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  1. Classiy


  2. Classiy

    Christmas Giveaway [Completed]

    Name: Dirt Pedaller Reason: I pedal dirt. This is good dirt.
  3. Classiy

    Happy Birthday Bolli

    Happy Birthday Bolli
  4. Classiy

    AR on Chace/Adam Jenson

    Your Steam/In-game Name: Classiest of Nando/Frank Legard His/Her Steam/In-game Name: Chace/Adam Jenson His/Her SteamID: STEAM_0:0:42384300 Why Should This Player Be Punished: Extensive 1.1, 3.24 and maybe some as well as a count of 3.26. While Chace and I were being questioned about a physical...
  5. Classiy


    See you Niko, it was great to have you looking out for us! I hope something comes from your internship!
  6. Classiy

    ✮Traveling Vice Lords✮ | ♛ Applications ♛ |

    ✮[OOC] Information✮ Steam name: Classiest of Nando Age: 15 Country: UK How active are you?: On every 1-2 days; activity will increase if accepted. ♛[IC] Information♛ In-Game name: Frank Legard Age: 36 Current Vehicle: Mazda MX-5, Grey What's your favorite gat?: M1911A1 Do you know...
  7. Classiy

    Seriously, I'm not gonna tell ya.

    Seriously, I'm not gonna tell ya.
  8. Classiy

    Stranger Danger

    Stranger Danger
  9. Classiy

    Haps Borthday m8

    Haps Borthday m8
  10. Classiy

    Have a fantastic birthday mon!

    Have a fantastic birthday mon!
  11. Classiy

    Favorite Drink

    Nothing beats the official beverage of Sam Pepper, Dr. Pepper
  12. Classiy

    Same from me.

    Same from me.
  13. Classiy

    Whit games shuld a get

    Max Payne 3 is a great shooter even if the cutscenes make me want to break my keyboard. Otherwise, get Fallout: New Vegas and mod it loads.
  14. Classiy

    Thread for documents of encounters with and the discussion of the green justice orbs.

    While this isn't very exciting, you can see that the orb's text device is activated. This is a new specimen, I shall name him: mANerWafl
  15. Classiy

    Thread for documents of encounters with and the discussion of the green justice orbs.

    I would like to add that I do not see these entities as evil or dangerous; rather mysterious and with a true sense of justice.
  16. Classiy

    Thread for documents of encounters with and the discussion of the green justice orbs.

    Oh yeah, upload some pictures as well. THX!
  17. Classiy

    Thread for documents of encounters with and the discussion of the green justice orbs.

    In my 3 days on this server, I have discovered an extremely fascinating phenomenon, the green justice orbs. Only one of them will appear in a location unless it is a time of dire need. They sometimes materialize as individuals such as Rutger Cornfield or Tobi Possible to deal out justice when...
  18. Classiy

    A little game!

    Is very professional.
  19. Classiy

    Ban Request on The Good.

    Thanks, I fully acknowledge that I didn't follow the rules.
  20. Classiy

    Ban Request on The Good.

    41430. Also, I'm sorry, but I think I broke 3.24. I have dealt with mugging in public like this before with admins, but I am still deeply sorry.
  21. Classiy

    Ban Request on The Good.

    Your Steam/In-game Name: nO hAts for U!/Mike Yardsteen His/Her Steam/In-game Name: The Good and Killing Spree. (I don't know their RP names. My demo just shows them and everyone else as ERROR signs, I do know one of them is called Bobby Mcgee. His/Her SteamID: STEAM_0:0:19974069...
  22. Classiy

    The Saints

    It's hard to be a saint in the city. Thanks for letting me join the org. By the way, I'm the guy on the very right in the car photo.
  23. Classiy

    Kiss the Cook

    It is indeed
  24. Classiy

    Kiss the Cook

    So, I actually have 23 hours of gameplay on this server, but I decided to join the forum anyway just to learn some stuff. As you can see from the title, I like to cook a certain Amphetamine, and I hope that I could use that money to help with getting a car or something. But until then, I've been...
  25. Classiy

    Where do YOU base? (Hideouts)

    Regal cookin' for life.