Search results

  1. Maia

    Server Suggestion Realistic actions

  2. Maia

    Sick profile picture

    Sick profile picture
  3. Maia

    Yes... and you know it...

    Yes... and you know it...
  4. Maia

    Can you prove its slander?

    Can you prove its slander?
  5. Maia

    Happy birthday nonce!

    Happy birthday nonce!
  6. Maia

    Ban Apology (Maia)

    I had two encounters with you tonight. In both occasions you broke basic rules of the server and showed in the report you had no basic knowledge of the rules. Take these 2 days to go over the rules so you dont make the same mistakes you did today. I understand its a pain to read all that but...
  7. Maia

    Police Suggestion Give patrol supervisors+ the wheelclamp

    Patrol needs a buff
  8. Maia

    Server Suggestion Buff meth yields/sale price

    Meth is already much better than the other drugs. On top of this it also awards you with more org xp and score.
  9. Maia

    Thoughts on Viper V3?

    Thoughts on Viper V3?
  10. Maia

    I still have the superlight, I fucking love it, but the scroll wheel is so cancer... i dont...

    I still have the superlight, I fucking love it, but the scroll wheel is so cancer... i dont wanna disassemble it, its annoying af
  11. Maia

    Server Suggestion Dropped money merges when in contact with other money

    This may seem like a good idea but it raises too many problems
  12. Maia

    Server Suggestion Yelling voice range

    Normal voice is loud enough
  13. Maia

    Server Suggestion Prop Return

    New system will be in place that will allow staff to easily manage your props
  14. Maia

    Server Suggestion The Business shop front doors

    Removing the doors at bazaar and business has shown to be one of the best ideas ever implemented. Right after giving @peeps developer.
  15. Maia

    Server Suggestion Lockpick system

    The community has spoken
  16. Maia

    Btw, I completely forgot to communicate on this but you can select dialog options, when talking...

    Btw, I completely forgot to communicate on this but you can select dialog options, when talking to NPCs, by using your keyboard. Example: If you wish to join a job, just talk to the NPC and spam "1"
  17. Maia

    Server Suggestion Cause 3.4 warnings to not appear if carrying a firearm

    For the area notifications only, if you have a weapon and still get the notifications it means a staff member is targetting you specifically and you should probably leave the area
  18. Maia
  19. Maia

    "they follow their true leader" WRONG! They follow the power!!

    "they follow their true leader" WRONG! They follow the power!!
  20. Maia

    Server Suggestion money drop cap when having a current gambling blacklist

    Stop being an addict :facepalm:
  21. Maia

    Server Suggestion Sort Gas Station Vehicles By Distance

    You get a highlight for the cars you own
  22. Maia

    Police Suggestion Allow Heavy TFU to resupply on Light armour in the swat van.

    The infinite bullets are already pretty OP
  23. Maia

    Server Suggestion Higher the speed of the tow truck.

    The RC truck is already a menace
  24. Maia

    Server Suggestion Add clothing to dna sample menu

    This has already been done by me :D
  25. Maia

    Server Suggestion When new players join have them read 2.5 and 3.4

    we have more than enough pop ups...
  26. Maia

    Server Suggestion Change price on clothes , when you change their colour

    With the wardrobe this makes no sense
  27. Maia

    Server Suggestion Consider light bulbs a material instead of furniture

    @GP I'll leave this one for you :)