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  1. unscsnip3r

    Police Suggestion Add addition spawn points of pd for those who die outside pd

    Please delete, poor wording
  2. unscsnip3r

    Disposable vapes to be banned

    Uk gov being useful? What is this shocking news
  3. unscsnip3r

    Shittage #2

    As former allies, can confirm
  4. unscsnip3r


    Been a pleasure the last few months mate, take care of yourself!
  5. unscsnip3r

    Resignation & Goodbye

    The man, the myth the legend returns?
  6. unscsnip3r

    what do you do

    Is it really meta when in character even a PO can access your car list in character?
  7. unscsnip3r

    Vault Corporation

    I was going to post about this, as I was interested in some signage, very interested in this overhaul!
  8. unscsnip3r

    Verbalase Drama

    Gonna be real, it screams advertisement campaign- look what is conveniently coming to prime video
  9. unscsnip3r

    Let's talk the recent state of car thefts. [DISCUSSION]

    Agreed, but between the thread here and what I have seen in reports its very apparent there is a varied stance on this
  10. unscsnip3r

    Let's talk the recent state of car thefts. [DISCUSSION]

    This I actually did, I was told its not against the rules. Despite a massive shootout being caused across baz.
  11. unscsnip3r

    Let's talk the recent state of car thefts. [DISCUSSION]

    One noticeable bit of issue is people solely breaking into cars in areas with cctv or large amount of crowds, while visibly armed to break into cars for exp and just shoot anyone and anything that challenges them, all for exp, which in my own opinion should be 2.5/3.4 let alone unrealistic...
  12. unscsnip3r


    Thats 4, pay up
  13. unscsnip3r

    YouTube is slowing down its performance if you use AdBlock

    Secondary pro tip- Dont use ad-block+; it fails to bypass the adblock block AND they take money for advertising to circumvent their blocker
  14. unscsnip3r

    Mugging turns into a successful cop chase YT video

    Yeah bit of teh ol' rule break by multiple parties there...
  15. unscsnip3r

    What games have you bought on the Steam Winter Sale?

    Upgraded my skyrim to anniversary edition, looks great imo Otherwise eying baldurs gate for my deck
  16. unscsnip3r

    "Your organization is not allowed to buy more than 1 property of this type."

    I do like Allen's proposal, however tmac does have a hefty point- It does remove a fair bit of rp into pvp zones, as is the meta of the server leans towards cs-perp at the best of times instead of actual rp, which will just annoy those. Perhaps having a single bench in the front of shops will...
  17. unscsnip3r

    "Your organization is not allowed to buy more than 1 property of this type."

    Personally, I feel 1 is heavily limiting larger orgs with more heavy crafting- 9/10 times 2 people in a decorated baz shop can feel limiting, especially as newer crafters will have to craft a lot more lower tier guns to sell to help level up, as opposed to 2/3 meta weapons like the scar ak etc...
  18. unscsnip3r

    Update Log 25/12/2023 - Merry Christmas

    Xmas presents already unavailable, will they be coming back?
  19. unscsnip3r

    I commend Aquaa

    Can confirm, any interaction with aqua has been brilliant, both in and out of rp.
  20. unscsnip3r

    My goodbye

    Been a pleasure man, take care!
  21. unscsnip3r

    PLPD application

    dog is a plpd supervisor as well as a moderator- they can see results of exams applicable to their division of plpd
  22. unscsnip3r

    Police Suggestion Allow Supervisors to adjust other officers to callsigns

    Will note dispatch can currently do this to all but hotel callsigns- would be great if hotels could be edited by us again
  23. unscsnip3r

    Server Suggestion Scratch Cards

    Please don't, I play this to escape my job
  24. unscsnip3r

    Your Lucid Dreaming Stories

    Wierdest: had a dream I was walking to work when I trip over- 3 times I've had it and every time I've woke myself by physically reacting to the dream
  25. unscsnip3r

    Bug Report (Dispatch map is fucked)

    Can confirm as dispatcher whitelisted this hasn't occured to me yet. However assigning can be a little inconsistent
  26. unscsnip3r

    Goodbye for now..

    Bruh this hurts, you best take care of your self you hear?
  27. unscsnip3r

    New Developers!

    Congratulations to both maia and pedro!
  28. unscsnip3r

    Halloween Event - 2023

    To check, is enforcement team the usual Emergency services?
  29. unscsnip3r

    Rule Suggestion (2.5 Excessive Negativity)

    One negative would be adding more to the f6 queue, which can easily take hour+ already at times
  30. unscsnip3r

    time for me to stop.

    Ah boo, just seen this, all the best!