currently) is fine but sale for recreational use being an entirely legal act would be detrimental to the lesser fortunate areas of the U.K.

Parents of people I grew up with who started smoking at 14 gave up entirely on trying to stop their kids smoking (if they tried before) and in some cases were the ones buying them the tobacco. Parents feel like they have no obligation to enforce this. Particularly problematic when the parents themselves are heavy smokers. Maybe it’s different now, but when I was growing up, Over half the people (myself included) I grew up with were smokers by 17. We can’t solely entrust parents to make the best decisions for their children.
all of it is bad imo, never agreed with any of it , new types of vapes directly target children with childish marketing