Search results

  1. Murtsley


    Caught casino flippin'
  2. Murtsley

    Ability to lockpick/crowbar chests and crafting tables

    This would only cause long term gain for the 4x9 aspect ratio crowd making people who already ruin the game for others even more powerful. We're looking to get more people in, not make the e-sports crowd even more e-sporty.
  3. Murtsley

    Murtsley <3

  4. Murtsley

    I can't talk right now, I'm sweepin'

    I can't talk right now, I'm sweepin'
  5. Murtsley

    paralake ballas character development thread

    @Matthew Better keep posting on this thread, one of the only things keeping me alive
  6. Murtsley

    Police Suggestion Patrolman Rank

    Absolutely, if you want to progress, just press the button and you become a Patrolman instantly, it's literally so we know which ones need the observation and which ones don't really care if they get it or not. There aren't enough officers fulfilling their OR obligations and that needs to be...
  7. Murtsley

    Police Suggestion Patrolman Rank

    Brief description of idea: Addition of a new rank called Patrolman which is above Officer but below Senior so that command know which officers intend to be career officers to progress through the ranks and the ones that just wanna play the game but aren't really after progression as much. At...
  8. Murtsley

    Server Suggestion Reintroduce weather

    It wasn't as bad as people are making out, just don't bring back the fucking snow, that shit was awful
  9. Murtsley

    Delta 1: Patrol Division Exclusion Compilation

    RTU Scum need to be taken down a peg during their precious Hot Wheels pursuit time
  10. Murtsley

    Perp Sweaters

    #BringBack the green and purple sweatervest
  11. Murtsley

    Then gimme some progression, I'm done with being the same rank as a load of sergeants that...

    Then gimme some progression, I'm done with being the same rank as a load of sergeants that haven't done an observation report in months.
  12. Murtsley

    5 Million Giveaway
  13. Murtsley

    Police Armory

    There is no rule which says you have to defend with guns or even base. Police on the other have a duty of care obligation which means that if we hear a gunshot we have to respond in some way. Because of these obligations we have to actually do things we don't want to.
  14. Murtsley


  15. Murtsley

    Fuck RTU, I'm shit at driving anyway

    Fuck RTU, I'm shit at driving anyway
  16. Murtsley

    :oops: Applied :oops:

    :oops: Applied :oops:
  17. Murtsley


    Take your bigotry out of here, please.
  18. Murtsley


  19. Murtsley

    Blacklist Apology (benj)

    I do not, you kept saying that I was over sensitive because of something that I find to be absolutely unacceptable. You need to consider your actions more carefully in future. Especially for someone that hopes to join the staff team as either a helper, enforcer or even community manager. You...
  20. Murtsley

    Refund Request ($31,200.00 (or a repair for my F1))

    Your Steam Name: Murtsley Your Roleplay Name: Dalton Jefferson Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:45194560 What do you need refunded?: $31,200.00 (or a repair for my F1) Why should this request be considered?: Two players disconnected when an officer was preparing to provide me with a remedy for...
  21. Murtsley

    9erphead memes

    Medic and firefighters; forever chads
  22. Murtsley

    Lieutenant Double J - Resignation

    /desc It's full of IA complaints for tiering cars.
  23. Murtsley

    Jefferson Jai & Wolf - The PERPHeads Lawyers

    I got a little device to help you out goyim
  24. Murtsley


    Gunned down in his prime
  25. Murtsley

    Jefferson Jai & Wolf - The PERPHeads Lawyers

    Jefferson Jai & Wolf LLP The PERPHeads Lawyers We are formed of several ex-staff members, high ranking members of the PLPD who have years of experience within this community. We utilise this experience to help you to achieve your goals and to prevent unreasonable requests upon you. We are all...
  26. Murtsley

    TFU: Are you satisfied with the Range Rover? What would you prefer?

    Crown Vic cop opinion no matter