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  1. Garret_Pp

    AR on Alexander Dean for 3.4 (Suicide)

    Your Steam/In-game Name: Garret_Pp | Garret Pierzchajlo His/Her Steam/In-game Name: @SirBanta | Alexander Dean His/Her SteamID: STEAM_0:1:175343903 Why Should This Player Be Punished: 3.4 Player committed suicide purposefully and obviously with out regard for his own life. It seemed like a joke...
  2. Garret_Pp

    Just a quick PSA pic on the bank

    Driving into the bank between the automatic doors, Not even once. @Tunnels @Gimic @Jessamy Hudson
  3. Garret_Pp

    PLPD: D.A.R.E | Say no to drugs (Free bonus meme)

    You both spent too much time on this and just the right amount.
  4. Garret_Pp

    lol retired late December from a broken computer. but i get your point <3

    lol retired late December from a broken computer. but i get your point <3
  5. Garret_Pp

    Haven't been in the PD long enough again apparently, RIP.

    Haven't been in the PD long enough again apparently, RIP.
  6. Garret_Pp


  7. Garret_Pp

    AR on Garret_Pp

    Yeah I hold firm in my explanation but let me expand on the series of event to help clarify. 1) We go to your shop first in our list to help test out and work out the kinks of this. 2) We asked for your employee to pay us 3k for protection from the "dangerous world". We informed him if he...
  8. Garret_Pp

    Post the flag of your County/Province/State

    State Flag "Georgia" Basically the one for our county, "Tift" Our City sort of logo.
  9. Garret_Pp

    The Clocks are doing this....

    "I really don't want to ever have to enter that apartment again, please don't make me." -Garret 2k17 Baggers scares me though really
  10. Garret_Pp

    Taking apart my Sig Sauer P229R for yo uguys

    Here for you guys is just a video of my taking apart my Sig before I clean it. Subscribe to my youtube channel there if you want to see more, I know a lot of you have requested more videos. I will try and make some new cooking ones soon too.
  11. Garret_Pp

    Just a little view of my day, shooting and driving

    Shooting 274 meters or 3 hundred yards, 1 inch apart shots with a rifle center mass target. We were shooting a kind of reused ammo so some had expanded from previous firings and were too large for the barrel or got stuck, still fun though. Here is just one of me unloading a Scar
  12. Garret_Pp

    It's what I strive for babe.

    It's what I strive for babe.
  13. Garret_Pp

    Tis but a shame

    I think the problem is mostly school. Like Jordan says this happens every year and we always pick up and recover. I do believe you are right in that bans get handed out too easily left and right and that the sentencing is way too subjective and excessive, this was a problem I fervently railed...
  14. Garret_Pp

    Just a little view of my day, shooting and driving

    Not sure. It's a gift from my grandfather. Older but great shape perfectly sighted. Just some fast shooting here, aimed and hit the bottle on the last one. This one is a progressive firing with the second to last shot knocking the bottle and the final shot hit a bullseye @MCGSCEFFAAWHETJH55555
  15. Garret_Pp

    Just a little view of my day, shooting and driving

    So what I do, and it's one of the main ways to shoot, is to turn the left side of my body in front of my right, bend my front darn and straighten my back one. I lean barely forwards in the top but I keep my back straight. It's s little like a hunch. It tends to work more for me than the full...
  16. Garret_Pp

    Just a little view of my day, shooting and driving

    Just move to N. Ireland and you'll do a lot better I think :). The pistol I'm shooting is one of the heaviest on the market because of how and what it shoots but I like it. The girl I was with almost had it fly out of her hands the first time because of her grip. But you're a big boy you'll be...
  17. Garret_Pp

    Just a little view of my day, shooting and driving

    I thought it would be nice to give you guys a good little view of my day. I didn't look great though don't judge :). Me shooting my SIG P229R 15+1 with using my leather level 2 snap lock paddle hostler. Went through 400 rounds today. Me driving home with my friend and cousin and dog. You can...
  18. Garret_Pp

    Happy Birthday Perp

    Happy Birthday PERP, we've been through a lot together and I'm happy to have you here ;).
  19. Garret_Pp

    I'm back and in full swing. Had a nice vaca and already started back to the PERP grind. Did my...

    I'm back and in full swing. Had a nice vaca and already started back to the PERP grind. Did my observation reports, patrolled. LETS DO THIS
  20. Garret_Pp

    9.7 Sexual Offences - Addition

    I mean I once had to arrest a postitute and her (or possibly his o_O) pimp for tax evasion. Though they technically could've legalized the act by selling a taxed object and including prostitution in the price, thus complying with tax law. Though the prostitution wasn't necessarily bad, they were...
  21. Garret_Pp

    Hillary or Trump?

    Why must you rely on calling me an idiot instead of providing intellectual and relevant arguments to the situation at hand. 1) You shouldn't and are not left to die if you can't afford your treatment. That's a low blow and it is incredibly idiotic to take out an attack on me like that. In...
  22. Garret_Pp

    Hillary or Trump?

    Disclaimer: BUCKLE UP HERE US MY LONG RESPONSE. I CAN GO INTO MUCH MORE DETAIL BUT IM DOING THIS ON THE PHONE AND IM SURE MANY OF US ARE TOO STUBBORN TO CHANGE OUR MINDS ANWAY. Well as all of you know I like Trump and his policies. I do personally wish he'd shut up and delete Twitter though...
  23. Garret_Pp

    Lol I have nothing else to do.

    Lol I have nothing else to do.
  24. Garret_Pp

    You loved me bbe just hated my warning.

    You loved me bbe just hated my warning.
  25. Garret_Pp

    Thanks for the Birthday Wishes! Had a good day and my first legal beer. And I am back by the way...

    Thanks for the Birthday Wishes! Had a good day and my first legal beer. And I am back by the way guys now. Just on vacation currently.
  26. Garret_Pp

    Just bought a new computer. Last Wednesday it got in. I joined back two days but I am on...

    Just bought a new computer. Last Wednesday it got in. I joined back two days but I am on vacation now
  27. Garret_Pp

    Come by some time and I'll give it in person ;)

    Come by some time and I'll give it in person ;)
  28. Garret_Pp

    I'm back tho bbe. I'm on vacation for two weeks but still

    I'm back tho bbe. I'm on vacation for two weeks but still
  29. Garret_Pp

    Thank you!!

    Thank you!!
  30. Garret_Pp

    You're welcome

    You're welcome