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  1. Ash


    You were banned for continuously punching users at spawn and then proceeded to disconnect. Feel free to create an apology if you wish.
  2. Ash

    New forum color, Core dark - Orange fix

    Closed, Fixed I believe.
  3. Ash


    Denied, No real need for the hassle of another job, simply RP as a Lawyer.
  4. Ash

    List of suggestions

    Denied, At the moment, there's no real need for addictions and unnecessary hazards; In addition, a suitcase isn't really needed.
  5. Ash

    GPS System

    Denied, There's already a map for it, there's no need to add a GPS when there's other solutions; maybe a consideration for the future, however there's no reason to 'replace' it at the moment.
  6. Ash

    Ability to Rent Apartments?

  7. Ash

    Vehicle Apps/Website

    Denied, I think this is something which could possibly be added in the future, however there's plenty of guides on the forum with the car prices on at the moment.
  8. Ash

    Speed Limit Technology

    Denied, It's something which could be implemented in the future, however the cruise control function should be good for now.
  9. Ash

    Paralake PRESS

    Closed, User failed to use the correct template and a user may take their time to make weekly newspapers if they wish.
  10. Ash

    Perp Heads Thriller Trailer

    Closed, That's something a player may spend their time doing, and could possibly be used officially.
  11. Ash


    Denied, There's no real need for another firearm at the moment.
  12. Ash

    New Idea for IG Phones

    Denied, Failed to follow the correct template.
  13. Ash

    Dutch Radio station

    Denied, No really need for it, there will be people asking for every sort of music channel then. The channels are fine as they are.
  14. Ash

    Heart attack

    Denied, It would just cause unnecessary problems with 40% of getting a heart attack... In addition, there's no real need for it at the moment.
  15. Ash

    Music player on the phone with a speaker feature

    Denied, Seems that it would just cause more unnecessary annoyance and general spam on the server.
  16. Ash

    When shot in leg while running, fall down.

    Denied, At the moment, it's unnecessary annoyance. Not knowing if someone has died or been shot in the leg.
  17. Ash

    Weather effects

    Denied, When it's a hot day, stamina is already used faster than when it's not and random fires, as stated won't contribute to anything other than possible items lost or of such.
  18. Ash

    Community radio.

    Accepted, The solution is that this will be purely on a group of players who want to dedicated their time to so, this will not be assisted by the developers they'll just hook it up to the server. So if you want to do so then grab some people together and you can feel free to do that yourself.
  19. Ash

    RC equipped.

    Accepted, In future try to make your idea a lot clearer, and if you want to put forward more suggestions, feel free too. From what I got, road equipment such as cones, etc. (PM me if it was something different)
  20. Ash

    Change to firefighters' cars

    Denied, The Large Firetruck contains enough water, there's no need for another vehicle.
  21. Ash

    NLR Suggestion for the Police. - Ljungberg

    Denied, As stated above, it's not like you can just kill the whole police force, it creates a sense of realism in terms of 'backup'.
  22. Ash

    Store Robberies

    Denied, There's a vast amount of things criminals can do and which the Police respond to, there's no need for more petty crime. If it was as if no crimes happened that it may be the case, but it isn't. (Also a dupe)
  23. Ash

    Gas Station Robbing

    Denied, As stated perfectly by Duffy, there's a vast amount of things criminals can do and which the Police respond to, there's no need for more petty crime. If it was as if no crimes happened that it may be the case, but it isn't.
  24. Ash

    Licence Plates

    Denied, Although it may be a good addition it has been denied several times and I guess that's something which may be looked into some time in the future.
  25. Ash

    Gun Crafting Minigame

    Denied, Completely useless and doesn't enhance realism.
  26. Ash

    Fire hose

    Accepted-ish, Currently on the list of things do to, however isn't a main priority at the moment.
  27. Ash

    Two Servers

    Denied, Already been suggested a few times before.
  28. Ash

    Realistic Robbing

    Closed, Feel free to go to the 'Rule Discussion' section to discuss it there, this isn't a suggestion to the server.
  29. Ash

    NLR Suggestion for the Police. - Ljungberg

    In real life, there's nothing which is quoted "killing the whole police force", it just sounds dumb really. How can you even kill the whole police force? I guess with them coming back, it creates a sense of realism in terms of 'backup'.
  30. Ash

    Hoblit : Killing me over a ticket, 3.4 and lying in sit.

    Accepted, As stated above, it's pretty evident that it was completely unnecessary to kill you or to even start this whole pursuit in the first place. Due to warning count and other factors, Hoblit will be permanently banned from the server.