Search results

  1. Homer

    Chris Andrews

    Had this coming for a while now, not been bothered to actually post one of these before but here it goes! Chris Andrews is a fantastic role-player and a stunning Lieutenant / Sergeant, although his role-play recently has honestly not been to my liking, he's still a huge banter m8 and great fun...
  2. Homer

    Thank you! Been a pleasure to role-play with you!

    Thank you! Been a pleasure to role-play with you!
  3. Homer

    Thanks! Love 'ya Murtsley <3

    Thanks! Love 'ya Murtsley <3
  4. Homer

    You're so the right shark for me :3

    You're so the right shark for me :3
  5. Homer

    Armenian Mafia applications

    OOC Information Steam name: [PH] HomerWithTopHat Age: 14 Country: UK Are you active enough?: Become a serious addiction so, yeah. Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:66470518 IC Information In-Game name: Alex Duntorn (Previous was Eddie Rolo) Age: 29 Any cars you have: Range Rover 2012 Are you VIP?: Yes What...
  6. Homer

    Mr. Nice's inactivity notice <3

    My god, growing is so boring! Takes 4 minutes to craft 'em all. Sad to see you go but its a right choice you've made. Cya in a week.
  7. Homer

    Can't join the server... my game keeps crashing. [Solved!]

    This problem is annoying as hell, I usually either connect to a different server or like Bolli said, single player and then it'll allow me to join with crashing. Blame GMod.
  8. Homer

    Randomly generated fires / more fires.

    Ah good god! How did I forget? Thanks for reminding me.
  9. Homer

    Randomly generated fires / more fires.

    Topic: Randomly generated fires / more fires. Short explanation (with notes): - More fires for the firefighters. - Randomly generated fires when it's a hot day in the forest? Detailed description (why should it become added/...) Alright well, firefighter is a pretty boring job right? I've...
  10. Homer

    The best of Today...

    I was the medic during that bank robbery, I thought it was clear but when I heard shooting I almost shat myself...
  11. Homer

    CD's Not Just Radio Music or YouTube Music Not Just Radio Music

    I'm with Daymon, not 100% sure how this will work, it'll also cause a lot of lag for people with slow connections like the TV does so for now -support. I love the YouTube app on the phone idea though.
  12. Homer

    Bout that cake and chicken.

    I had some chicken at McDonalds today but uh... I'm still confused about this.
  13. Homer

    Resting to regain stamina.

    +Support May annoy people but would add more realism.
  14. Homer

    When you die!

    I can see this being easily denied because it would affect realism but really, waiting 5 minutes to re-spawn just makes SHIFT+TAB and watch a butt load of videos.
  15. Homer

    My apologies for the recent "permaban"

    No problem man, hope to see you again.
  16. Homer

    RV Mirrors

    Well, I don't think 3rd person should be removed completely, first person driving can become annoying and cause more accidents.
  17. Homer

    RV Mirrors

    +Support from me... Don't really need a reason why except it would avoid a lot of accidents and stopping the habit of using 3rd person to look behind you.
  18. Homer


    Chicken? APOLOGIZING? WHO ARE YOU AND WHAT HAVE YOU DONE TO CHICKEN?! jk, you once called me a retard 4 times for causing a police raid, 10/10 would feel upset again.
  19. Homer


    I could never live where you do, I once visited and got heat stroke, fml. Good to see you back however!
  20. Homer

    Meeting the UK PM and other fgts

    Cool, wasn't interested in this but cool to see you on TV :P
  21. Homer


    I only saw you a few times on the server and yet, you were pretty damn funny xP. Sad to see you're going, good luck wherever you go!
  22. Homer

    Ban Request on ShadowJoey

    Good thing you confessed up man, takes some balls.
  23. Homer

    I'm sorry for earlier

    Earlier today I ruined an RP hostage situation as medic, I was responding to another call and returned later to slums to check up on the situation due to the many life alerts. When I arrived I was gunpointed by Tomiko and I used my /panic which broke 3.4 and I'm so very sorry for my actions, I...
  24. Homer


    So, tomorrow on Friday my internet provider is going to cease my line which means... no internet, i'm moving on Saturday and have no idea when i'll be able to come back online; thinking maybe in 4 days or so. For any of you interested why i'm moving is because our rent is up and we have to move...
  25. Homer

    New profile pic

    This is actually pretty damn impressive, the glasses with the PH reflection does it for me.
  26. Homer

    R.I.P. Kitty0706

    I hope he isn't dead and this is just a big hoax... I really liked that guy, sorry he had to die by cancer. Fuck cancer.
  27. Homer

    Paralake Sheriff's Department

    I'm very interested in joining the Sheriff department as I no longer earn money from doing criminal deeds! My real life name: Alex Sabin My Age: 14 In - game name: Eddie Rolo Steam name: Stewie In-game hours: One and a half weeks. My In-game phone number is: 131-4665 Why should I be...
  28. Homer

    Leaving messages behind

    + Support, would add more RP and look very cool if you leave a little note next to a dead body.
  29. Homer

    The Montreal Family Applications

    OOC Information Steam name: Stewie Age: 14 Country: UK Are you active enough?: About 5 hours a day. Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:66470518 IC Information In-Game name: Eddie Rolo Age: 29 Any cars you have: Ford F100 and a ford transit. Are you VIP?: Yep. What would you bring to this Family?: I can hide...
  30. Homer

    Isaac Sope

    +Support I was there when this happened, it was actually pretty funny how DocBerry reacted but none the less this is against the rules.