Search results

  1. Ezza

    Police Suggestion Add red dot to remi cop

    You have failed to outline any real pro's or cons to this. Next time follow Fourm Rule 2.7. :) @Sindarin
  2. Ezza

    PERPHeads Forums taking too long to load

    Have you cleared the site data from your browser? that's a start
  3. Ezza

    Server Suggestion Chess

    Denied many, many times, here is a couple that come up from just typing chess into the search bar. Next time do some research before suggesting to ensure it hasn't been suggested previously, or if it has make a better suggestion outlining better pros and cons...
  4. Ezza

    Model Suggestion Make Rifle Flashlight Pistol Flashlight useful Functional

    The Community has Spoken.
  5. Ezza

    Ban Dispute (eeza)

    You are failing to address the guy you beat with the baton after you respawned and broke your NLR Timer, roughly 10 seconds before I pulled you onto the roof. Also, you claim this person broke gunpoint and you have video evidence, yet failed to provide this anywhere, not even in this dispute...
  6. Ezza

    Ban Apology (eeza)

    You are making an apology although not agreeing with the ban. You should have made a dispute.
  7. Ezza

    Perpheads Montage by Leonardo Snow :)

    A montage without cheats? This is unheard off these days :laughcry:
  8. Ezza

    My view of my roleplaying on this server that is somewhat unrealistic to me

    closing the thread, you have already cancelled yourself, no need to continue
  9. Ezza

    My view of my roleplaying on this server that is somewhat unrealistic to me

    TLDR; 21. Racism is somewhat okey if you roleplay as black dude, then its okey to shout the n word. the end
  10. Ezza

    Community Suggestion Autofill for ban appeals

    The downvotes and responses speak for themselves. It takes 2 mins to navigate to the bans at the top of the forums to gather your information and paste into the form, if a player doesn't know we have a shoutbox, help section on forums, discord and in game they can simply ask.
  11. Ezza

    Blacklist Apology (ezza)

  12. Ezza

    Ban Apology (Admin Meeting)

    Actual ban reason; 1.2 - Usage of homophobic slurs directed towards other players
  13. Ezza

    Leonard Bushross

    Aloo the goat :cool::cool:
  14. Ezza

    Goodbye Video thanks for everything

    Bro was just tryna play laser tag rp
  15. Ezza

    Montage RIZZZZZ

    XL Sized L
  16. Ezza

    Server Suggestion panic button for roadcrew

    Use the 911 Function on your phone, this really isn't needed.
  17. Ezza

    Hello cant join the server?

    GMod has just updated, be patient the server will be updated asap.
  18. Ezza

    Buying secondhand gaming laptop

    Assuming your still in scotland theres a great range on FB Marketplace from Aberdeen right down to edinburgh after a quick glance, I'm certain there will be some more towards borders also.
  19. Ezza

    Police Suggestion Pocket notebook

  20. Ezza

    Need web cam suggestions

    Wan eh these Get the POV on the go
  21. Ezza


    Can you give context to the name please?
  22. Ezza

    Model Suggestion Full Beams for BMW models specifically.

    Absolutely not
  23. Ezza

    New Vehicles

    New vehicles have been suggested countless times and always get denied for the same reasons. You also failed to use the template which is required when making a suggestion.
  24. Ezza

    Community Suggestion CAR TRACKERS

    Already been numerous similar threads, this simply isn't needed and would make it much more difficult to be under the radar when needed.
  25. Ezza

    Model Suggestion Shrek Hat

    There is no benefit for having this specific hat.
  26. Ezza

    whats wrong with the server? it wont show up.

    Hello! You can use the following command in console to direct join. connect Any issues let me know!