Disposable vapes to be banned

Yeah but the whole tobacco restrictions are going to be entirely unenforceable.

Whilst smoking is a detriment to the health of yourself and those around you, banning the sale of tobacco products to anyone born after January 1st 2009 is absolutely stupid. Soon those people are going to be fully conscious adults with full control over their lives, yet they will never be able to have a privilege that someone born a few days before them will?

You think that a tobacco shop is going to refuse sale to a consenting adult seeking out the product? Just because they were born after a set date? Absolute nonsense. This just creates a monopoly scheme for anyone who is willing to break this stupid law.

As for vapes, Kids aren’t flocking to vaping because they like tutti fruity flavours. They’re flocking to vaping to get a nicotine rush without smelling like smoke. No one is buying 20mg salt nicotine disposable vapes for £7.99 because they like the taste of blue raspberry When they can just buy some blue raspberry chews for £0.50.
The problem with disposables (that the government glossed over entirely with todays announcement) is they’re wasteful and somewhat dangerous to dispose of.
I can understand why disposables are being banned but the whole “protect le children” bullshit means nothing, and the announced Tobacco restrictions are absolute lunacy.

Tl;dr: another “solution” to a fear mongered bullshit “problem” So the government can act like they’re in touch with solving problems, just like the bans on Gas shell air guns, sliding on ice, and spring assisted knives.
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Vaping is just the pussy version of smoking cigs. If you vape, stop vaping you look like a loser. If you want to smoke and be cool smoke cigs and accept the consequences like a real man I say. Luckily in the US, we don't have this issue because we don't live on an ISLAND. Unless you live in New York, which if you live there you're basically smoking 24/7 always from the shitty air quality pollution. I like that the UK is doing this tho cuz that is mega lame having to smell that shit 24/7, especially from a clean non-smoker/drug user/non-alcoholic myself. If it sounds like I'm ranting because I am, FUCK VAPES.
Vaping is just the pussy version of smoking cigs. If you vape, stop vaping you look like a loser. If you want to smoke and be cool smoke cigs and accept the consequences like a real man I say. Luckily in the US, we don't have this issue because we don't live on an ISLAND. Unless you live in New York, which if you live there you're basically smoking 24/7 always from the shitty air quality pollution. I like that the UK is doing this tho cuz that is mega lame having to smell that shit 24/7, especially from a clean non-smoker/drug user/non-alcoholic myself. If it sounds like I'm ranting because I am, FUCK VAPES.
i smoke ciggearatws
Tyrants in action let people vape if they want to.

"While vaping is substantially less harmful than smoking," So you ban the thing that is less harmful? They are absolutely dumb as shit. It shouldn't be banned period. Let people live their lives how they see fit and stay out of everyone's business. I'm so tired of all these governments around the world trying to control us like this. Humans are supposed to be free. It's bad enough people gotta pay taxes and other dumb shit least you could let people is fucking smoke a bit.
Tyrants in action let people vape if they want to.

"While vaping is substantially less harmful than smoking," So you ban the thing that is less harmful? They are absolutely dumb as shit. It shouldn't be banned period. Let people live their lives how they see fit and stay out of everyone's business. I'm so tired of all these governments around the world trying to control us like this. Humans are supposed to be free. It's bad enough people gotta pay taxes and other dumb shit least you could let people is fucking smoke a bit.
I agree it's stupid they are banning them but I still hate vapes period. More power to em, especially to keep it out of kids hands.
Tyrants in action let people vape if they want to.

"While vaping is substantially less harmful than smoking," So you ban the thing that is less harmful? They are absolutely dumb as shit. It shouldn't be banned period. Let people live their lives how they see fit and stay out of everyone's business. I'm so tired of all these governments around the world trying to control us like this. Humans are supposed to be free. It's bad enough people gotta pay taxes and other dumb shit least you could let people is fucking smoke a bit.
It's just the disposable vapes... Besides you start with 1 per week and end up with 1 per day. It's expensive and the pollution they cause is very hard to deal with... you know how we're not allowed to throw away phones because of their batteries? Well same goes for the disposable vapes and they're just in every trash can or on the road now.

Just get a Wenax or Last Vape vape. It's cheaper, you don't throw the battery away and you can refill the pods with basically no maintenance.
Tyrants in action let people vape if they want to.

"While vaping is substantially less harmful than smoking," So you ban the thing that is less harmful? They are absolutely dumb as shit. It shouldn't be banned period. Let people live their lives how they see fit and stay out of everyone's business. I'm so tired of all these governments around the world trying to control us like this. Humans are supposed to be free. It's bad enough people gotta pay taxes and other dumb shit least you could let people is fucking smoke a bit.
I regularly see children as young as 10 vaping, never seen a 10 year old smoke.