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  1. Tilin

    Server Suggestion More food & drinks

    Whilst I think it would be cool, let's be fair that if they removed everything but the burgers and water, the majority wouldn't even notice...
  2. Tilin

    Ban Dispute (A1L)

    So let me get this straight. You're disputing the fact you got banned on an alt account and subsequently got banned on this one for being an alt account?
  3. Tilin

    Action Request (sasuke0115)

    Grow up.
  4. Tilin

    Action Request (Mason R)

    The player had no other choice but to try and escape certain death.
  5. Tilin

    created a perp reddit

  6. Tilin

    Server Suggestion Medics see the injury type

    Could potentially be introduced with other features that make being a medic more difficult than just point and click, which would probably tone down the significance of combat medics quite a bit.
  7. Tilin

    Server Suggestion Medics see the injury type

    Suggestion Title: Medics see the injury type Suggestion Description: Medics whilst using the first aid kit should see injury type, such as "GSW", "Stab", "Blunt-force", "Fracture" etc. This is so they can inform officers of the wound they healed, which will also better align the current rule...
  8. Tilin

    blacklist appeal

  9. Tilin

    Action Request (JediRabbit,^7ROOKIE)

    Both players were given a chance to respond to my communication and didn't. @Jason Mcmillin: Will receive a 3 day ban for 3.4 - User pulled a gun out whilst under gunpoint and shot at officers due to illegally transporting a firearm. ^7Rookie: Will receive a 5 day ban for 3.4, 3.20 - User shot...
  10. Tilin

    Action Request (EmilErSej)

    User will receive a warning for their actions.
  11. Tilin

    Action Request (JediRabbit,^7ROOKIE)

    Both users have been sent friend requests on Steam. @Jason Mcmillin and ^7ROOKIE They have 48 hours to respond
  12. Tilin

    Ban Apology (Tilin)

    If you read up on the rules before appealing, you'd know when you can actually shoot someone. Wait at least a few weeks before appealing.
  13. Tilin

    Ban Apology (Tilin)

    -ish after re-reviewing some of the things. 3.20 was removed and ban reduced by a month. If you'd like to dispute any of the other facts, you'll have to make a dispute. 3.2: At no point did you guys communicate ingame, especially when you shot up people and whilst inside your house. If you'd...
  14. Tilin

    Where do you go on vacation

    As a typical Slovenian... To the same place in Croatia since I've been born.
  15. Tilin

    Action Request (EmilErSej)

    @MushiKushinuki Can you explain why you killed them?
  16. Tilin

    Action Request (n/a)

    By request
  17. Tilin

    Action Request (bionicbobcat)

    User will receive a ban for 3.4 and Metagaming
  18. Tilin

    Action Request (bionicbobcat)

    I'll try to get a statement from the user over Steam. They have 48 hours to respond to the friend request.
  19. Tilin

    Refund Request (Mason.Helms)

    Money to be refunded: $36,000 (Full Wreck of Mercedes SL65)
  20. Tilin

    Ban Apology (Tilin)

  21. Tilin

    Action Request (Ligma)

    @ShammyCrusader Considering the user's speed and their previous actions, which resulted in their ban, their 2.5 warning and the ban evasion attempt, I believe the user at this time has nothing positive to contribute to the community as of now. They will receive an extension on their ban from 1...
  22. Tilin

    Ban Apology (Tilin)

    @hup Apologies are for apologizing for your actions. Disputes are for disputing the fact that our assessment was incorrect. There was an action request made against you. You were given 72 hours to respond to the Friend Request on Steam as you did not have a Forum account at the time. I will...
  23. Tilin

    Action Request (hup)

    The user will receive a 3-day ban for 2.5, 3.4, 3.15 and 3.22 due to their record.
  24. Tilin

    Action Request (Ligma)

    Added the user on steam. I'll give them some additional time and then resolve this with their statement or none.
  25. Tilin

    Ban Apology (ellie 3izu Tilin)

    After carefully reviewing your past history, we have decided that we will be denying this appeal. You have already received SEVERE leniency on your previous ban. You will wait this one out which is already lenient by itself. And this goes without saying, but I'll write it down here. Further...
  26. Tilin

    Action Request (Ligma)

    That would be correct. @ShammyCrusader can you explain why/how you wrecked @Mason.Helms's vehicle? You have 48 hours to respond.
  27. Tilin

    Action Request (Ligma)

    Your car was tiered as a result of a player crashing it close to the area. In the clip only 1 car bomb went off. There is nothing saying they can't lie and boast about placing car bombs. Stupid? Yes. But not against the rules.
  28. Tilin

    Action Request (Ligma)

    From what I see, the user who was exploded in that clip was not killed by a car bomb that was placed by @Ligma. Additionally the damage to your vehicle was done by another player after the car bombing took place.
  29. Tilin

    Action Request (hup)

    I've sent the user a friend request on steam. I'll give them 72 hours to accept it.
  30. Tilin

    Ban Apology (austom)

    Auston has replied to your previous appeal. He was already lenient with the punishment, so please respect that your punishment was already lowered without the need of an appeal. Wait it out.