Search results

  1. DRift

    AR on Gooner (Sterling Burns)

    @Smudger use this link and it has the decryption key within the URL.!fQtUmKRJ!ufgoWdRqwmy79sjmnvxV96gVpkTwbMWjg9aSQRrqeak
  2. DRift

    I have resigned.

    Aw man, its gonna be a real shame losing a staff member like you, good luck at uni and WoW
  3. DRift

    what is your favorite car brand?

    where is Nissan? Because I'm a huge Nissan GTR fan.
  4. DRift

    Goodbye, for a wee bit.

    Aw, its ashame Allen. Who am I gonna be with when I get mugged next time to watch Samuel "gat them down" on the highway. But honestly. Good luck man!
  5. DRift

    Good good, I do try xD

    Good good, I do try xD
  6. DRift


    Noooo, my bbe keel is leaving. Keel, you really gonna do this to me?? :( </3
  7. DRift

    Change to 12.1 Jaywalking

    this law should not be changed ad you cant be jailed for walking over the road where there is no crossing, however, what I normally do is that if I see them do it 3 times, they get a ticket with jaywalking and the addition of failing to cooperate with an LEO due to them not listening, after that...
  8. DRift

    eat sleep perp repeat...

    eat sleep perp repeat...
  9. DRift


    This seems like a really great idea, but surely you could, if IG use "status" to do it, I understand if you're outside of game it may not be as reliable to use but what is it gonna use when the button is pressed to get the steamID, it has to get it from somewhere.
  10. DRift

    He's not a bad senior, but I wouldn't say he was a "good" one either, but everyone has their...

    He's not a bad senior, but I wouldn't say he was a "good" one either, but everyone has their downfalls.
  11. DRift

    Happy bday Adrish!

    Happy bday Adrish!
  12. DRift


    As of today I am not going to be as active within the server, this is due to me having to go to college and shit. This means that I will only be on the server some weekends possibly, however, I do not wish to retire from the PLPD. I will continue to be active within the forums also.
  13. DRift

    AR on Gooner (Sterling Burns)

    Your steam/in-game name: th3xb0xg4m3r / Daniel Rift His/Her steam/in-game name: Gooner / Sterling Burns His/Her steam ID: STEAM_0:1:43272893 Why should this player be punished?: Right, so it started out with me driving to suburbs and passing the storage to be asked by the user where the drug...
  14. DRift


    have you thought it is boring because you haven't really done anything other than drugs really. You could a apply for senior etc. There is still loads that you can do.
  15. DRift

    Dumbass moment

    Not really I don't think, as he was going to be arrested for possession, transportation ect. That could total quite high along side reckless driving and such. He did die but got revived as did I and his friend. (I'm on mobile and don't have the feature to comment properly) I already had his...
  16. DRift

    Dumbass moment

    So, it started off with me pulling over a male in a vehicle for driving recklessly. After I had pulled him over after he crashed into the back of a car, I searched him finding he had guns, drugs and a remote bomb. So, I take him down to interrogations alongside his friend who has a grenade. So...
  17. DRift

    The most lonley man on PH...

    But we've came across you? Doesn't that make him the second loneliest person? ;)
  18. DRift

    What cars would you like to be added to Perp?

    Add the Peel P50 for the first car, costing 10k :D
  19. DRift

    Drivers Licenses.

    Discussion Post: Main Idea: Users have the ability to apply for a drivers license Full description of the idea: So, when the users joins the server at the moment they have $25k which is used for a house to live in, some drugs, pots etc...
  20. DRift

    I dont know Bye

    Aw cmon jessica you cant be leaving us all, you are like the most amazing person ever. Who is gonna say damnnn daniel like you now??
  21. DRift

    Best RP moment I ever had.

    So, last night was no doubt one of the funniest RP moments I have ever had. It started with me being the mayor, and as the skin for it is really messed up people kept walking up saying things like "what the fuck is wrong with your face?". This was until Tomas Costello ( @ijokerxo ) came along...
  22. DRift

    Results Day

    Well, I got a teacher sacked as she gave me an A in the coursework, then somehow a U in the exam but she told me I did really good... Also on the database she wrote overall B Well, I got a teacher sacked as she gave me an A in the coursework, then somehow a U in the exam but she told me I did...
  23. DRift

    Message notification

    If your on your phone could you not simply click the app, I mean yes, in real life you do get the bubble, so I kinda see where your coming from and have had many occasions of the message alert being false.
  24. DRift

    Only you, aha, I'm not known enough to get a post :D

    Only you, aha, I'm not known enough to get a post :D
  25. DRift

    29th to the 16th

    From the 29th I will sadly be saying goodbye for a 2 weeks due to going on holiday, I will stay active on the forums however when I can but will sadly not be able to play along side the community. I hope there will be alot of fun without me from them days but i assure i will be on perp until the...
  26. DRift

    Deploy-able speed cameras

    Discussion Link: Main Idea: There would be a new item added to the speed enforcer job which would allow them to catch speeding vehicles at various location, 2 per speed enforcer. Description: When you are a speed...
  27. DRift

    Mayor Election Phone App

    To be honest, I can see where you are coming from, but to be honest, if someone cant vote, it wont harm the election process to much, there is 70 people on the server at most times and from 50 in the early morning times to late evening times so there would be at least 25-50 votes at a time. At...
  28. DRift

    Mayor Election Phone App

    Discusstion Post: Main Idea: Have a new app on the phone for mayor elections Full description of the idea: There would be a new app on the phone such as the monorail one which will allow the user to vote for the mayor when the time...
  29. DRift

    Add fully automatic pistols to the SWAT arsenal

    To be honest, i don't think that automatic pistols would be too good, this would be due to the amount of recoil they have and the fact that it wouldn't be as realistic, at the moment the SWAT get a machine gun and a pistol which is what you think of when you think of SWAT. This however is just...
  30. DRift

    S.W.A.T Rappel

    You have just made 5 useless points and now i'm going to show you how. There may be more SWAT, but often the criminals win with their guns and the fact that only a SWAT member can shoot at a time. They do all have weapons, but police have terrible pistols and in the apartments, the "Big boy"...