Ban Request on Aaron Doman

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Your Steam/In-game Name: Saltguy/Hjalmar Winroth
His/Her Steam/In-game Name: MrAaron/Aaron Doman
His/Her SteamID: STEAM_0:1:41291045
Why Should This Player Be Punished: I had him under gunpoint for a long amount of time and would never follow the orders I gave. He later said in OOC chat that he didn't realize I was ordering him to get on the groud (so on so forth). But as seen in the demo that's hard to Believe. He also pulled a gun with the only cover being a small tree. Note: I was indeed giving orders to him. The demo didn't capture it. If Aaron uploads his demo of the incident it will prove me right.
Evidence (Demo Required): Notice that when the 911 call comes in about a purple man killing someone I start to target him. Pay attention when that happens.
Tick: 17000
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Birmingham, United Kingdom
Obviously I even explained that it was a heat of the moment and a mistake on my side obviously I was playing and apologised to you in the OOC chat numerous of times unfortunately the RP sit was a cluster with all of the police force in the PD putting barriers and fences in the elevator this obviously shows hows how much the police force wasn't up to a good standard now in my case this was a heat of the moment I thought I was a safe distance away to begin opening fire but unfortunately noticing I had illegal items on me my life was in immediate decision on being arrested or being in jail ( already 10 years for killing Robin Hax over him continuously attacking me) which it was get to a safe distance and attempt to fight back.

Obviously you was either chasing after me , Creepis and Venomine, you guys was chasing after one of us and obviously I ran around to see who it was and it looked like Creepis at first and this is why I said it was a misunderstanding.

I had him under gunpoint for a long amount of time and would never follow the orders I gave. He later said in OOC chat that he didn't realize I was ordering him to get on the ground (so on so forth). But as seen in the demo that's hard to Believe.
The problem is on my side is that you had handcuffs / holstered weapon the last time outside the road-crew station when I checked obviously no where else to run while all the other officers ran of I decided to attempt to hide while Lamar tried to distract you guys but obviously it didn't go to plan and appears for me to be breaking "3.4", but unfortunately the main problem is, the RP sit in general was a cluster and clearly no RP going on over the voice since voice-changers was going left right and centre but unfortunately I didn't actually realise you guys was aiming for me until turning round for the last time before my death.

The whole situation was evolved around people being hit-men which I was not part of which they could of been involved in a killing and you guys could of been either after me or after @Stomper , @Creepis or @Venomine which I said was a misunderstanding.

I clearly apologised in the OOC chat and you didn't accept this.

Unfortunately this shows to me that not only can you accept someone's apology its just the way that this was resolved in character and you just want to go ahead and post a BR on me.
Its also the plain fact that when I sent you a friend request on steam to resolve this you just denied it immediately unfortunately this demonstrates that me that you clearly don't accept my apology and judging me.
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This thread states "
  • If you move away from whoever you are holding at gunpoint such that your view of them is blocked they are no longer at gunpoint and can run or draw a weapon of their own."
From what you and Aaron have detailed to me. It sound's as though this "small tree" obscured your view from Aaron, thus giving him a reason to shoot you down. As I've said a million of times, if he believes that his character's wellbeing is better off with you dead then he is not breaking 3.4. He is simply following 3.6.

I understand I may be Biased in my opinion on the matter due to Aaron being a good friend of mine. But I honestly believe that he didn't do anything wrong here. I think it'd be better for you pair to shake hand's and move on, mistakes do happen and after listening to Aaron he sounds extremely anxious on the matter. It's never nice to have a ban request on you.

Anywho, it's your decision mate :)
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I'd like if you uploaded your demo of the incident, because my demo clearly shows you looking directly at me with a gun in your face. And your argument about me not accepting your apology is rather pathetic. If you steal someone's phone IRL an apology wouldn't just make everything fine. I agree that the RP sit was pretty cluster fucked and that it's thinkable to imagine the confusion you had. However, you even admit to breaking 3.4 in your reply.
I clearly apologised in the

Unfortunately this shows to me that not only can you accept someone's apology its just the way that this was resolved in character and you just want to go ahead and post a BR on me.
Its also the plain fact that when I sent you a friend request on steam to resolve this you just denied it immediately unfortunately this demonstrates that me that you clearly don't accept my apology and judging me.

I literally have no idea of what you're on about with the steam friend request. I haven't denied anyone's request. I'm gonna give you the benefit of the doubt and say blame Gaben.
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Birmingham, United Kingdom
And your argument about me not accepting your apology is rather pathetic. If you steal someone's phone IRL an apology wouldn't just make everything fine. I agree that the RP sit was pretty cluster fucked and that it's thinkable to imagine the confusion you had. However, you even admit to breaking 3.4 in your reply.

Since I've just done an English exam I'm up for some POINT EVIDENCE EXPLAIN.

  • My point is that this is invalid since the whole role-playing situation was seriously not even role-playing to a good standard people was aiming weapons at unarmed civilian's instead of telling them to stop where they was and used the nightstick since that's what it was implemented for.
  • My evidence to back my statement up is - Under no circumstances does the phone stealing scenario matter towards the ban request.

Which leads me to believing that my in character life (3.6 Stay Alive - Typically, players must, at all times, do everything in their power to prevent and/or avoid their own death) was breached during this situation since I had to protect myself since I had illegal items (An admin told me that if you had illegal items on you your allowed to prevent being detained)

pretty cluster fucked and that it's thinkable to imagine the confusion you had
You even admitted how much the RP situation was messed up and how much confusion I had so you have just contradicted yourself massively.
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Apologies but I am on my phone and Can't comment. I rated it dumb because you.obviously haven't watched the demo. If you watch it you'll definetely see that the gunpoint was valid, as Stomper once said to me: "People should really watch the demo before commenting"
I don't mean to stress Aaron out with this, infact I'm doing stuff that I find to be really dicky when someone else does it. E.G appearing to be very agressive and enraged with BRs. This is not my intention and I apologize. (Reply to Bully)
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United Kingdom
I had a look at the demo, it seems like Aaron tryed to get into cover behind that tree, I would say the cover was good enough as at one point you could not see the majority of his body. He then pulled his weapon and killed you. When you were first gunpointing him it appears several people were around and he used the chaos to try and get into cover. You can also see he weaves in and out of people, trying to break line of sight? My opinion may be biased as I am his friend.
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Since I've just done an English exam I'm up for some POINT EVIDENCE EXPLAIN.

  • My point is that this is invalid since the whole role-playing situation was seriously not even role-playing to a good standard people was aiming weapons at unarmed civilian's instead of telling them to stop where they was and used the nightstick since that's what it was implemented for.
  • My evidence to back my statement up is - Under no circumstances does the phone stealing scenario matter towards the ban request.

Which leads me to believing that my in character life (3.6 Stay Alive - Typically, players must, at all times, do everything in their power to prevent and/or avoid their own death) was breached during this situation since I had to protect myself since I had illegal items (An admin told me that if you had illegal items on you your allowed to prevent being detained)

You even admitted how much the RP situation was messed up and how much confusion I had so you have just contradicted yourself massively.

My point with the phone thing was to make an example of how just apologizing doesn't make everything fine. Also, the evidence you present isn't evidence to your statement. It's in my eyes just another statement which has no correlation with the other. Neither do I see how I contradicted myself. I simply agreed that it was very messy.
I could've easily shot him the time he was walking around proving the GP valid. You are however right that it is possible Aaron didn't realize it was directed at him.
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Birmingham, United Kingdom
As you can see here this is where the confusion all came out since when I killed Hax to preserve I wouldn't be killed by him punching me unfortunately as you can see all the cops was on @Creepis (Kenneth Walker) and this is how I didn't know who was getting gun-pointed.

(more being added)
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North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany
Here is my perspective, first clip is in drive mode, second without and my point of view:
Obviously, there was alot going on.Aaron recently murdered Hax infront of the Slums (because of continuous punching), ran away quickly before any emergency services responded but unlucky him, they responded very fast.The situation unfolds which I result in pulling my M9 Supressed as his shots were very close to me and I thought they were going to hit me.I take it out for a second, view down the iron sights but decided not to shoot, as I wouldn't really gain anything if I would've shot him which is why I instantly put it away.We proceed down the road to the gas station at the roadcrew which I insult you with my topkek banter soundboard insulting you which the officers try to keep me away and also hit me quiet a few times with the night stick.Hjalmar/Saltguy puts his gun on you which you back away and you keep asking him and aswell mention that you have anti person personality disorder (?) or something else which I did not understand either.Some seconds pass and you go behind the tree, take out your M9 and shoot down Hjalmar/Saltguy and get shot down afterwards by other officers while I was busy avoiding the officers hitting and arresting me which only resulted in a ticket for acting disorderly with a fine of $500 which I paid afterwards.

If Aaron gets punished for his actions when what is life even worth living for ( :kappa: )
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Aaron as much as I like you, this BR is valid and needs to be taken seriously. You did break 3.4 by running when multiple of them had a gun on you, you kept running away. Considering they knew you were the prime suspect and you tried to flee, when under gunpoint you must stop else you're breaking 3.4 as it's putting your life in danger. It may of been terrible RP, but if they place you under gunpoint it must be taken seriously.

Just pointing it out for you buddy!
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Yeah this does look a bit dodgy but at most this should be a warning tbh, this doesn't really warrant a ban in my opinion.


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England, West Midlands

After watching the demos, it's clear to see that @MrAaron did infact break 3.4, however no major punishment will be given. I believe that Aaron didn't intent to break the rules it was just because the situation at hand was a bit messed up from both perspectives; therefore Aaron will be receiving a warning for 3.4, however it wasn't intended to be broken.
After speaking to the user, we came to this conclusion.

Warning Reason;
"3.4- After being gunpointed by an Officer, the user noticed the Officer on two occasions, yet decided not to stop; however the situation was in a cluster, but it's still no reason to continue running.
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