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  1. Slayerduck

    Decrease, remove or adjust road spikes decay

    Discussion Post:] Main Idea: Decrease, remove or adjust road spikes decay Full description of the idea: Right now road spikes placed are removed automatically within 5 min or so, this makes most road spikes nearly useless as gunfights last...
  2. Slayerduck

    Why are people banned forever?

    Catching cheaters is a fun sport though ngl, having you banned for cheating after you killed me was quite satisfying. You also used your cheats to mug guys growing in the forest and all, I bet they were pretty annoyed lol VAC is perma ban, so should perp be. The only difference imo is that...
  3. Slayerduck

    How to make friends in perp

    You missed the RP with me going down there to try to pick him up, and the officer gunpointing him because.... reasons :D
  4. Slayerduck

    Criminal vs PD - the number breakdown

    @Exrobite came up with valid info, i came up with valid info. You ignore it, because it does not suit your needs. Its actually genuinely sad you're not trolling. Once again enjoy your topic, peace. PD isn't getting nerfed btw, nor is TFU.
  5. Slayerduck

    Criminal vs PD - the number breakdown

    Lmao i seriously can't tell anymore if you're trolling or serious, you're good at this :D
  6. Slayerduck

    Criminal vs PD - the number breakdown

    Oh yeah, just when i went to bazaar 2 days ago and bazaar declared "independency" for the sole reason to kill the couple of cops on duty that were already killed twice over because of the absurd amount of numbers and weaponry they have. In additonal to nobody roleplaying and standing like a sack...
  7. Slayerduck

    Criminal vs PD - the number breakdown

    Pretty sure like 98% of the server goes crim to make the $$ for cars because its significantly faster. Also what's the deal about the confiscation money, i hope you're meming because if you're crying about the $500 you get when supposedly you're dead your argument is by default rejected. Not...
  8. Slayerduck

    Criminal vs PD - the number breakdown

    As @Exrobite already pointed out your calculation is flawed because you don't even mention in only like 25% of the cases do police actually win and take the weapon. You also make no mention on how criminals make like 4x as much money growing and basing compared to the 200/min cops make and only...
  9. Slayerduck

    Refund Request For Inventory

    Join a job and leave it again
  10. Slayerduck

    Sorry boyz

    Thanks for your service, i saw what you were talking about and i think you should dispute it as it was justifiable to shoot the micspammers in the head
  11. Slayerduck

    What is your new year resolution for 2018?

    Doing other projects right now, one deep learning and one image recognition
  12. Slayerduck

    GG bank robbery fail

    @Gimic Additional footage for your entertainment, used lua scripts to get around the no drive option while in car. As you can see the person minged on the road to simply block the hummer while bank robbery was going on, as the hummer tries to get around suicides into said hummer just what...
  13. Slayerduck

    GG bank robbery fail

    Oh? Post your POV then? Because from my POV it looks like the sweater is minging in front of the hummer and the hummer is actually trying to get around said sweater
  14. Slayerduck

    GG bank robbery fail

    Your Steam/In-game Name: Slayerduck His/Her Steam/In-game Name: Freak Alexa Gold His/Her SteamID: STEAM_0:1:124327791 Why Should This Player Be Punished: 3.4 Evidence (Demo Required): After me and Raxces successfully robbed the bank 2 vs 13 or 14 cops on duty we had a clear exit with no...
  15. Slayerduck

    What is your desktop wallpaper?

    I still need to find one for my new monitor, but i got a portrait one for the right monitor
  16. Slayerduck

    What would you like changed?

    I wish people would stop crying, even if it's just for one week over the Christmas days. Don't ya all get tired whining about everything? Lol - I want to see xmas doll 2018
  17. Slayerduck

    Oh shit I'm getting lag though... its getting worse and worse. I’m getting lag. Bye Marcus!

    Yea i got this monitor this week, Alienware AW3418DW
  18. Slayerduck

    Oh shit I'm getting lag though... its getting worse and worse. I’m getting lag. Bye Marcus!

  19. Slayerduck


    Because I'm so helpful i made a transcript for the deaf, since mouth movements in perp are still fucked. No I’m gonna leave. No if you go on with this I'm going to leave. Nope! Don’t think so. Oh shit I'm getting lag though... its getting worse and worse. I’m getting lag. Bye Marcus! I’m...
  20. Slayerduck


    Lmao i thought it went over the barricade so i pushed in, fucking rip GG
  21. Slayerduck

    Decrease tfu their movement speed when they are wearing full armor.

    I don't think anyone is going to argue that PD loses most shootouts but a spreadsheet won't help because what defines as a win? for PD a win is only if they kill all crims and get the guns. But for a crim if they lose 4/6 players and then get away is that really a win or lose for them? I know i...
  22. Slayerduck

    Broken Crowbar/Bobby

    I think they are fine on doors, but cars have way to low chance of success
  23. Slayerduck

    Decrease tfu their movement speed when they are wearing full armor.

    Strategically putting pressure on flankers is actually pretty solid, its factual that PD loses more shootouts then it wins but that doesnt stop the constant whining on the forum. Nerfing more is not a solution to the problem because if Leo's get killed over and over again they just resign and...
  24. Slayerduck

    Decrease tfu their movement speed when they are wearing full armor.

    Bats, i have one for that. Also me killing dom 1 on 1 topkek
  25. Slayerduck

    Decrease tfu their movement speed when they are wearing full armor.

    The amount of crims VS the TFU on duty in the latest shootouts of December. Taking into consideration a single AK-101 person can easily take on 3 normal leo's at mid to long range distance i expect normal leo's to do about 2-4 crim kills if we're up vs 10-12 or so, leaving the rest of duty on...
  26. Slayerduck

    Decrease tfu their movement speed when they are wearing full armor.

    I love these one sided nerf tfu topics, because they are never about balancing and always about giving crims an even more easy time. They have already nerfed/fixed the head armor, removed contruction booklet for cancerous bases, then nerfed the van, then nerfed the deployment policy and people...
  27. Slayerduck


    Eventually yeah, but you don't take into consideration the PD loses the majority of the gunfights. They end up winning after they got wiped 3 to 4 times over. You could argue that they lose no weapons in the meantime and that this would be considered fair but is that really the case?