Gas Station Robbing

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Stockholm, Sweden

Robbing gas stations

Short explanation (in notes):
- Point a gun, Press E on station lady/man and say Give me all the money!
- Then wait for like 60 seconds and then you get like 5k.

Detailed description (why should it become added/...):

You can rob banks, I've seen a gas station robbed myself actually, lots of crime in Stockholm.

Optional additions:
I do not think this would be an ideal system however robberies are always on the bank and it would be interesting to see some small shops getting robbed instead.
Would you rob a gas station knowing that there is CCTV watching?

It seems like a very realistic idea but think of it this way how easy would it be for someone to spot you and call the police. Gas stations are also outfitted with silent alarms or barriers that raise like banks. Sorry but I do not see this working.
Well I always wanted this to be implemented, because its more RP for criminals, but time should be like 2 minutes.
This does add a bit of variety, but then again think about the drawbacks.

Will this benefit roleplay?

The good
+ Variety
+ As an officer you are forced to investigate crime scenes where a robbery has taken place, which includes viewing CCTV footage (roleplaying it)
- Adds more stress on the police force.
- A new and easy way of earning money depending on if you are heavily armed.

And much more. As of right now I'l go Neutral

You also seem to be suffering a severe case of advertisement
Would definitely add to the realism of the role play. However gas stations are their to buy fuel and a phone, watch etc. If the gas station is being robbed, let alone they are all over the map, people that have pulled up for fuel will possibly rage for not being able to buy fuel or having guns pointed at them. I see how this can make a lot off people rage. On the other hand it definitely adds to the realism, more ways to make money. I am Neutral for now.
I also think this should apply for the Jennifer's but take considerably longer of a time. And maybe give jewelry instead of cash you sell to the DD or a different NPC, either way, +support to this suggestion.
I don't really see how this will promote rp, it's already bad enough the city is ruNed by criminals but giving them another opportunity to kill cops.
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As Stomper has mentioned, criminals have already got a vast variety of ways to gain wealth (cocaine,meth,weed,bank robbery). What's the stop people just hitting every shop constantly. Is it work risking your life over 5k? I don't think so. Not to mention most shop/petrol station robberies are lone attacks. It's going to be a cluster fuck with 5-6 people crammed into a shop just to split 5k. You could earn that going cop for 30 mins.

Just because others have it doesn't mean we should.

Syria has a civil war, doesn't mean we should
too ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

As stated perfectly by Duffy, there's a vast amount of things criminals can do and which the Police respond to, there's no need for more petty crime. If it was as if no crimes happened that it may be the case, but it isn't.
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