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  1. Puffy Sandvich

    Forced ERP/Rape RP

    OK, here's the thing. I'm perfectly fine with rape rp, IF THE OTHER PLAYER CONSENTS TO IT. Now this is important to note. I do not mean the character, I mean the PLAYER the out of character person Who is in charge of controlling the character. If the rape is a joke, then surely if the other...
  2. Puffy Sandvich

    Forced ERP/Rape RP

    Right, I'm not "offended like a snowflake" this is literally illegal and ethically wrong. I'm not even a victim of this shit but I know people who have been in real life and it is NOT FUNNY. If living through an absolutely dehumanizing and horrible experience is what you find funny I think you...
  3. Puffy Sandvich

    Forced ERP/Rape RP

    How about we stop treating it like it's a fucking "super homo joke for older niggas" and treat it like it falls under the definition of rape?
  4. Puffy Sandvich

    Forced ERP/Rape RP

    It literally doesn't matter. If you need to pretend to rape people in a video game who are being played by minors (Sometimes actual children under 13) to get your rocks off, you need to turn yourself in to a local authority and tell them that. That is fucking disgusting.
  5. Puffy Sandvich

    Forced ERP/Rape RP

    This is a serious issue and not meant for casual passing discussion.
  6. Puffy Sandvich

    Forced ERP/Rape RP

    *sigh* Okay, so here's the thing. Traumatic experiences do not all equal in severity. I suggest you read up on psychological trauma of feeling like your own body has been stolen from you, while fearing for your life. I don't have the time nor energy to give you a psychology lesson. Also, in...
  7. Puffy Sandvich

    Forced ERP/Rape RP

    Oh I guarantee you it has. But not nearly as badly as rape does. Are you unable to comprehend the difference between having a gun pointed at you, and dropping your wallet, because that other person needed the money, and having someone else's body inside of yours, forcefully under gunpoint, just...
  8. Puffy Sandvich

    Forced ERP/Rape RP

    Right Rape and robbery are very different things. One of them is stealing the possessions of a person, the other is stealing their body and mind for nothing but personal pleasure. In a situation of rape, not only is the victim hurt physically but massively traumatized mentally. It isn't just...
  9. Puffy Sandvich

    Forced ERP/Rape RP

    Kinder eggs are not illegal. I buy them all the time.
  10. Puffy Sandvich

    Forced ERP/Rape RP

    Just because it's unlikely doesn't mean it can't happen.
  11. Puffy Sandvich

    Forced ERP/Rape RP

    That doesn't matter. At all actually. I understand that most players are not from the US but it does not change the fact that it is seen as objectively wrong in this country. That and if a player were from the US and did that they could be forced to register as a sex offender for something they...
  12. Puffy Sandvich

    Forced ERP/Rape RP

    So a while ago there was a rule suggestion to ban RapeRP if the victim did not consent OOC to the role play. I'm not sure exactly how long ago it was, but I felt that it was worth addressing again, so I figured I'd make a poll about it. So what do you think about this? (Fun fact, describing...
  13. Puffy Sandvich

    What’s your opinion on Curvy, thick or chubby girls.

    None of the above. @Brikaas isnt bad though.
  14. Puffy Sandvich

    News is gone

    The website has disappeared, it's back to a default domain. Idk where to put this but support seems like a good place.
  15. Puffy Sandvich

    Right of Way

    (I'm an American, and could easily explain it with graphics)
  16. Puffy Sandvich

    PD Update

    I think that unmarked cars should be an RTU thing because people drive better when cops are around, so they might not go OH SHIT COP better drive right if they can't tell its a cop car right away.
  17. Puffy Sandvich

    Another 12.3 Reform idea

    It's better than people doing what they do now which is "No cops, better just run it!" Seriously, people just run it anyway. No point in making a law that convinces people they're not breaking the law, when they are.
  18. Puffy Sandvich

    PD Update

    So the PD released an april fools update post the other day, and many people (Including myself) thought a good chunk of it was real. Now, don't get me wrong, a tank is stupid yes. But the rest of that post seemed to be a pretty good idea (Save for maybe the lieutenant thing.) So, would you like...
  19. Puffy Sandvich

    Right of Way

    Is this a new law or a change to a current law: Change What law do you wish to change/add: 12.14 Right of Way - Completely redefine it Right of way is a rather complex law comparatively so let me just try my best to explain it. (Most of you who have driven before will know how it works I...
  20. Puffy Sandvich

    Another 12.3 Reform idea

    Sure, but by no means is it illegal here to NOT go right on red. Legally permitting it does not mean outlawing not doing it. This just makes it easier for newer american players then. I'm pretty sure it's not JUST an american thing, as i've heard other people who did not sound american talk...
  21. Puffy Sandvich

    Another 12.3 Reform idea

    Is this a new law or a change to a current law: A change What law do you wish to change/add:12.3 I believe this law should be edited to allow a common traffic maneuver. I believe it should be changed to allow drivers to make a right turn on a red light, after coming to a complete stop at said...
  22. Puffy Sandvich

    50K Giveaway

    How to inflate your positive ratings
  23. Puffy Sandvich


    I hope you realize this thread is from 2016
  24. Puffy Sandvich


    Hey there everybody! So lately I've been thinking about how goddamn complicated PLPD is. I want to know what everyone's opinions are on PLPD as it is right now.
  25. Puffy Sandvich


    PERPHeads is in a bit of an identity crisis I've always found a bit strange. Perpheads claims to be a Serious RP server, and certainly has a rule count to match that claim. However the conduct of the gameplay is quite the opposite. Now, as someone who does serious RP all the time (Through games...
  26. Puffy Sandvich

    Decent Frag-Montage

    All rifle marksmanship takes sniper ammo? That's crazy.
  27. Puffy Sandvich

    Decent Frag-Montage

    Yeah I guess so. My whopping zero doesn't help. I can never find anyone selling rifle ammo though to practice.
  28. Puffy Sandvich

    Decent Frag-Montage

    How do you even control the recoil on those things holy shit
  29. Puffy Sandvich

    i gey lel

    i gey lel
  30. Puffy Sandvich

    Removal of Old Warnings

    Some bans are purely based on "You have a lot of warnings" not "You have a lot recently"