PLPD Officers to have better guns


    Votes: 25 37.9%

    Votes: 41 62.1%

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i think officers should at least get a choice of pistols, or even a semi rifle to help with dutys also its realistic too!
This is already a bad idea, officers ranked corporal and above get access to a better arsenal due to their outstanding performance as an officer, they've proven themselves worthy of being an officer who is responsible and can deal with situations accordingly.

I have one message to all officers, stop rapid firing. You miss all your shots in an instant, tap fire for highest accuracy at range. When you one versus one an AK47 and you with a Beretta M9 or WaltherP99 You have a very high chance of winning if you tap.

Also, no. No more weapons, the shotgun is already a powerful tool enough during situations, use it correctly.

Not to mention, senior officers get access to the Glock 20, if that helps.
thats the thing i have gained a very big experience as a officer using a pistol i can personally use it good but others cant.
i think officers should at least get a choice of pistols, or even a semi rifle to help with dutys also its realistic too!
When you get the rank of senior officer you will get the choice of switching pistols. The amount of pistols you are capable of choosing is bounded to your police rank. Second of all every officers thats cprl+ will have a remington in the trunk of his car.
And if shit really goes down we always have the s.w.a.t team to rely on.
The police force is very strong atm. If you ask me there is no need to make it even stronger.
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I don't use a gun, I use my car. @LordTyla
Seriously though, the Beretta M9 is a perfect weapon. I use it and I can get kills with it. I even carry it around off duty just because it feels better than a Glock 17 which I can choose aswell.
If I get the USP I will deffo choose that though
I'm tired of hearing about how the shotgun is an adequate weapon. It's not at all. The ranges in which it is useful excludes some of the more typical scenarios in which it is used, such as a regals raid (dealing with flankers,) and anything at all in the suburbs district.

Sure, in real life many officers have shotguns, and they're pretty commonplace. However, this is not an accurate representation of real life at this point. The exaggeration of armaments that civilians can access is too far disconnected from real life to justify cops having realistic weaponry.

There is no real fix to this, give supervisors automatic rifles and suddenly it might be OP, give them a shotgun and they have little impact. However, if I may suggest some form of semi / burst fire rifle or even an SMG.


As for the distribution of power through weaponry, trust me, the standard issue service pistol is most times better than the shotgun.
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