Orlando mass shooting

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Has anyone heard about this? This is tragic that the world is becoming to this.
On June 12, 2016, a mass shooting occurred at Pulse, a gay nightclub in Orlando, Florida, United States. 50 people were killed, including the gunman, and 53 others wounded, inside the nightclub. The assailant was identified as Omar Mir Seddique Mateen, a 29-year-old United States citizen of Afghan descent.

The attack is the deadliest mass shooting by a single gunman in United States history, the deadliest incident of violence against LGBT peoplein U.S. history, and the deadliest terrorist attack on U.S. soil since the September 11 attacks of 2001. The attack was labeled by the Orlando chief of police and Orange County sheriff as an act of "lone wolf" domestic terrorism. Mateen pledged allegiance to the organization Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) during the attack. However, investigators have not yet found evidence linking Mateen to the group, and cautioned that the attack may have been ISIL-inspired without being ISIL-directed. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2016_Orlando_nightclub_shooting
Fucking terrorists, killing innocents and giving people like me a bad name. This is what is going to put Trump into power...

Myself, alongside 99% of Muslims are sympathising for the people killed, and their families.
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Something truely tragic has happened but we must not turn to the thousands of muslims or refugees fleeing from their countries torn apart by these groups looking to divide and destroy the world. Let is stand together for those who have died on their behalf and show them that we do not fear them and they have failed to strike fear into us all.

Let us stand and say no to these cold and emotionless killers.

A muslim terrorist shoots up a gay nightclub, America: God damn arabs!
A christian extremeist shoots up a gay nightclub, America: Hell yeah, dirty gays!

This was an act of homophobia - the bible is just as homophobic as the quran so you can't blame religion here.​
I can only think of one word for this: Disgusting. That guy is just a disgusting fuck who did not understand what religion actually is, just like the whole bunch of ISIS bastards. If they think religion is worth killing for then they should start with themselves to be honest. My prayes go to the fallen (except the prick who caused it all) and the hurt and all muslims who suffer from the racism.

Say no to racism, sexism, murder and much more.

(on phone)
They are even too scared to commit suicide themselves. If really Allah will be happy for them (And I know he won't) then why not do it themselves let them destroy themselves lol, the only good to know is it doesn't matter where or when. All good people will win a day, even if a new organization will be made, as we did with Al Qaeda we will do the same with ISIS and all other retarded people like them. They are even hiding in school where they know the military not a bombing, hiding in schools full of children and teenagers who learning, the military can't do a shit about it.
It's really tragic, the worlds just gone to shit thanks to our beloved extremists that take religion too far. Myself as a Turk am embarrased how they described the 50 victims as "50 perverts killed in a bar" http://metro.co.uk/2016/06/13/turkish-website-reports-50-perverts-killed-in-a-bar-5940486/, journalism in Turkey is just shit if you seen what our lovely Recep Tayyip Erdoğan did.

You just can't be a muslim today without being stereotyped after what happened at 9/11, it hasn't really happened to me yet (thank fuck) but some people also have to understand that not all muslims are like this.

This might also be why Americans will vote for Trump if this continues, if I ever visit America then rip, I'd have to wear a special ID along with many others.

Also, @simplex you're just tragic.
If just we as normal citizens World be able to do something, we can't even feel safe anymore. ISIS is close to getting nuclear bombs...
If you don't mind me sharing a few of my feelings, feel free to read the post contained in the spoiler. They're not there for argument or even discussion, I just want to write it down.

This attack really fucked me up, I laid awake in bed for 6 hours last night, unable to sleep because this was on my mind. You see terror attacks on the news on an almost daily basis, right across the world. Countless people die in Syria every day due to 'IS' and government forces. But yet, this attack in particular fucked me up.
Obviously, cultural bias plays a part but this is the first time in my life I have ever felt scared for my own existence, simply because I am gay. Obviously, as most if not all LGBT people have, I have experienced homophobia firsthand in different forms. But this? This is on a whole new level. I never met those people in Orlando, I don't know them at all. I don't even know their names never mind their lives.However, in a twisted way I actually did. I know how it feels to discover your sexuality, I know how it feels to deny it but then still end up kissing a guy, I know how it feels to come out to your friends and family, I know how it feels to be rejected by certain elements of society, I know how it feels to be a victim of homophobia and I know how it feels to finally enter a space, with people like who where you can simply have a good time and be yourself.
Last night I felt like I had lost 50 of my closest friends.
The fact that these people, who were in a SAFE space were slaughtered simply because ONE arsehole couldn't wrap his head around the fact that some people are gay.
Being gay is not a choice! I choose to kiss a guy, however I do not choose to be attracted to him. Attractions are natural, and being gay is one of the most natural things in the world. Homosexuality is found in the animal world as well as throughout human history .
The bloke who shot up that club was a homophobe. Full stop. I am extremely doubtful that 'religious' convictions actually played a part in this shooting.

There's obviously talk of the possibility of more attacks across the globe but you know what? Fuck them. The goal of terrorism is (as the name suggests, duh) to cause terror.

I'm not going to be giving in, I'm still going to be going to Pride next month and I'm not going to hide who I am.
It's a real shame how these sorts of things are becoming such a regular occurrence in America and all over the world for that matter.
If people are going to sit on their backsides for much longer then these things are simply going to be brushed over, much like the incidents happening to those in less fortunate environments.
You can't go anywhere today in society, hence why most people nowadays stay in.

We shouldn't forget those innocent people who died while eating and spending time with there family which wasn't broadcast-ed as much on the news.

It's truly a horrifyingly terrible incident. I am still unable to wrap my head around why this man thought that just because some people in society like people of the same sex, they should be slaughtered like animals. This man was sick, but sadly, he isn't the only person who believes in these concepts.

Also, please don't come here and say "Oh look, this is what the Muslims do" "This so why we shouldn't let more refugees in". This man, and everyone fighting for ISIS are a poor excuse for a Muslim. These people are not Muslims, they are extremists. This is what people need to understand. We didn't blame the entire Christian beliefs when some Christian kid shoots up a school in the name of jesus? So why blame peace full people for something that an extremist does?

But it's important that we don't loose faith, and continue fighting and showing our support, in any way possible. Being gay isn't something you choose, it's not something you can change. As @Chrissy said, he can't choose whether or not to be attracted to a guy, and this is defineatly not something he should be punished for.

Don't be scared to be who you are.

Let's do what we can to stop sexism, racism, homophobism, ect...


On phone.

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Should of let hitler continue his plans of taking over the world rather than have this current shitty one with ISIS and other organizations that ruin it.
Should of let hitler continue his plans of taking over the world rather than have this current shitty one with ISIS and other organizations that ruin it.

Didn't you say you were jewish? You and your family would have been exterminated by now if Hitler continued. Smart thinking there.

I think on a scale where ISIS have claimed to take the lives of 170,000 people compared to an estimated 19 million by the nazi regime - that's completely over exaggeration.
People are so blinded by the media, and our view is shifted really hard,
you shouldn't even believe things in the news about another continent.
ISIS isn't even a big group they are somewhere between 10-20k terrorists.
Seeing people say things like "they are about to have nukes " just blows my mind...
These terrorists groups could be fucked instantly, by any bigger country.
The reason why they are still around is the fact that they make really good money to some people.
It's really contra-productive to be afraid of them, you'll be easier to manipulate if you live in constant fear.​

My prayers go out to all the victims and everyone involved in this tragedy.
I sincerely hope that I'll live to see a world, where everyone is accepted for who they are.
but I probably wont because we humans are agressive like this since we exist
I've look at the wiki, if you even look at it, his religion is
Islam buddy. See, EU people like you would love to give up your countries and let it get cucked by religious homophobic fanatics like Omar Mateen. This is exactly why the U.S is the way it is right now, on it's verge to lose the political correctness with Mr. Donald Trump.

And also, my post was deleted for being incorrect? Sorry that I'm American and I don't sympathize with barbaric cultures like you do but it can't be helped since you're so close to the barbic culture and religion known as Islam. If you've actually read the Quran like I have, you would know their values on women, life and gays as a whole. I'm not just spouting xenophobic verbiage to you. Look it up yourselves I'm no teacher, this is why Donald Trump is the presumptive Republican Nominee because he's willing to say thing that you may not like. Like I have just done to you all, anyway, I'll leave you with a word from Mr. Trump himself about Islam.

With President Obama/our current government's stance against Islam and refugees as a whole, shit like this is going to continue to happen. Although it happens anyways, just not of this scale.

And you see this =
his motive says ISLAMIC FUNDAMENTALISM. I've proved my point.

Are you taking the piss?

The shooting was caused by one person, this one person had a personality, he had a brain, he had a body, he had a gun. He went inside a club full of homosexual people, lesbian people an other sexualities however predominantly homosexual. You have no right expressing the fact that he was Muslim and saying that was the cause of him shooting them people, he did it because he was a pseudo intellectual piece of homophobic shit who deserves to die in the depths of hell for his disgusting actions.

Donald trump is also a misogynistic, homophobic, racist man who shouldn't be allowed US citizenship never mind the votes of their people.

You're an idiot and clearly misinformed.

Wikipedia motives aren't facts you goon
No, I signed up today to get this EU garbage on how our country should run out of here when you have no idea what you're talking about and are just sympathizing with their culture when you honestly have no idea what you're talking about. You guys don't even know how a government should actually run.

Numbers and facts matter, and I have given you all of that today. All you guys have given me is petty politically correct BS like "every muslim isn't this" "he isn't a muslim anymore" when committing Jihad is essentialy their right of passage. You can sympathize, lie and fool yourself into believing that Islam is compatible with western culture all you want but the fact is clearly isn't and after this tragic incident, Trump will be the one to uncuck our nation and hopefully be able to influence you EU kids into actually being men and TEACHING YOU to prioritize your country rather than some displaced refugees in the Middle-East.

We have homelessness EVERYWHERE in our innercities. Gang violence and violence in general, we have shit to fix in our own lands before trying to be "Mr. USA let's save the world without hurting people's feelings"

Put your country first, you can't blame guns for this mess when there are more guns than citizens in the USA. There's only one thing to blame and that's Islam's incompatibility with western nations. Wiki it, study it, lose your Political Correctness because it's the sad truth.
As a gay man myself he's really fugly, but he'll always be the Orlando commando...the Muslim prophet Muhammad Slice Hambrali. FYI this is a gmod server, not fox news.

P.S Look at the top of his head
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