My view of my roleplaying on this server that is somewhat unrealistic to me

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1. People have never ever in history of time ran over an empty highway
2. People have never ever in history of time lost their keys, doenst matter if the keys are deep in your pocket so it feels like that you dont have your keys on you. Cant roleplay that you have your own kind of way to open a car couse thats risking your life!
3. You cant be homosexual, cant roleplay like it.
4. If your voice is to smooth than its E-roleplaying
5. If someones says you probably likes take it up your a-hole and you answer yes, then your are (2.8 - User spoke about sexually suggestive material.) basically suggesting e-roleplay
6. Sometimes (admin cops) can say that they are gonna execute you and pull a gun on you then say (haha LOL JK) when you make a report the same admin answers with (LOL just a joke calm down)
7. If you try to run over highway you may be killed on a instant
8. Doesnt matter who did what all depends on who reported it first.
9. Never ever have any person in history have ever been mugged or murdered in the streets. Doesnt matter if its daytime or nighttime.
10. You cant have a aggrevation with a person through voice, doesnt count, youre still best friends but god forbid if you say something in chat then its f.:ing war and aight kill eachother
11. The rules are not really steady, one day a enforcer/helper/admin/develepor says one thing the other day another thing so you always need to double check before you do anything
12. Cops can be arresting you becouse your outside walking becouse there has been an break in that you where unaware of but becouse you happens to wear the same color on your clothes you getting arrested aswell
13. You cant argue with an admin becouse they are gods they know everything, cant get a second opinion becouse they know the best everytime. the is no such thing as a special case. Sometimes they are really mean totally a-holes, im sorry but sometimes i wonder if they go outside and touch grass.
14. never ever in history has anybody destroyed a home becouse they felt like it, molotov or whatever or killed a guy becouse why not, that has never happened in life ever ever
15. Sometimes it counts as metagaming becouse you happen to have ears and hear where people are so you can kill them under a raid. if you are quiet and doesnt say anything to your friends during a raid and your just a smart fella and know where to hide so you can take the kill BOOM metagaming thats paralake for ya.
16. There is no point of making a report if you dont have a fancy recording program or know how demos work then your report is pointless.
17. Sometimes when you build a base your building to good (too good defense) so you have to tear it down but when someone does almost the same its aight becouse they have prob payed for something or played for so long that they became friends with admin or whatever.
18. Metagaming is okey aslong you hold your phone in your hand <3 (never ever have i heard a voice coming from a raider when they robbed my place) you say they are whispering but if you stand right beside them you should hear atleast something.
19. NLR shoudnt count in PD that makes you a useless cop, you cant do any arrest or do any work basically until nlr is gone (10 min btw)
20. You can roleplay as whatever you want, do you want to be a cow thats alright (seen in chat that admins says thats alright aslong as you feel that you are the thing that you are roleplaying) but you cant be a homosexual guy but you can be an hebrew/islamic terrorist or what do i know Ikea terrorist thats alright.
21. Racism is somewhat okey if you roleplay as black dude, then its okey to shout the n word.

Thats my view for now (prob gonna update it l8er)
Are not here to argue with admins or people just wanted to get my view on things out for the public. If this gets removed Im just saying someone feels threatned and doesnt like the trufth

21. Racism is somewhat okey if you roleplay as black dude, then its okey to shout the n word.

the end
Tomorrow im gonna come back in the server as hitler, becouse tomorrow I feel like a nazi so its should be okey for me to shout you know the words, and you guys shouldnt stop me right? thats just roleplaying
Tomorrow im gonna come back in the server as hitler, becouse tomorrow I feel like a nazi so its should be okey for me to shout you know the words, and you guys shouldnt stop me right? thats just roleplaying
I am jew
Buddy its garrymod, if you want all these things you can just go outside.
Do you want to walk with me? sounds like you havent been touching grass/sand in a long time buddy. come to me, we take a ride in my car to a nice place so we can fish and grill ;)
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