Medics reviving.

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Topic: Medics reviving people

Short explanation
(in notes):

When medics revive people they get stuck in eachother.

Detailed description (why should it become added/...):

Because it's annoying, you have to wait for a long time and sometimes you accidentally arrest the medic instead (if you're a copper ofc.)

Optional additions:
Making the person that gets revived spawn a bit away from the medics (point of the thread) but not so that he can spawns on the other side of the Regals 5 top floor wall (he would die again if you didn't get that.)
Can't be helped its just like vehicle exit points. Happened to me so many times then the next person to revive dies. if this is possible would gladly accept however would like a little detail on what you think the solution should be. Try not to come up with something expolitable.

Edit. Thanks good idea for a solution and will gladly support.
How about stand beside the body and not stomp/walk on it?
Either way, this is unnecessary and you should understand that standing on a body and reviving it would create a problem for the person lying on the ground; "How the fuck do i get up? This motherfucking medic's standing on my face!"
Allthough a bit annoying, I find the "patient" getting stuck in the medic a good thing, as that can count as the medic helping the downed guy standing up, and prevents revived people to just sprint away the second they get revived. This stuns them both, and makes it a bit more realistic, but in an untraditional way.
I think easier way to fix that problem (like when exiting cars) is to disable collisions on stucked players till they move few units away from each other. That desing could be abused, but that's what for report function is, right?
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I don't think this should be changed as if you were a criminal that got beaten to death by an officer with a nightstick for example, every time you get revived you could just sprint away and get beaten to death, get revived and sprint away. By the idea of them not being able to move for a couple of seconds makes it realistic as the medic helping them up and it also gives the officers a chance to cuff the suspect so he can't run away.