Paralake Sheriff's Department

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East Grestin Border Checkpoint
Paralake Sheriff's Department


(Un)Official rankings to the Paralake Sheriff's Department


Dalton Jefferson [Car: 225]

Chris Andrews [Car: 225]


Philly Burger [Car : 420]
John Ball [Car : 420]
Ben Anderson [Car : 491]
Eddie Rolo [Car : Pending]

John Ball [Car : Pending]
William Anderson [Car : Pending]
Jim Xuiwang [Car : Pending]
Daniel Downey [Car : Pending]
Zachary Rylan [Car : Pending]
Charlie Cosbern [Car : Pending]


The objective of the Sheriff's Department is to have a clear list of officers that have high experience within the field of law enforcement
To recognize
exceptional officers who are off-duty that are the best within the Department.


As a member of the Paralake Sheriff's Department, you must:
  1. You must assist police officers in investigations.
  2. You are encouraged to follow orders from the higher ranks (PD Lieutenant is higher than Sheriff if Sheriff is regular officer)
  3. You must report all crimes (OOC from here on out) Unless they're related to you.
  4. It's discouraged to produce illegal entities while off duty.
  5. You may work with criminal organizations, although it is discouraged.
  6. You're equal to PD, just because you're a member of this organization means that your ability as an officer has been recognized.
  7. Upon receiving a rank, you will be asked to change your forum signature to include the badge somewhere in it so that it is visible.
Application Process
  1. Show your interest through posting your IC name, Steam name, Phone Number and time played.​
  2. Speak with Cameron Jefferson for a 'Ride along'.​
  3. You'll be evaluated on the 'Ride along'​
  4. You'll be invited into the organization and listed as a 'Trainee' on this thread.​
  5. Following the completion of the steps above, you will be tested on your knowledge of the law.​
  6. Your shooting ability will be tested at a set time during a police raid to see if you know correct proceedure.​
  7. You will be formally invited into the organization.​
  8. You will receive the rank of 'Sheriff's Deputy' following the completion of this process.​
  9. Promotion will be given upon merit.​
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I am interested in joining the Sherrif's Department.

My IC name is Chris Andrews, my steam name |AFF|PH| Chris, you have my phone number and I've played over a week.
IC Name: John Ball
Steam Name: CrazyCow
Phone Number:8579876
Time Played:4 Days
IC Name: Jim Xuiwang
Steam name: Mattismadforcod
Playtime: 4 Days (coming onto 5 days - most of this is acting as a member of Law Enforcement).
Phone Number: 792-2733
Hi there,
I am very interested in becoming a trainee of the Paralake Sheriffs Department and will (at the best of my ability) help enforce and uphold the laws of paralake under the Paralake Sheriff Department's name. Although my knowledge and skill in weaponry is not the greatest, I can negotiate with people quite sufficiently as-well as my underestimated power to control situations. I am a vehiclesman who is specialized in driving police vehicles and pursuing criminals in chases. I give my life to the cause of protecting Paralake from crime and will give justice to those to commit.

Name: My real name is Zayne.

In-character name: My in-character name is Zachary Rylan.

Age: I am currently 15 years old.

Steam name: My steam name is Zan.

Phone Number: My in-character phone number is 801-1688.

Time played: I have played for 5 days.

Consider accepting my application and I will try my best to do all the good I can.

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My IC name is Ben Anderson, my steam name BA98, you have my phone number i think and I've played 2 weeks
My ic name Is Charlie Cosbern my phone number i belive is 2602794 However im
605 sure its the correct one. my steam name is the Holy Banterous One
: time played 1 week
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I'm very interested in joining the Sheriff department as I no longer earn money from doing criminal deeds!

My real life name: Alex Sabin

My Age: 14

In - game name: Eddie Rolo

Steam name: Stewie

In-game hours: One and a half weeks.

My In-game phone number is: 131-4665

Why should I be chosen? I've always been nervous about playing as a police officer, you get a lot of abuse for it; however, I feel if I was a Sheriff my confidence would be boosted by a lot! I would do my best to become the best.
IC Name: Kratos Styx
Steam Name: Kratos
Phone Number:
420 - 2704
Time Played: 1 Day
In Game Name: Gabriel Ross
Steam Name: T46 | Torben Torben
Phone Number: 477 6185
Time Played: 1 Week

Edit: Takeing back this app sorry for any time wasted
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In Game Name: Willis Zaiger
Steam Name: [CM] Willis
Phone Number: 713-1491
Time Played: 3 Weeks
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