Search results

  1. Skudist

    The Moon (Magazine)

    Dear TheMoon readers, report 9 is out and will be all around the city! Also thanks to @TinySlayer (Simon Fellton) for participating in this interview!
  2. Skudist

    The Moon (Magazine)

    Dear TheMoon readers, report 8 is out and will be all around the city!
  3. Skudist

    Happy Birthday!!!

    Happy Birthday!!!
  4. Skudist

    12.3 Edit - Right Turn On Red (RTOR)

    Would you be in favour of adding speed cameras that can be placed down on the highway then? Don't get me wrong, I agree that the freedom of consequences speeders have is ridiculous. However, in the history of PERP, suggestions that would put speeders at higher risk of getting caught were almost...
  5. Skudist

    12.3 Edit - Right Turn On Red (RTOR)

    As much as it's their own fault, it still would cause severe and dramatic collisions with the ones turning right. Especially a problem, considering not all vehicles accelerate fast enough from turning speed (between 15-25 MPH) to 50/80 MPH. With the current state of speed limit ignorance within...
  6. Skudist

    The Moon (Magazine)

    Dear TheMoon readers, report 7 is out and will be all around the city! In other news, if you are interested in buying an ad space in our public news report, contact us!
  7. Skudist

    Server Suggestion Whe need Slovenian songs in the balkan mix

    Balkan Radio Mix is an actual web radio station, on which unfortunately nobody of us has control over which songs are played. If you find a web radio station (including link) that is better, you might want to add that to your suggestion.
  8. Skudist

    Map Suggestion Make Bazaar Crosswalk safer for pedestrians

    Adding to that, if you want to cross the road, you have to peek in a way that could end up lethal for you, as you would have half of you hovering above the road (and I've seen instances where this resulted in them being run over).
  9. Skudist

    The Moon (Magazine)

    Dear TheMoon readers, Report Nr. 6 is out! This issue will be all over the city for the following days:
  10. Skudist

    The Moon (Magazine)

    Dear TheMoon readers, a new public news report has been published and will be hung around the city. We also would like to thank RoastRogue Coffee for sponsoring this article. From personal experience, we can confirm that RoastRogue makes the best pastries and coffee in the entirety of Paralake...
  11. Skudist

    The Moon (Magazine)

    Hello TheMoon readers, From now on, every of our own public news reports you see (or have seen) on the streets of Paralake will be on this website! If you are interested in buying an advertisement spot, call 469-7301. Report 1-3; and our newest report about the missing children of the...
  12. Skudist

    생일 축하해! (happy birthday!)

    생일 축하해! (happy birthday!)
  13. Skudist


  14. Skudist

    12.2 Speeding - Levels to punishment limit

    Yes, however, as speed traps are never placed on the highway, and for the most part on 35 MP/H zones, it may make more sense to focus on violations in such areas. If automatic speed traps or speed traps that can be placed down by RTU officers become a thing, it would make sense to restart this...
  15. Skudist

    12.2 Speeding - Levels to punishment limit

    In that sense, "It is an offence for a person to display behaviour that is likely to cause harassment, alarm or distress." can equally be used to charge people for speeding. A; with the PLPD system we have, it is absolutely certain that this 12.12 catch-all principle will stay unknown to most...
  16. Skudist

    WOOOOOOO congrats man!

    WOOOOOOO congrats man!
  17. Skudist

    Cars being very sensitive when turning

    As far as I understood it has to do with how Source/Garry's Mod deals with movement inputs in vehicles and sending them to the server (and basically calculating where the car should be within the server), which prevents cars being driven from jumping all around when the connection slightly drops...
  18. Skudist

    Console getting spammed with [HTML] messages

    Weirdly enough, the issue disappeared by itself. Thanks for the help though!
  19. Skudist

    Console getting spammed with [HTML] messages

    Problem is, if console's getting spammed with those messages, I can't look at previous chat messages (which I need sometimes)
  20. Skudist

    Console getting spammed with [HTML] messages

    Does anyone have an idea what's causing this? Console's constantly getting spammed by such messages
  21. Skudist

    Server Suggestion News paper

    I believe we had Paralake News running like two or three times by now, and it ended every time in the same way. People start to get enthusiastic about it and write a bunch of articles and leave after a few weeks/months. Of course, I generally love the idea of IC journalism, however, I doubt...
  22. Skudist

    'appy Birthday!

    'appy Birthday!
  23. Skudist

    Police Suggestion Give RTU SO+ and Patrol Sergeants+ the ability to give tickets via Police Computer

    Brief description of idea: Add the option for RTU SOs+ and Sergeants+ to give people tickets via police computer. Let's say someone made an advert where they were very offensive towards the mayor or gave them literal death threats. At this moment, in order to give them a ticket for said...
  24. Skudist

    The Moon (Magazine)

    Dear THE Moon followers, We are on our first steps to publishing the first paper magazine edition. Thus, we are also leaving some space for advertisements. If you are interested in buying one of the said advertisement spaces, contact me via PM or call 469-7301, whenever you see the Chief...
  25. Skudist

    New player

  26. Skudist

    Server Suggestion Ways to remove DNA

    I don't know about that
  27. Skudist


  28. Skudist


  29. Skudist

    The Moon (Magazine)

    Welcome to the official The Moon webpage! We are offering THE news Paralake City deserves with no bias and absolute neutrality. You can recognize our news reports with the prefix "[The Moon]" in the advertisement section and our "public news reports" hanging around the city with the logo you...
  30. Skudist

    Congratulations my love! Much much deserved!

    Congratulations my love! Much much deserved!