Security Guard

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Bolli's Testicles, PLC
Topic:Security Guards for Bank

Short explanation (in notes):
-They stay in Bank
-They can be max 3 and can be controlled by Mayor.
-They carry a beretta m9 (can be supplied on bank chief (or what ever his name, that who opens Vault)
-They should be light armored
-They cannot access gov radio but they can use panic
-They have a Van and transfers some money to ATM's in every 24 hrs. (Van can be robbed) (that can be removed if too excessive)

Detailed description (why should it become added/...):
It may improve roleplay, makes bank Robbery a little bit harder for light armed guys, its a legal job and we need some more legal job.

This is a very passive job unless there is no bank robbery.

Optional additions: none.

Note:If you guys have any more better idea for improve the suggestion please go ahead.
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One problem i think of is what if the gurards who are meant to be protecting it dont, and let their friends rob it. Staff would have to deal with this so i thought would bring it up.

However if it is done properly i think it would be quite good.
So let me get this straight, you want 5% of the server to simply stand around guarding the bank just to stop robberies which happens on a very infrequent basis. To me that sounds like the very kind of job we wouldn't want. If I could find decent ways to keep the jobs that mostly sit around doing nothing active I would.

My additional note would be, saying something "improves roleplay" is not a valid reason as to why an idea should be added. You should be able to name very concrete ways it helps anything or why it would aid the roleplay of the server, not that it simply "would".

All I can see mentioned otherwise is, their job is to make it so they don't have to do their job essentially. That is to say, they basically prevent people from robbing the bank which they are there to protect so in turn they do nothing.

Your idea about the van is very minimally thought out as well. Are ATMs then restricted to only holding so much money so it is up to this job to restock them? And if so, how are they then guarding the bank as well? If they show up to the bank after a robbery has begun, clearly they should be standing clear of the scene as to allow police to do their job and they don't get shot in any crossfire.

So all I can say is, this lacks a necessary amount of information that I would say you really should cover in your post. As there are other complications than just this, but there's some for now.
-Support for 2 reasons
1) Robbing the bank with 11cops and 4 swat is impossible.
2) A van full of money moving around the city is easy target for everyone.
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