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  1. Jonah

    Change the law 4.6 (Confiscation) to an actual rule.

    There is a difference between intentional and accidental. If it is clearly accidental then a refund request can be issued and there won't be much issues at both parties.
  2. Jonah

    Change the law 4.6 (Confiscation) to an actual rule.

    What rule do you wish to Edit/Add: Change law 4.6 from a law to a rule. Your version of the rule: No weapons or evidence shall be confiscated by Law Enforcement when immediate harm is at risk, such as under gun fire or assailants nearby. Evidence is permitted to be confiscated if the officer is...
  3. Jonah

    4.6 Confiscation

    What if we made this an actual rule instead of a law? It's stupid that if a cop confiscates a gun while their life is at risk they have to go through IA.
  4. Jonah


    I agree with this
  5. Jonah


    im hardstuck gold dw.
  6. Jonah

    Fix these lag spikes.

    Definitely. Before v4 there were way less lag spikes. I miss it.
  7. Jonah

    Fix these lag spikes.

    Since the ''tfu and lights update'' also known as when it switched from the old player models, to the new player models and when they added the new lights I've always gotten more lag spikes. I believe the majority of the community can say the same. Fix this pls: When a player kills another play...
  8. Jonah

    MISSING: letter E, last seen 1 week ago

    @Creepis F
  9. Jonah


    This has been happening to me too ever since the tfu & lights update. Before that update I've never had that issue (That update was when it shifted from v3 to v4)
  10. Jonah

    playing perp on drugs

    this deserves a winner rating so bad
  11. Jonah

    Dude I don't even need to go to pornhub to bust a nut now

    Dude I don't even need to go to pornhub to bust a nut now
  12. Jonah

    Pistol shooting

    I didn't need an essay but ty
  13. Jonah

    [Grave Side]

    /me rates informative
  14. Jonah

    Albert Heijn Supermarket

  15. Jonah


  16. Jonah

    Update Log - 03/03/2019

    next restart
  17. Jonah

    Update Log - 03/03/2019

    now i can have a btec raptor thx
  18. Jonah

    When you try to help sweaters in 2019

    he ain't getting shit from me
  19. Jonah


    Glacial is chill af and occasionally he teases me with one of them cute pics
  20. Jonah

    pole dancing joey. slightly intoxicated have fun

    Sir this is haram
  21. Jonah

    What's Geforce Now like? latency? cloud gaming? hello?

    Dai is uploading clips where he has 30+ fps POG
  22. Jonah

    If anyone deserved it , it would be you congrats my man

    If anyone deserved it , it would be you congrats my man
  23. Jonah


    I've had this for so long so I thought it was only me lol
  24. Jonah

    Generic Montage 8

  25. Jonah

    6th montage

    just dont punch ur monitor again b4 u have to play on ur tv again
  26. Jonah

    Where are the devs

    What about @Xquality where is he?
  27. Jonah

    i dont have time to play perp D;

    i dont have time to play perp D;
  28. Jonah

    !MoonTheSpoon Montage ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

    all goodd bruh but it gets annoying after a while ya know