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  1. Krinkles

    Brighter building lights

    Id love there to be better lights, I need full beams on my mini so I can rag it round at 50 with hazards on and beams.
  2. Krinkles

    Refund Request for Lost drugs during the "ddos"

    So first of all welcome to possibly the most pikey refund request ever, yes I know It's only for one batch but my car ain't buying itself and I'm exactly one batch off reaching my storage goal so ya know. (I know I'm a tight bastard) Your in-game name: Harold Bloom Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:67728493...
  3. Krinkles

    The Milenio Cartel

    A Mexican org you say? :kappa:
  4. Krinkles


    Awwww I liked the idea of this thread, all the cars done with their pictures and little reviews. rip that its not getting finished
  5. Krinkles

    Ban Request on George Yuvach

    If it's of interest to anyone he just started an rdm fest outside Pd, killed a bunch of people and then cdm'd a bunch too. Quoting "I'm almost banned anyway" and "why not go out with a bang" Lost a sako to his CDM so that's great.
  6. Krinkles

    C.S.W.A.T (Corrupt Sticks With Ass-kicking Tactics)

    Well this is certainly creative.
  7. Krinkles

    Paralake car and commercial.

    Aaron you still doing this? The only thing I notice you doing in your free time is getting run over, or running me over simply for strolling to my door you rude man.
  8. Krinkles

    Ermak's Police Raid Guide.

    I think you'll find the correct way to raid as police is to blow the door in of anyone with boarded windows or anyone that says they live in a commercial building. Also sirens are overrated on approach. Onion knees
  9. Krinkles

    [Help Thread] How to Drugs with Dave Davidson

    Dude, update this for V2 man, get the meth section done too! (Also please get rid of the mens, the accent now kills me inside) <3
  10. Krinkles

    [Ban Request] Liam (Breaking rule 1.1)

    -Support 1.1 is a flat out rule yes and many of us have broken it on occasion, there is no one on the server that has not broke it at least once. Yeah Liam is hot headed but that's why we love him right? Regardless, he's apologised and I think at most a 1.1 like this should be a warning not a...
  11. Krinkles

    Crash problem...

    The first Garrysmod folder, the one that contains EVERYTHING. Kill it. Kill it all.
  12. Krinkles

    The Starikov Family Applications

    OOC Information Steam name: Age: How Active are you? In Game Information Name: Cars owned: VIP?: Why should we choose you? What do you offer?: How are your shooting skills?: What level is your firearms?: Any other Orgs you have been in:
  13. Krinkles

    Crash problem...

    I get this issue in stages, it'll happen for a whole day out of the blue. A good way to remedy it I've found is deleting your garrysmod folder in steamapps after uninstalling the game, then re-install and rejoin (You will redownload all the content packs). After doing this it seems to work for...
  14. Krinkles

    PH crafter (price calculator)

    Absolutely love this Bamarin, you've saved my F1 key a large amount of pressing. No longer will I talk to the same NPC 3 times in a row just to check mixtures! <3
  15. Krinkles

    The Starikov Family

    Family History The history of The Starikov Family starts a long time ago within the arms of another, The Belinsky Family. During the promising old days of the 2nd Belinsky Family two men arrived in Paralake City, these men were Harold Bloom and Dave Davidson, a bald Englishman and a Ukranian...
  16. Krinkles

    The Mercer Family

  17. Krinkles

    an emotional goodbye

    Cya buddy! I've gotta say you were one of the funniest people I knew on the server, you never failed to make me laugh. Baldy will miss you baby
  18. Krinkles

    PERP COPS Series

    I like the cheeky excuse for Lockwood not giving Vik a ticket in fear of being murdered. Also, a lovely shot of the back of my bald head in there ;)
  19. Krinkles

    [Help Thread] How to Drugs with Dave Davidson

    Very nice guide man, the formatting is really nice to look at too. Honestly you clearly put a lot of effort into it and I'm sure new players will appreciate it. Also I'm taking "You turn around to an aggressively british bald man with sunglasses. Goodbye life, he shoots you in your face." as...
  20. Krinkles

    I guess I should finally introduce myself!

    Hey! My names Harry. Even though I have a week of playtime on the server I entirely forgot to make an introduction on the forums, so here we go. I play as Harold Bloom in game, some of you may recognise me. (I hope I haven't made a bad impression on too many of you!) I thoroughly enjoy playing...
  21. Krinkles

    The Belinsky Family

    In fairness before you attempted to mug me my exact words were "Ooh. That's not a good idea.". Can't say I didn't warn you.