Police Suggestion Patrolman Rank

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East Grestin Border Checkpoint
Brief description of idea:

Addition of a new rank called Patrolman which is above Officer but below Senior so that command know which officers intend to be career officers to progress through the ranks and the ones that just wanna play the game but aren't really after progression as much.

At Present, Senior Officer is the equivalent which says that you want to take the PD seriously, but I believe that the role has expectations that come with it in terms of performance, when really it should just

What benefits would this idea have for the department:

  • Allows supervisors to know which officers they should prioritise to perform ORs with
  • Which ones should be noted for promotions
  • Potentially can increase the obligations on officers so that they have to do more departmental work to distribute the work in PD.
  • Gives Senior Officer more status so that cops that their rank means more.
What potential negatives could this have for the department:
  • May create a rift between Officers and the rest of the PD.
  • Potential for the Officer rank to be completely ignored.
Other additions:
  • It is literally one stage, just that you have to mark that you want to progress and note that you will be analysed in more depth than a normal Officer.
Allows supervisors to know which officers they should prioritise to perform ORs with
Potential for the Officer rank to be completely ignored.
You've already pointed out what I thought, I think its a brilliant idea to fast track motivated officers that want to climb the ranks but may leave other officers ignored and simply left in the mud as others (Patrolmen) would be on a higher priority. Everyone should have a equal oppurtunity on progression, observation reports and reviews on an officers (your own) performance.

Still, I give my support but only if we trial it for a month or so to see how it works out.
Seems like a nice idea, but the issue is that supervisors are reluctant to dedicate time to give ORs, not that the people are not asking for them
Seems like a nice idea, but the issue is that supervisors are reluctant to dedicate time to give ORs, not that the people are not asking for them

Just make supervisors rate them out of 10 in different categories. I don't want to type a short story everytime I think an officer has the ability to tie their shoelaces unsupervised.

You've already pointed out what I thought, I think its a brilliant idea to fast track motivated officers that want to climb the ranks but may leave other officers ignored and simply left in the mud as others (Patrolmen) would be on a higher priority. Everyone should have a equal oppurtunity on progression, observation reports and reviews on an officers (your own) performance.

Still, I give my support but only if we trial it for a month or so to see how it works out.

Absolutely, if you want to progress, just press the button and you become a Patrolman instantly, it's literally so we know which ones need the observation and which ones don't really care if they get it or not. There aren't enough officers fulfilling their OR obligations and that needs to be done, so filtering the ones that don't care about promotion makes it easier to find the ones that do.

Seems like a nice idea, but the issue is that supervisors are reluctant to dedicate time to give ORs, not that the people are not asking for them

I 100% agree with you, I think that the requirement should be upped and that anyone who hasn't met it in the last 2 months should be demoted outright (I have noted several that haven't been meeting their OR obligations) and this just prevents good senior officers from being promoted to corporal because there are too many corporals, and corporals to sergeant for the same reason. Get rid of the shitters to make room for the committed.
I agree with this suggestion, as of right now holding the Senior Officer rank has zero value, I think it's a good idea for officers who are interested in progressing further in the Police Department to hold this rank as it is easier to identify who wants to progress. It would also be easier when it comes to writing OR's as we can assist them with what they need to improve on and give them constructive feedback so they know what to improve on so they can progress onto the next rank. I like the idea and I think it would be a nice addition to the PD. I Don't want to discount the possible negatives but I agree that this should be trialed to see how it gets on down the line but apart from that this would be a good addition!
To me this just sounds like senior officer but with extra steps. I see no issue with Senior Officers who don't necessarily take the PD seriously holding their ranks on the grounds that they don't cause issues and show that they aren't taking it seriously.

Nice idea but I don't think its really necessary or what we need.
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