A Couple Of Suggestions.

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United Kingdom
Hey Guys,

I got multiple, ideas and suggestions so I am going to throw them all into one post.

(1) Topic: Clock Ticking Noise

Short explanation (in notes):
-The current clock ticking sound is way too loud
- It needs to be quietened down to stop metagamers
Detailed description (why should it become added/...): When growing at Bazaar whilst I am selling, the ticking is so loud that people Metagame. They instantly know I am growing and raid me because they know there is only one use for the clock.

(2) Topic: Hit box on curbs

Short explanation (in notes):
- The amount of times I have got stuck on a curb in my Van is very unrealistic (especially at the off ramp going down to subs.
- Also at Projex car park there is a dip in front of where the cars park and I get stuck there a lot and not just in vans, cars also, again unrealistic.

Detailed description (why should it become added/...): It just doesn't seem very realisitic.

(3) Topic: A complete overhaul on Meth

Short explanation (in notes):
- It is just aids at the moment.
- Not a lot of people do it at moment because of the way it works.

Detailed description (why should it become added/...): I am not sure if anyone played many DarkRP flavours but MethRP was one and I am not going to go into much detail about the actual gameplay but just the way cooking Meth is portrayed in there.

I supplied a link to how I feel it should be cooked.
Granted it is a much longer process however the sell price of Meth should go up and it is also a more realistic way of cooking Meth.
I do like the whole shake and bake method of meth to be honest since it is actually how some people cook meth. I remember watching a documentary about small time meth makers retreating to the forest to shake and bake meth to then sell. They'd put a lot of dangerous stuff in a bottle and simply shake it for a hour or two.

But the danger in this method was making the right decision on when to make it "breathe" which is essentially undoing the lid to let the compact gasses inside escape otherwise it'd blow up.

As for industrial cooking. Maybe just increasing the amount of materials required (increasing the risk of course) and in result for a successful cook just increase the yield. I like it honestly.

As for the other ideas, yeah they'd also help as well :)

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(1) Topic: Clock Ticking Noise

I like this but I wouldn't say it's a major priority, I'd love to see it in the changelog for the next update however as right now it is annoying if anything that I can hear the bloody clock from half way across my apartment. As with the metagamer accusation I wouldn't say anyone hears a clock in the bazarr specifically since the bazarr currently seems to constantly be full of loud idiots.

Personally I treat every bazarr shop as an option to raid, I assume everyone is growing in the back regardless of whether I hear a clock or not, rarely people set up a shop for the whole day and don't grow.

(2) Topic: Hit box on curbs

From what I can see it doesnt have anything to do with hitboxes, its not like the collision around the curbs are higher than the curb from what I can see, it's just that the curbs and dips are quite big, I mean they're honestly a little unrealistically large. The issue with them being large is that a lot of the TDM cars are quite low set, meaning you tend to get stuck a lot. I'm not sure there's a quick fix to this one honestly.

(3) Topic: A complete overhaul on Meth

I don't know about changing it to be anything like MethRP or anything like that as I'm not sure it would really fit the feel of PERP but I definitely agree it should be fixed. Even if it's made slightly harder but more rewarding, I mean the goal of the meth changes were to make it harder to earn a ridiculous amount of money, since you could just chuck 25 barrels into a corner and come out richer than an arabic prince.

But please. Stephen. Please. Fix Meth. I miss cooking it.



Really? Even DarkRp's Meth is better than PERP? Unbelievable.

Well, usually raiders metagame by using the clock to know if the owner grows drugs or not, however, there should be other things for the clock to be used on, so not only drugs. But yeah, decrease volume of the clock would be great.

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