Search results

  1. Death Howl

    Police Detective Unit

    This was accepted years ago I thought the devs gave up on it. Detective itself most think is a British inspector but this is not based in the UK. detectives in the US are similar to regular officers really they get a few additions just for the job but they don't get NCIS equipment your making...
  2. Death Howl

    What Background do you use?

    My old one was the Slithen or however the fuck those green things from Dr Who was called. I now use the default windows 10 one I can never decide which one to use.
  3. Death Howl

    Weapon Update Announcement

    Gonna have gun shows going on around here screw them P1's bring us some beauties of guns. Looking forward to this update only thing I have been slightly worried about is if you are trying to sell these weapons do attachments show on weapons being sold?
  4. Death Howl

    Steam 2016 Summer Sale 23rd June 2016

    Im poor as fuck right now so just nothing, no point locking my wallet away in two safes if nothing is in it really. Thats what I get for trying to find a job.
  5. Death Howl

    Cavarey joined the battlefield!

    One of the best introductions I have seen in awhile. James Anders good to meet you and proud to help if you need it. I know just about everything but cooking meth so good to know that your not interested in that. Like you I wanted to earn money by roleplaying and legally mostly by selling guns...
  6. Death Howl

    [DISCUSSION] 'banter' - clarity needed: is it an excuse or not?

    There is no excuse for breaking the rules at all no matter what you have to say. Banter should only take place if everyone is aware of it and there is no possibility of effecting RP. Why else do you think it mostly takes place in the shoutbox and teamspeak. We all like a laugh but lets not break...
  7. Death Howl

    Using Maths to Prove im Psychic

    I also got Denmark but ended up with Kangaroo then Orange......
  8. Death Howl

    Don't know what to do...

    When people ask for perp money *Puts gun to head* Its sad to see you and Dommy go the server will not be the same without you.
  9. Death Howl

    Leaving for a while.

    I still remember you when you were a sweater vest. I admit at times it gets boring but its silly and funny moments that makes me smile. I hope to see you again soon.
  10. Death Howl

    FTR Applications

    Name - James Anders Age - 20 Vehicle - Mazda RX8 Money - 370k Previous Organisations - Private Transport Co, Gun Corporation, Montreal family, The Front Additional info. Playtime - 1 Month Firearms level - 1 behind M82 Goals - Saving for BMW M5 OR E63, Looking to unlock crafting M82 Attitude -...
  11. Death Howl

    Server Events: 19/06/16 - Sunday 4PM GMT +1

    Beach Derby no heavy and slow vehicles so its just E63 all the way. I had won one in a transit to know that torque makes all the difference.
  12. Death Howl

    Help Help I'm being Oppressed!

    I said the same thing and got two replies one from Moron who understood my position and reading between the lines it seems somewhat rushed or that its just rare that our opinions are noticed on AR's which seems true. We only know if what we have said is taken into account is if we are quoted...
  13. Death Howl

    Forum Rules Amendments 16/06/2016

    As you know I do but into action requests and try to help both sides of the arguments by pointing out key details and voicing opinions. I have been doing this for awhile and no-one has had any issue with it but now I believe that I am more restricted to do so now. I understand you intentions but...
  14. Death Howl

    Euros 2016

    Count england out our manager has no idea who is our best players.
  15. Death Howl

    That moment when (Work Edition)

    Hey guys bringing you another 'That moment when' This time it is going to be at work or trying to get work. Yes interviews count so here is mine as an example that I just had. That moment when you are in a phone interview and your phone thinks it has suddenly gone flat when its at 5% and turns...
  16. Death Howl

    140 and wham

    Physics 101 What happens if you are traveling at the speed of light and you hit a sweater. You explode He flies away and hits a cop car killing both cops Server crash You laugh yourself to death Gmod physics in a nutshell
  17. Death Howl

    Action Reauest: Vladimir Slezkov

    It seems as if he just saw your name then decided to kill you. Yes you approached him but you showed no hostility towards him so I don't see why this happened. I would like additional information including possible NLR in place or previous situations with him. Just seems to be murder with no...
  18. Death Howl

    The Front

    Requesting the operational status of this organisation as I suspect it is facing activity issues.
  19. Death Howl

    PLPD Captures Paralake's Biggest crime boss

    Thats always how tyla arrives by helicopter. I loved the road signs overall it was pretty good. My kind of posing is someone with their head up their ass so you would have done better than me.
  20. Death Howl


    Im going braindead hang on a moment. I am a very understanding person but after seeing what you have said with the AR, RR and now here im wondering if your getting yourself mugged. You have been constantly saying these guys mugged me 4 times I want my items back. News flash get some evidence...
  21. Death Howl

    Got mugged several times and want all or all possible items back

    Intentionally mugging new players are a breach of the rules however there is also the rule you can only mug so many times within a time limit. This demo will be the decider you will need to upload it. Pm a staff member on how to upload a demo they can help but only if you ask.
  22. Death Howl

    Orlando mass shooting

    Something truely tragic has happened but we must not turn to the thousands of muslims or refugees fleeing from their countries torn apart by these groups looking to divide and destroy the world. Let is stand together for those who have died on their behalf and show them that we do not fear them...
  23. Death Howl

    Teaching my Brother how to play PERP

    I remember when I let my brother base with me. He got the whole org killed. Never again.
  24. Death Howl

    Garry's Mod Perpheads: Bad Drivers/Crashes Compilation #12

    You got hit by a different take of the italien job...
  25. Death Howl

    Starting out in the Police Force

    Hey guys Death Howl here bringing you a useful guide for those wanting to try out the police force. So you have passed the test but can you really perform your duty as you should do? Officers in the force must be understanding, ethical, unbiased and ready to enforce the law at anytime unsure...
  26. Death Howl

    Paul Richard

    I have seen you around several times its good to finally meet you. If you ever need any help or advice ask me or any of the staff. Welcome to the community I hope you enjoy your stay.
  27. Death Howl

    AR on Franklin Jones...

    I had initially started the chase which itself was very odd as me and another officer witnessed their Red Range River do a U turn twice which started the pursuit. I was very low on fuel and needed to pull out and refuel and that was the only part where I was involved. Two U turns on the...
  28. Death Howl

    [AR] Lixerd - Suspicion of random carbomb

    Going by he has a black car is not really valid enough evidence alot of people have black cars so how did you know it was the right one. This seems like it was just done on the assumption that it was him. Also medic scanners are unreliable with portraits as their clothing can change in the...
  29. Death Howl

    Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare

    Its first name was rejected but I know what it is. Star of Duty: Galactic Warfare
  30. Death Howl

    Brexit Thread

    I think everyone has forgotten the downsides to leaving the EU like imports and exports which will cost more and raise prices of goods. Also it will become harder to travel to EU countries and we will not get the support of the EU members. If Greece was not part of the EU would it still be around?