What do boys do when they're inlove

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This is for a school project thingy, and I really need help with what boyzz feel plz.
What do boys do when they're inlove or easier, having feelings for some and they're like doing random shit to get the attention?
OR EASIER, what can girls do when they have feelz for someone.
This shit is for real yo
Well, you see Lana or Anal. When two people love each other very much they have this thing called sex.
I would say that showing interest in the other person by talking to them and listening is a good way. (I wouldn't know though.) That is what I would do. When they are comfortable with each other, one could try expressing their feelings for the other person and hope for the best.
There is no love there is torture.

School and love is a very bad combination that is why I do not have a girlfriend anymore. Everyone gets involved and it just adds pressure.

The only love is that for your games.
personally I am not a guy to go up to a random girl and ask for their number ect, I prefer to talk to them online first, pick up the courage to speak to them then after organize a date when I feel I know them more but I will say (from my POV) "boys" tend to use name calling and "fake insults" to hide their true feelings as in this day and age, seeing a male in love/upset isn't exactly common hence why many males are on the words of "fuck & chuck" because peer pressure tells them that, in my aspect (in a 1 yr 5 month relationship) me and my girlfriend are in love (obviously) and don't give a shit what people think, even if she is "bigger" than me.

But if you have EVER been in love, having your heart-broken is hard shit, can cause you to literally be depressed for months (had mine broken 3x) so it all depends on the guy/girl and how much they truly "give a shit" about relationships

for girls however I do notice with them once comfortable they open up, physical contact becomes more "common" i.e. more hugs, being allowed to "hold them" and play fights ect but some girls are indirect and avoid this like @LordTyla avoids me :kappa: but in other words it all depends on the person and how "confident" they are


Most guys are cunts who are stuck in the "fuck & chuck" stage and some genuinley are nice guys who will love you.

P.S. I was so tempted to put "Conclusion: KET IS FOR HORSES YOU DUMB MOTHER FUCKER" XD

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Well, stupid kids in my school think getting the girl is by "Showing off" and beating someone up in front of the girl. That is just wrong because I asked the girls if it actually was working on them, which I knew wasn't, and they said that those guys are just douches. Other kids tease the girl and make fun of her, and that is even more retarded. If you like a girl then be normal and take a shower or some shit. Hang out with her and be kind, BE CAREFUL OF FRIENDZONE, and when you think the time is right ask her out. Its so easy even Blackdown can do it.
Well, stupid kids in my school think getting the girl is by "Showing off" and beating someone up in front of the girl. That is just wrong because I asked the girls if it actually was working on them, which I knew wasn't, and they said that those guys are just douches. Other kids tease the girl and make fun of her, and that is even more retarded. If you like a girl then be normal and take a shower or some shit. Hang out with her and be kind, BE CAREFUL OF FRIENDZONE, and when you think the time is right ask her out. Its so easy even Blackdown can do it.
(on my phone)
Many of the popular children at my place of education tend to make disturbing noises around their girlfriends.
They also tend to show off usually by wearing silly flat caps and using foul language.
The Real love is video games not getting love with a girl , i never had a girlfriend and i dont want to because almost our school's girls are bitches :D
If you aren't with her yet then you aren't really in love with her, you just like her a lot. You'll know the feeling when you finally feel it though. Believe me I thought I was in love a few times but in hindsight I wasn't, I was just attracted to them.

As for trying to get their attention, if you're already friends with them then you shouldn't really have a problem talking with them. The key in my opinion is to treat them like a person, and not to be too forward with them about your own feelings. I've found that girls are much happier to hang out with you when you're not constantly hitting on them, thats why guys in relationships feel like they suddenly become more popular with girls, I definitely did. They're attracted to someone who isn't constantly trying to get in their pants because they feel like he's open or genuine or whatever, but really he's just trying to avoid invoking the wrath of his girlfriend.

I'm not saying to pretend you're in a relationship or to pretend you don't like her, just treat her like a friend and a person, if she ends up liking you back then great, if not then it wasn't to be.

Aaaand upon reading the question I realise you are a female. Well if you ever bend the other way my advice is above. Anyways if you want a guy to like you just befriend him and ask him out, we're really simple creatures, not that socially complex, subtle signs will NOT work most of the time. The amount of "horror" stories on reddit of guys who have looked back on an encounter with a girl and realised that she wanted more and he never realised are astounding. Just be straightforward with a guy, if you're friends then just tell him what you want and see what happens. If not then get to know him a bit before dropping the question, just in case he is secretly a giant douchebag.
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What other guys in my school do is mess around with the girl, act though, and show off. A lot.
I, personally, just talk to the girl, get to know her, and then eventually ask her out after a few months because i get nervous af
I just laugh at their jokes even if they aren't funny, and spend as much time as I can around said girl. Learn what they're interested in, get interested in it myself so we have some things in common, and try my best to make the girl like me.
Then try not to get in fights around them, because that seems to dissapoint them.

I... don't know what "most" boys do. I guess I'm not "most" boys.
Minority ftw.
I got shy around the girl I liked, and I felt as if no one will ever be the same as her. You feel your heart pounding when your around her. And speak softly.
That how I was like with the girl I liked, now we just talk sometimes.
tl;dr question was asked in the wrong place.
what guys do is watch TV play games and drink beer and sleep and they let the girls goto them