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  1. Krinkles

    There is no greater disguise than a beautiful rain mac like Lizzy's one.

    There is no greater disguise than a beautiful rain mac like Lizzy's one.
  2. Krinkles

    I've always been a queen :kappa:

    I've always been a queen :kappa:
  3. Krinkles

    Eatshit you dirty brony

    Eatshit you dirty brony
  4. Krinkles

    The Belinsky Family

    I feel like at this point I should make some sort of statement on the matter so here goes. The German Mafia, Cacuzza and as of now unsure whether the Armenians have declared war on our family. Now I could give you a rant about how we're the greatest and they suck etc etc but that would be...
  5. Krinkles

    Ban Request on Aaron Doman

    Yeah this does look a bit dodgy but at most this should be a warning tbh, this doesn't really warrant a ban in my opinion.
  6. Krinkles

    Text Message ringtones.

    I like this, although it's a very minor change I would like it implemented. The current one is a teeny little sound that I barely notice if I'm tabbed in and no one is talking. Gimme dat "I love a bit of cock" Aaron quote as my text tone pls :kappa:
  7. Krinkles

    A Couple Of Suggestions.

    (1) Topic: Clock Ticking Noise I like this but I wouldn't say it's a major priority, I'd love to see it in the changelog for the next update however as right now it is annoying if anything that I can hear the bloody clock from half way across my apartment. As with the metagamer accusation I...
  8. Krinkles

    Removing test drive waiting time.

    I wouldn't say get rid of it entirely as it honestly would get annoying having 57 cars fly out of the CD every 5 seconds. Maybe lower it to a minute or 45 seconds or something? That could work with what Standish suggested, maybe make VIP members only have to wait 45 secs or something along...
  9. Krinkles

    Solo raiding/How to Gunpoint Ft. Xhantium

    What happens when you take 5 minutes to plant and you miss the raid train? Well, your friends underestimate a flank and leave you the mess to clean up. Regardless, you do get a nice revenge trip and some fun along the way. Enjoy lads. Down on the mother fucking gwound.
  10. Krinkles

    BR On Viktor Belinsky

    Why in gods name have you synced this with the equivalent of audio diarrhea? Am I watching the trailer for Fast & Furious 8 or your ban request right now...
  11. Krinkles

    Ban request on Xhantium

    There is no link to his death or related? Are you blind? He literally shows up after respawning and without any prompt announces "I woke up in the hospital" "I was shot apparently"... If saying I was shot apparently has no links to his death then I don't know what does. Also my demo wouldnt...
  12. Krinkles

    Ban request on Xhantium

    Xhantium died due to his own failure to keep an eye on his captive, this I believe is why he chose to deliberately break 3.5 to get back at me, because he was clearly quite upset about the outcome. In my opinion he should be punished, he makes enough admin sits on people and claims injustice...
  13. Krinkles

    Server Update 5/2/2015

    "Made it so you can select your face properly" BALDY IS BACK BITCHES Image courtesy of Lamar in relation to butthurt.
  14. Krinkles

    Chris Blackburn Ban Request

    Palono with the amount of time you've played the server I'm honestly disappointed that you've made this kind of ban request, I mean I remember encountering you as a cop back in V1 around a year ago when I first played heavily. After all that time you should know by now that if you roll up to a...
  15. Krinkles


    If an org is so secret that you can't even be bothered to write anything on the forum page why bother taking it public anyway? I mean c'mon you've put literally no effort into this org page.
  16. Krinkles

    Crafting Queue

    +Support Anything that fixes the frustrating crafting system that's in place right now I support. I miss the days where you'd click once, close the menu and wait, fists ready to collect your magically popped in drugs :kappa:
  17. Krinkles

    Updating vehicles

    Regarding the Aston Martin V12 Vantage - What alterations have you made if you don't mind me asking? Because currently it has the turning circle of a Boeing 343 and it makes me sad
  18. Krinkles

    Evo VS. Paralake

    It's almost certainly me being a nostalgia fag but V1 in it's entirety is much better than v2 in my opinion, Standish summed up a lot of the good reasons in his post. I dunno, V1 had a very simple, clean vibe to it but still it could be so complex and immersive. I miss the V1 Days.
  19. Krinkles

    British Mafia

    Right. So I'm totally lost. The Royal British Mafia have declared war on The British Mafia? Does the winner get to keep the name? :kappa:
  20. Krinkles

    Ban request for exnem

    I can see a a few issues here; You tried to say the man who raided you had ownership of the plant, no cop is going to believe that, what did he do break in, shoot you friend and stick a pot down? You claim they had no proof but you just admitted to them previously that you own the apartment as...
  21. Krinkles

    My birthday

    Holy fuck you're ten, how are competent enough to post on a forum? All I could manage to do when I was 10 was fall off a bike and eat too much hubba bubba. Gratz man!
  22. Krinkles

    How cute

    How cute
  23. Krinkles

    (RDM) Ban Request

    Buy me dinner first :kappa:
  24. Krinkles

    (RDM) Ban Request

    I don't quite see how any of us or the staff team are pathetic, you shot a guy for storing his shotgun and misunderstood the situation, you've turned this ban request into an argument for no reason and defended yourself rather poorly, then when you realised it wasn't going your way you screamed...
  25. Krinkles

    Peter The Prophet

    Chow this is outrageous, give me priest rank right now you chink
  26. Krinkles

    Excessive Negativity

    I wouldn't say that getting rid of 2.5 entirely is a good idea, nor do I think it should be considered. What I think is a good idea is re-writing or adjusting the rule so that it fits with the rest of the rulebook, the way I see rule 2.5 currently is that it seems to be used as a get out of jail...
  27. Krinkles

    Aaron and Pear

    How cheap is 5 grams where you live Liam? Aaron is a little shit. Joking, love you boo <3
  28. Krinkles

    The Starikov Family

    Oh god yeah we merged into Peter The Prophet like a week ago, whoops. Close pls?
  29. Krinkles

    La Cosa Nostra

    May the saltiness IC never hurt my love for the Kenneth I remember, Boyle and Robin <3
  30. Krinkles

    PERPHeads Movie

    Swiper made a few episodes of a show called "Cops" back in V1, it followed around LEOS and showed different situations. Was quite good as well, I got a cameo in the first episode I think. A bit later after that someone else did a show called MOB or something along those lines, it got taken over...