Search results

  1. Bean Can

    Boobs or ass

    Just a chart showing that American's can make good decisions about some things.
  2. Bean Can

    Boobs or ass

    Nico is speaking fax that we don't wanna admit.
  3. Bean Can

    Legalising weed

    My neighbor started using oxycontin because he broke into his dad's cabinet one night and his dad didn't notice the missing pills. I know one kid who sneaks into his moms medicine cabinet. Kids will always be dumb and some will want to try drugs. If you want to actually see how addicting drugs...
  4. Bean Can

    Legalising weed

    I'm sure you're aware drugs have different dosing and people have different tolerances for drugs. If you can't handle a joint don't smoke a whole joint, put it out, smoke it with people, and most importantly DON'T push yourself. The argument that alcohol doesn't intoxicate you as much is so...
  5. Bean Can

    Legalising weed

    The danger of taking to much alcohol is death just straight up respiratory depression and you die. The worst thing that happens when you smoke weed is a really really intense panic attack/psychosis. Now this sounds like an absolutely terrible thing(you don't want it to happen to you by any...
  6. Bean Can

    Legalising weed

    Here in the USA we like to have some lovely contradicting drug possession charges such as It is legal in the state of Florida for me to possess up to 4 ounces and 22000mg of THC on me at once. Only in the state of Florida and not on the federal level, DEA agents can arrest not local law...
  7. Bean Can

    [Daily Routine] What Do u do?

    "drive to school" flexing your driver's license
  8. Bean Can

    what is your favorite kind of bEAN

    Honestly any bean other than me bro
  9. Bean Can

    what is your favorite kind of bEAN

    I fw this
  10. Bean Can


    Didn't even @ me sad
  11. Bean Can

    Add excessive racism in character to 1.1

    The problem with this is who decides it's intended maliciously or simply a joke. For example I usually in-game will greet people by saying "what up my n---a" would that be considered excessive? Racism as a whole has always been a part in-game RP and there are other in-game rules that prevent it...
  12. Bean Can

    Patreon Subscribers ONLY!! I got you
  13. Bean Can

    Should we switch from Teamspeak to Discord?

    It goes up to 96 kbps without paying and it's perfectly fine audio quality. There's barely a difference between 128kbps vs 96kbps though.
  14. Bean Can

    Where you see yourself in 10 years

    As a perpheads administrator after getting enforcer after my 87th attempt and remaining moderator for 5 years I finally got promoted
  15. Bean Can

    DJ Conyo - Barbie Girl Explicit Version Ft Madda

    Waiting for the clean version so I can play it at the show and tell at school.
  16. Bean Can

    OrAnGe mAn BaD!

    I made 8 million dollars in Olsen when I was in, and the money I used to join gambled it and got it back in 2 minutes. Also I'm 18 so technically a legal adult reeeeee
  17. Bean Can

    do you go to the doctor when you are in a near death situation

    @Sneaky Yeah the police made a joke and said most people don't walk out of car crash perfectly okay. Then he was telling me about fatal car accidents he's dealt with. Some of the stories he told me were intense, like a DUI that the father killed both of his kids and his mom had to come on the...
  18. Bean Can

    do you go to the doctor when you are in a near death situation

    I only had first degree burns from the airbag exploding on my hand and a leg pain that went away after 2 days. They say do you want to go to the hospital to cover themselves from a lawsuit. Like if I had a hairline fracture(which sometimes doesn't even hurt) and I find out a month after I could...
  19. Bean Can

    AR on Jefffy Gutenberg

    Your Steam/In-game Name: Bean Can/Matt Grand His/Her Steam/In-game Name: ???/Jefffy Gutenberg His/Her SteamID: ??? Why Should This Player Be Punished: Situation: I saw the suspect in front of the hospital with a shotgun on his back, I approached him with handcuffs to attempt to detain...
  20. Bean Can

    do you go to the doctor when you are in a near death situation

    When I got into my car accident the firefighters asked if I wanted to go to the hospital and I told them no I just want to go home. Other than that I've never been in a near death situation
  21. Bean Can

    LEO 2.5 Rule break / Posting for Bobbie

    As I was obviously involved in this whole sit as a responding officer. I will be adding my view of the situation. As stated in this, we responded with no lights no sirens and didn't announce PLPD once. The goal was to apprehend a suspect who was warranted 3 times for murder(husky). I came in...
  22. Bean Can

    It says spring pistol in the name pal a good pistol is like 400 buckaroos.

    It says spring pistol in the name pal a good pistol is like 400 buckaroos.
  23. Bean Can

    Decriminalize Psychedelics

    The whole idea of illegal drugs just makes them seem cooler to some people, most people will do them either way. Having a government sanctioned thing to make sure people are not dying is a really great idea, either you do drugs or not no one deserves to die or get seriously fucked up from bad drugs.
  24. Bean Can

    Unofficial Perpheads Guide on Meth

    Except it doesn't go into detail about any of the steps, and doesn't give you a decent recipe.
  25. Bean Can

    AR on Chet Francisco | Citizen Want | STEAM_0:0:59627898

    Your Steam/In-game Name: Bean Can/Matt Grand His/Her Steam/In-game Name: Citizen Want/Chet Francisco His/Her SteamID: STEAM_0:0:59627898 Why Should This Player Be Punished: Situation: I was walking around bazaar and I saw Dai shop and was wondering if I had keys. Obviously I did so I opened...
  26. Bean Can

    Car Model Changes (not adding cars)

    Discussion Post: Main Idea: Car model changes Full description of the idea: This is just a simple texture changes, it wouldn't add much to the gamemode but who can complain about better textures.It's not only the exterior...
  27. Bean Can

    Not A Shooting Montage 8

    12:10, is my battle scream whenever I think I'm going to lose a battle.
  28. Bean Can

    Unofficial Perpheads Guide on Meth

    Update 2/6/19: - Added the chemical and category's section to provide more information about the meth making process. It showcases all the chemicals on the server and tells you the places to purchase them at.
  29. Bean Can

    Yeah I've have a paste bin too but I felt like making a in-depth guide on how to do it for the...

    Yeah I've have a paste bin too but I felt like making a in-depth guide on how to do it for the newer players. Or the people who just want to get into it cause it's really good money.
  30. Bean Can

    Yeah, I've shown a lot of people how to do it. Most of the time people end up getting confused...

    Yeah, I've shown a lot of people how to do it. Most of the time people end up getting confused on the simplest part. That's why I put the videos too.