PLPD: D.A.R.E | Say no to drugs (Free bonus meme)

Is sneaky a fucking cuck, horrible officer and a party pooper?

  • Yes

    Votes: 43 82.7%
  • Yes

    Votes: 6 11.5%
  • No.

    Votes: 3 5.8%

  • Total voters
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Every month, dozens of teenagers get arrested and charged for drug related crimes.
We've seen it, a small innocent party is organised and someone brings in drugs. under pressure, teens go along and take drugs. This results in drug abuse, and rolls teenagers into organised crime.
With this campain, we hope to stop this.
Help us today. Call 911 if you believe a teenager or other person is believed to be engaging in drug or violent activities.

This message has been brought to you by Sergeant Jennifer Greenfield, Suburbs patrol officer.

Watch until end for bonus meme

pmsl we arrested like 8 people in the end. we only fined people and let them continue the party but they started smashing bottles so get nicked

vote @Sneaky for biggest partypooper and fucking most cuck cop
I did this at primary school, It was shit and taught me fuck all apart from how to roleplay a drug scene
P.S you spelt difference wrong at the end
and you gave away some really sensitive information from the police database
the aperture on your recording device is wrong otherwise the subjects in the background would be blurry depending on the focus
the aperture on your recording device is wrong otherwise the subjects in the background would be blurry depending on the focus
i spend 15 minutes searching for an overlay similar to a bodycam which i couldnt find so i got a random camera one and added text

you gave away some really sensitive information from the police database
its only names and a ticket and its ooc anyway so..