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  1. Death Howl

    New Video Games

    If you want something challenging its the game everyone is involved in. Life hardest game ever.
  2. Death Howl

    Weird Occurance(s)

    Has this happened more than once because I only know this happening once or twice. Could be an error loading but I have not encountered this on garrys mod before.
  3. Death Howl

    Appologies for the inactivity I am back now and getting involved now. I have several ideas to...

    Appologies for the inactivity I am back now and getting involved now. I have several ideas to improve the police force hope you dont mind it going direct to suggestions had bad luck positing on police section.
  4. Death Howl

    What grinds your gears?

    A very bad gearbox. Nah its when im dispatcher and I have to tell people how to do their job, or having to be a satnav to medics.
  5. Death Howl

    The Front - Application section

    Name (OOC). Death Howl (If you meant real I do not disclose it for good reason) Name (IC) James Anders Age. 20 Why do you want to join the Front? I have always had issues with money since the Montreal Family went down. I am an ex owner of Gun Corporation and the Private Transport Co but never...
  6. Death Howl

    Fire Fighter Additions

    I believe fog nozzle would most likely be added as the jaws of life has been suggested and denied and the pass device sounds like a cheaper life alert. The nozzle I would like to see but I have concerns about its use as its a not very commonly used job.
  7. Death Howl

    I found Michael Boyle's pet.

    You gotta watch it with people you have no idea if they have crabs. (Insert STD jokes here)
  8. Death Howl

    The Bounty Hunters

    Setting my timer for how long it takes for someone to rip this org and make a similar one called booty hunters. To be honest I would be more afraid of them really.
  9. Death Howl


    Big foot can wait this is a threat to the city. Send in meme squad!
  10. Death Howl

    What do boys do when they're inlove

    There is no love there is torture. School and love is a very bad combination that is why I do not have a girlfriend anymore. Everyone gets involved and it just adds pressure. The only love is that for your games.
  11. Death Howl

    Magazine-caliber game :D

    Can I guess how many stoves you used up to make them instead? I told you craftable incendiary rounds is a bad idea.
  12. Death Howl

    Concept for Mining

    Maybe I should quote the last mining suggestion. "Eww minecraft no" It takes the chief of police and an ex senior to make people consider it. Thinking back to economy make some of what you can earn refinable into crafting materials some even exclusive to mining maybe. It opens the doors to...
  13. Death Howl

    Well im back and better than ever

    Hey guys me for the- Umm nevermind lost count. Anyway I regret my activity due to being very busy with a course with the Prince's Trust. I have had one hell of a time and it has improved me very well. I would love to say see you on the server but I have several complications. You see i'm 20...
  14. Death Howl

    Dispatch innovation

    I really do not know what is going on with dispatcher, I had also seen faults and made my own suggestion which has been up for months. We will need to wait for news on what they are planning for dispatcher.
  15. Death Howl

    April Fools; Money Packs

    Im bankrupt IRL. But I have over 3 mil ingame well worth it.
  16. Death Howl

    Notice of Inactivity

    Hmm Dorset, more green than Trumps pocket. Enjoy your time there im staying in Norfolk trying to finish this training program with the Princes Trust. Main reason why im so inactive myself infact never got around to letting you guys know.
  17. Death Howl

    Continuously Crashing

    Do you tend to have background programs running?
  18. Death Howl

    200k gone RIP

    I never approved of gambling which is why I decided to lose 60k from it. You never know how it will fair.
  19. Death Howl


    I believe what can be done is that diamonds can be a very rare find in the forest or rocky area where their prices can vary depending on its quality. The pickaxe thinking about it if we are going to suddenly scream at someone because the idea is from a game maybe you should know what game...
  20. Death Howl

    Next server event

    @LEWIS 088 has ran this exact event twice. The one I was in he found all 7 of us in the same place so we had to roll. The odds were well stacked against him there if he knows what I mean.
  21. Death Howl

    Gnomes of Gielinor

    You could say your base is in the middle of Gnowhere. A very odd org will be interesting to see what rp comes out of it.
  22. Death Howl

    [Discussion] Voice changers/MorphVOX

    Game show host as dispatcher because everyone hates their usage of mics. I have seen them in use and believe they should not be used as they have potential to distrupt rp if misused. However we have teamspeak and that also gets misused so im currently neutral on this.
  23. Death Howl

    AR on Luke Person

    I knew Luke back in evocity i cannot believe that this is the same person. Luke never agreed with the new rules when they were made and since then has been very distruptive and hostile. I believe that this community will do better without him, i didn't even know that he was unbanned did he just...
  24. Death Howl

    Cannot open cars with crowbar

    I believe that some things cannot be opened unless you have a certain level in lockpicking. Thats why im so bad with lockpicking.
  25. Death Howl


    He was defending his friend. I heard that the lamp post brightens up his day most of the time. On a serious note the evidence is clear and he had no reason at all to CDM you.
  26. Death Howl

    Dark locations

    Render bug I believe they fix if you are close enough. I have no clue about the fix but it is related either to rendering or lighting bugs.
  27. Death Howl

    Medics reviving.

    Can't be helped its just like vehicle exit points. Happened to me so many times then the next person to revive dies. if this is possible would gladly accept however would like a little detail on what you think the solution should be. Try not to come up with something expolitable. Edit. Thanks...
  28. Death Howl

    Well if dispatch ever gets sorted. Good luck anyway need help or advice im glad to help.

    Well if dispatch ever gets sorted. Good luck anyway need help or advice im glad to help.
  29. Death Howl

    Secure apartment building

    You must have posted this after I told the Hudsons to get a room. To be honest who would find this useful. A majority of the server population is drug farmers or job farmers. I see your point regals is right next to a government building why would guns and drugs be there. However you need to...
  30. Death Howl

    * Just a normal day on PERPheads *

    Was in Video 2 and 3. Video two I was responding to the woman running out of fuel should have given they Keys to Chris. Video 3 as it turns out the RC I was escorting was Donney Doman who had issues towing the SUV, Took 2 Cruisers to push him up.