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  1. DwarfBitch

    Christmas Premium Giveaway!

    Steam Name: DwarfBitch SteamID: STEAM_0:1:44166616 A number: 45
  2. DwarfBitch


    Bye mate, have a good one!
  3. DwarfBitch

    PLPD Guns

    You will get New/more guns when you rank up in the PLPD
  4. DwarfBitch

    The Avito applications.

    In-Game name: Adam Mills Age(OOC):16 Playtime: 1 month How will you be a good asset to the Organisation?: loyal, good shooter, known by the most and to top it all a great friend. Why do you want to join the Organisation?: i know alot of people in the org.
  5. DwarfBitch

    Bee movie trailer but every time they say bee ErmakDimon sings.

    Soo very good, make it an ear rape please
  6. DwarfBitch

    Happy Birthday mate

    Happy Birthday mate
  7. DwarfBitch

    A New Senior Administrator

    Congrats Lewis!
  8. DwarfBitch

    Am I the only one with this problem?

    timer = hours its danish.. lol
  9. DwarfBitch

    Congrats my friend!

    Congrats my friend!
  10. DwarfBitch
  11. DwarfBitch

    John doe

    John doe
  12. DwarfBitch

    McDonalds Server

    I'd like to be a beta tester aswell
  13. DwarfBitch

    Haha thanks, would love a ride ;)

    Haha thanks, would love a ride ;)
  14. DwarfBitch

    Thanks mate!

    Thanks mate!
  15. DwarfBitch

    Thanks <3

    Thanks <3
  16. DwarfBitch

    PERPHeads Event | 19.06.2016

    This was awsome. Thanks for all the fun guys. And thanks to my awsome team at the GlassCo parker Raid we won that shit easy!
  17. DwarfBitch

    AR on Havok

    Yeah kinda weird how he would Gun point someone infront of a camera in a very public place as the Police department. This seems very unrealistic +Support
  18. DwarfBitch

    Ar on Garo

    Your Steam/In-game Name: DwarfBitch/Adam Mills His/Her Steam/In-game Name: All i know is Garo. His/Her SteamID: STEAM_0:1:13917620 Why Should This Player Be Punished: As you can see in the demo he completely ignores Me and the Swat officers gun point breaking 3.4 we both had a clear shot...
  19. DwarfBitch

    Yeah dude vape nation

    Yeah dude vape nation
  20. DwarfBitch

    Fuck yeah!

    Fuck yeah!
  21. DwarfBitch

    The Harpers Applications.

    IG Name / Steam Name: Adam Mills/Dwarfbitch Age:16 Total Playtime: 1 month Combat Experience 1-10: 10 Driving skills 1-10: 10 Current money: 300k Cars owned: Mercedes e63 amg Preferred Weapon: M4a1 or Ak47 What can you offer us? I can offer you a good and active member of the org that will help...
  22. DwarfBitch

    Battlefield 1

    hyped for Battlefield 1? I can say that after i watched that trailer I got in love with It.
  23. DwarfBitch

    Think your cool m9?

    Think your cool m9?
  24. DwarfBitch

    cardstarvipe, the kid.

    I agree whitelist the swat some of them are really dum
  25. DwarfBitch

    Coolest guy i know, or not

    Coolest guy i know, or not
  26. DwarfBitch

    AR against James McLovin

    Well you can be who ever you want to be IC as long as you dont break the rules, as he's agressive behavor is not really against the rules then he didnt do anything wrong. this is just my perspective of the situation. -Support
  27. DwarfBitch


  28. DwarfBitch

    AR / Broke /me's and Disconnected To Avoid Arrest.

    One of these again. Failing to follow /me commands stalling the RP. +Support
  29. DwarfBitch

    American TomHill

    I played DarkRP before i started playing Perpheads................
  30. DwarfBitch

    AR on Ayrton Mead

    This here can really ruin your rp, i have decided to +support this as i hate when people do not follow /me commands and stalls the RP.