Action Request (JediRabbit,^7ROOKIE)

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Reaction score
Your Steam Name: Locksmith
Your Roleplay Name: Jack Locks
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:183399913

Player's Steam Name: JediRabbit,^7ROOKIE
Player's Roleplay Name: Jason Mcmillan , Mark Zuckenburg
Player's SteamID: JediRabbit: STEAM_0:0:83519535 ^7ROOKIE: STEAM_0:1:598978125

Why should this player be punished?: Two individuals started shooting at police over an illegal transportation charge, for context we had had 911 reports of someone entering with firearms on their back, after I had arrived on scene, two officers came sprinting out chasing a civillian with a gun on his back and began shooting at police over this, his friend also began shooting at myself assisting him in killing cops over illegal transportation.
I had opened a report on the server regarding this, however turns out they had both disconnected after the incident has occurred and @Tilin had asked me to make an Action Request.

Evidence Link:

Both players were given a chance to respond to my communication and didn't.

@Jason Mcmillin: Will receive a 3 day ban for
3.4 - User pulled a gun out whilst under gunpoint and shot at officers due to illegally transporting a firearm.

^7Rookie: Will receive a 5 day ban for
3.4, 3.20 - User shot at officers due to illegal transportation and disconnected whilst unconscious.
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