Search results

  1. Johny-Quid$$$

    Ban Request - Mikey

    -Support IC he can say whatever he wants. You don't have to make a ban request for that you had to report him to the mayor.
  2. Johny-Quid$$$

    Crashes when joining.

    I had this problem when at windows 7 32bit when I changed to windows 8 it got fixed. I have 4gb ram aswel.
  3. Johny-Quid$$$

    says the hacker -_-

    says the hacker -_-
  4. Johny-Quid$$$

    La Cosa Nostra - Applications

    Ingame name:Johnny Quid Steam Name:Johnny-Quid$$$ Steam ID:STEAM_0:1:40367142 Total playtime:Near 2 months Are you a VIP:My Vip expired yesterday. List of all cars you own:Mini cooper,Mazda Rx7 tuned When are you mostly online?:Every day In which organizations have you been ( Leader of Greek...
  5. Johny-Quid$$$

    When did you first join PERP-heads?

    In game name: Johnny Quid Date first joined: Aug 29, 2013 Time played on server: Near 2months
  6. Johny-Quid$$$


    Shit everyone is getting banned :( (Hope I am not the next one) Anyway hope to see you again we had some great moments.
  7. Johny-Quid$$$

    Ban request

    Thanks for uploading this video. From your point of view you are not at gun point. Close this thread please.
  8. Johny-Quid$$$

    Ban request

    Your Steam/In-game Name:Johnny-Quid$$$/Johnny Quid His/Her Steam/In-game Name:Bob Nixon/Prepper His/Her SteamID:Idk Reason: Pulled a gun while he was at gun point broke 3.4. Evidence:!VstS2ajL!MbQVhcj2K_PO-MSw9UkQZb3isV__dVcBDCTXvFhWy5c Tick 15700
  9. Johny-Quid$$$

    Napoleon is coming back as Legolas...

    Welcome back!!! You gave me 5k or 10k when I was new on the server and I bought my first car because of you :)
  10. Johny-Quid$$$

    A little game!

    Bob was so horny he was ready to...
  11. Johny-Quid$$$

    ThatGuy's Introduction (Mikey Moreno)

    Welcome Mikey!!! Enjoy your stay!!!
  12. Johny-Quid$$$

    Ban request

    Your Steam/In-game Name: Johnny-Quid/Johnny Quid His/Her Steam/In-game Name papa Outi/Amy Kenedy His/Her SteamID:Steam_0:0:41244833 Reason: I was raiding her house and she came inside pulled her shotgun out and killed me while she was at gun point. Broke 3.4 Evidence: Tick :62500...
  13. Johny-Quid$$$

    Security Guard

    -Support for 2 reasons 1) Robbing the bank with 11cops and 4 swat is impossible. 2) A van full of money moving around the city is easy target for everyone.
  14. Johny-Quid$$$

    Help us break PH

    I was waiting 10 minutes to join and then i realised that i am banned :(
  15. Johny-Quid$$$

    Luke Person Ban request.

    I can't hear what he says but its kind of fail rp. He didn't forced you go to the atm and withdraw 10k You said "i don't have 10k on me but i can go to the atm". Next time give the money you got in your pocket and say " I don't have more".
  16. Johny-Quid$$$

    Koenigsegg Agera

    Topic: Koenigsegg Agera Short explanation: Add the car Koenigsegg Agera. Detailed description: It is a cool,fast car and it would be nice if we had it on the server. Optional additions: It would be expensive 3-4 millions.
  17. Johny-Quid$$$

    Daragh's Introduction

    Welcome and have fun!!!!!
  18. Johny-Quid$$$

    Lost my M9 Berreta from spawnkill

    Just don't waste your time for a berreta m9 it costs 1500$ You can earn this money in 10-15 minutes if you become a goverment worker. But you can make a ban request for rdm/spawnkill.
  19. Johny-Quid$$$

    The Zaiger Family - Applications

    Use the comment function next time - Abdi.
  20. Johny-Quid$$$

    Another issue... Server disconnection

    Wait did you took the battery out and your laptop is still working without it?
  21. Johny-Quid$$$

    A little question.

    I tried to sell a bug in OOC.
  22. Johny-Quid$$$


    Steam Name: Johnny-Quid$$$ Rank: Silver 2 from GN1 -_- Greece 191 or 192 I just want my rank back. My teammates usually don't speak english or they are leaving after few rounds. Example:
  23. Johny-Quid$$$

    A little game!

    He left the server because i made Greek Empire again ;) (JK)
  24. Johny-Quid$$$

    I'm done.

  25. Johny-Quid$$$

    I'm Back Bitches

    Welcome back!
  26. Johny-Quid$$$

    A little game!

    Who is this guy xD
  27. Johny-Quid$$$

    RIP Hopes and Dreams

  28. Johny-Quid$$$

    Ban request GottlieB

    Your Steam/In-game Name:[PH] Johnny-Quid$$$ His/Her Steam/In-game Name: GottlieB / Mohammed Abdul His/Her SteamID: STEAM_0:1:20840312 Reason: I was raiding a house and when i got inside i saw the owner of the house in the front door i told him to walk inside and he was running away from...
  29. Johny-Quid$$$


    me on school :p
  30. Johny-Quid$$$

    Greek Empire is back!

    Please close this post org disbaned.