Search results

  1. Garret_Pp

    what the point of the ticket

    I really don't ticket most of my arrests. All they are is a slight inconvenience/nuisance for everyone. When i do ticket, like for traffic violations, I keep them under $1,000 because it's more about the inconvenience and to teach them a lesson. I only ticket when jailing if somebody is a...
  2. Garret_Pp

    My back hurts a lot :c

    Since I've been tagged... Back pain, especially in younger people, responds well to abdominal exercises even more so than back training exercises. Try forcing yourself to sit upright more and avoid chronic use of NSAID's like Ibuprofen. Excess stress can also cause back problems but everyone...
  3. Garret_Pp

    @Wiki reported

    @Wiki reported
  4. Garret_Pp

    Around a little bit this summer, especially after finals. Working on some chem and bio research...

    Around a little bit this summer, especially after finals. Working on some chem and bio research this summer so still busy. No I aM NoT "cOmInG BAcK" AnD WilL NoT gO bAcK To cOmMaND
  5. Garret_Pp

    lets build paralake

    Hey I'll keep working on teh plugin if you want
  6. Garret_Pp

    PERP MineCraft Plugin

    Update Log - 01/12/2018 [0.3] Major jobs update!! Added police in at a basic level and like items. There's more to come in the future but I think this was a really good start for us! Added /pdLobby to be used to access the npc menu at the PD Can be used to go on and off duty, will set limit...
  7. Garret_Pp

    PERP MineCraft Plugin

    Update Log - 27/11/2018 [0.2] Small update of the original plugin, repost. Added /roll to randomly get a number 1 to 100 Added /describe or /desc to describe actions to online players Added /advert to advertise stuff Added /act to preform certain acts acts currently added [wave, salute...
  8. Garret_Pp

    PERP MineCraft Plugin

    PERP Server Plugin Log GitHub lastest build...[0.6.1] lastest stable build...[0.6.1] DOWNLOAD HERE Commands: /roll: Rolls random number between 1 and 100. /describe (or /desc) [text]: Describe the actions of a player. /advert [text]: Advertise a product or service. /act [act]: Preform acts...
  9. Garret_Pp

    lets build paralake

    I'll start more plugin development this weekend. Looking for people to help me who know Java and have experience working with the bukkit api. I'll put it up on got hub so we can work together
  10. Garret_Pp

    SWAT van being used as a weapon still? And more PD Foul Play?

    You say this then proceed to list NOT A SINGLE THING showing any perspective of the TFU officers you claim to represent, you mainly complain about balance. Not to mention if you legitimately cannot think of any scenario where TFU should use the van as a weapon then you do not need to be the one...
  11. Garret_Pp

    lets build paralake

    Cause it was written at midnight lol. Took a solid 30 minutes, about 10 of which was refining act surrender cause I haven't work with itemdrop yet.
  12. Garret_Pp

    lets build paralake

    PERP [0.2] PLUGIN Link active 30 days... I WROTE A PLUGIN FOR THE SERVER WAHOO Commands: /roll: Rolls random number between 1 and 100. /describe (or /desc) [text]: Describe the actions of a player. /advert [text]: Advertise a product or service. /act [act]...
  13. Garret_Pp

    What Was Your First Coding Languages?

    my first language was LiberyBasic which I used to learn programming logic
  14. Garret_Pp

    lets build paralake

    Garret_Pp whitelist me
  15. Garret_Pp

    Garret's Guide to Investigations

    CLICK HERE TO VIEW THE GUIDE For all of you who miss the old days of Garret's Guides, here is a new one I have been working on. It is not complete but has lots of useful information to make you a much better officer and an A level investigator in PERP. Investigations are way more helpful that...
  16. Garret_Pp

    AR on Dai and Phantom

    I am going to limit my involvement here as much as I can. But you cannot hear my side of teamspeak audio. I told him to mute his teamspeak when responding to police incidents and not to say stuff like that to aviod meta gaming, and that i didn't want to report him (implying i would in the...
  17. Garret_Pp

    AR on Dai and Phantom

    Video of Johnny Won-Ton raiding PD during bank raid to "get easy kills"... I just don't think this behavior is acceptable or should be encouraged.
  18. Garret_Pp

    Update Log - 29/10/2018

    When I was on TFU earlier today the Fire Extinguishers were not in my trunk, only when I was on as a sergeant.
  19. Garret_Pp


    I'm a civilian now but I half worked on this. @TinySlayer . Apparently in talking to Tucker a staff member verbally reprimanded him in game I also taught him how to act correctly in the future. He was on a hit but the hit was only $5,000. Not enough to risk it on.
  20. Garret_Pp

    Not sure where to put this

    ACCEPTED Player disconnected while still unconscious after the crash and returned later that day. Player is very new to the server and has only played a few times so I am simply going to give him a warning for 3.20 Disconnecting from Server. I really don't have a way of informing him of this...
  21. Garret_Pp

    Goodbye, PERP is not dying

    PERP players, friends, and all who reside here, I have turned in my resignation from the PREP staff team and sent in my one week notice from the Police Department for a fully effective resignation. This is NOT because of one specific incident or some major disagreement. I love this server and...
  22. Garret_Pp

    make them last night actually

    make them last night actually
  23. Garret_Pp

    Alexander Step RDM

    ACCEPTED Player has joined three times and seems to minge around. Broke 3.4 risking life and imprisonment by attacking you without reason. Also broke 2.1 as this is not a realistic way to play.
  24. Garret_Pp


    Why is there no *uncomfortable* rating
  25. Garret_Pp

    You'd need to be a good one

    You'd need to be a good one
  26. Garret_Pp


  27. Garret_Pp

    Nope, otherwise I'd be part of the SWAMP.

    Nope, otherwise I'd be part of the SWAMP.
  28. Garret_Pp

    Iam officially ,,dead man walking"

    You’re welcome... gosh
  29. Garret_Pp

    You only wrote one stanza in your poem before I think you’re already too far behind

    You only wrote one stanza in your poem before I think you’re already too far behind