[Help Thread] How to Drugs with Dave Davidson

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How to drugs with Dave Davidson/Ross Davidson(Independent growing included!)

Recently, I've noticed a lot of new players and I feel that the whole system may be intimidating therefore I have made a guide to help out anyone who is new to PERP. Enjoy :).

So you've turned up in Paralake city. You notice that the police are hiring, you take the job. You have a great time, you're patrolling the streets taking in criminals and illegal items. Your chief is over the moon with your performance. You're living the high life and you're loving it! You walk up to the ATM to notice you've only made $30,000 over the course of your amazing career. You're upset; You're aware that you still need another $60,000 to buy that lovely car you've been dreaming about for the past couple of days. You quit your job, go off the rails. You want that car and you'll do anything to get it. You turn to drugs. Get your pots and seeds off of the lovely gentleman in the underpass. You buy Slums 3. You plant 2 marijuana in two seperate pots with 1 cocaine on the side. You have no idea what you're doing. You find yourself drifting off and getting incredibly bored. You harvest the plants without having any idea how long you've been there for. You're then greeted with the horrific message that you harvested early. You're stuck with no seeds and 3 marijuana. You turn around to an aggressively british bald man with sunglasses. Goodbye life, he shoots you in your face. Congratulations, you've lost all your money in the matter of minutes and earned zero to no profit. But don't worry man's, Dave is here to help!

What will I need?

- 1 Dexterity and 1 intelligence ( You can get these genes by pressing F1 and clicking the Genetic's section. You can then add points to these genes by pressing the big (+) button. (You automatically start with 5 genes and more can be purchased by the NPC at the Hospital!))

- Apartment (Be smart about this. Don't just choose an apartment on it's own. You're basically waving a sign saying 'Raid me'. But be careful with buying an apartement with neighbours. Whose to say they won't just raid you. From my personal experience I had best luck with Projex 4, as you're able to get a clear view of who comes in and out. Therefore allowing yourself to prepare for anyone who comes inside.)

- A weapon (Well you've got to protect yourself somehow! Even if it's a peeshooter it's still defense! You can craft firearms or you can buy them from a gunshop. I assure you that during peaktime there is always one open. Infact you should check out Dave's Gunshop at some point.)

- Garden Pots non-VIP (You will only need 10 pots however you should buy more than 10 as pots can break.)

- Garden Pots VIP (If you're VIP you will need 20 pots but once again you should buy just over 20 to assure you can make quick replacement without having to travel.)

- Cocaine Seeds Non-VIP (You will need only 5 but once again; be safe and buy more than 5 as if you have bad yield you can end up picking up less seeds than you put in.)

- Cocaine Seeds VIP ( You will need 10 but buy more to be safe and have replacements.)

- Weed Seeds Non-VIP (5 seeds will be needed but be safe and buy more than 5.)

- Weed Seeds VIP (10 Seeds will be needed but buy more to be safe).

- Seeds (As a sidenote, these can be obtained by the lovely gentleman located in the underpass standing next to the toilets. He will sell you only 1 type of seed at a time. Or mushrooms... Don't bother with mushrooms they're just awful. So just wait for his cycle to reset. (It resets every 5 minutes)).WARNING: If you decide to wait next to the drug dealer. You run the risk of getting mugged. 6.4 states that if the player takes the NPC account, he can and will mug you. Be warned. To avoid getting mugged you can simply stand at the stairs and wait five minutes. It's much safer.

- Props (Anything will do, ranging from barricades to stoves. Use whatever you've got to help create a form of cover for you to stand behind. (Avoid propblocking anyone or creating a maze in your apartment. It is against the rules to place props unrealistically and an admin will be visiting you if you do break this rule.)

- A clock (When you place a clock down next to your drugs, it will give you a timer when you look at the drugs themselves. (These can be obtained at the same place you bought the pots. How convenient?))

- Time (I cannot stress this enough. If you want to make loads of money you need to have a lot of time. Remember it takes 40 minutes for a drug batch to complete.)

Okay I've got that now what?

Well you get growing. You can do this by pressing F1, clicking the mixtures tab and then the drugs tab. It will look like this:

Large Marijuana

X5 Marijuana Seeds, X5 Garden Pots. (You only want to grow large pots. More convenient and takes up less space.)

Large Coca Plant

X5 Coca Plant Seeds, X5 Garden Pots.

Tips! (I recommend reading this area).

Once you click them you will place down a plant and if you have a clock out it will give you a timer. Be aware that weed only takes 20 minutes to grow offering a yield of 20 and cocaine takes 40 minutes to grow whilst offering a yield of 40. Therefore is worth harvesting the weed as soon as it finished so you can place down another plant(s). So you gain the same yield from bother plants, thus increasing your profit.

Remember you're growing drugs, if the police find out they won't be happy. So when you do place your drugs; place them in an area where they're hidden.

You will know your drugs are done as there will be a white outline around the plant. If you see this, it is safe to harvest.
Along your grow you WILL get paranoid. You will hear doors opening up around you, but if you hear YOUR door being lockpicked. It is completely okay to shoot at the people/person raiding you. So don't worry you're not breaking any rules!

So you've successfully grown your drug batch you've gained 38 Weed and 44 Cocaine (82 and 78 if you're VIP). You're happy, you're actually getting somewhere. I recommend you place the drugs straight in your storage. Rinse and repeat. There's still a long road ahead!

You've been growing for a while now. You have 500 cocaine and 500 weed in your storage. You've got to sell it now. Well take a trip to the lovely gentleman in the underpass and see what he is buying. (Once again he only buys one drug at a given time. Sometimes he won't buy anything! His cycle works exactly the same). If he's buying Weed. You're in luck! Run back to storage and pick all your weed up and sell it to him. Repeat with cocaine.

Remember you can only carry 500 Drug items in your inventory at one given time. So if you have a 1000 of each, you will have to take four trips.


So you're a bit of a big man. You've done some time, you've also made some serious dosh in the process. But now you've been on a breaking bad marathon and you want to be PerpHeads next Walter White. Well, you've came to the right place <3.

What will I need?

Before we start make sure your intelligence is level 2 and your crafting is level 3!

- Water source - Pretty evident

- Water Bottle x 3 - Can be bought from a gas station (Methinks?)

- Kitty litter - Gas station

- Salt - The shop at the docks

- Iodine - The hardware store

- Fire extinguisher - Wanna hear a spoiler? Well Meth blows up and starts a fire.

Once you've got these fabulous items. You can start crafting some meth! Oh don't forget the bath tub, you'll need that for crafting meth.

Okay big boy you've got either 1 wet meth or 20 wet meth. Either way you're gonna want to cook it. Put down your meth in a corner and line it up so it's all together. Put down some barriers around the sides to keep the meth compact, since when one blows up it awkwardly pushes the others away.


When you put down your stove, you've got one chance. For example I've noticed that if you try put down your stove then take it back and try do it again. It increases the chance it'll blow up on your face.

Now everything looks nice, you've got your meth in a corner and some barriers protecting it. Now put the stove down and start a timer for 15 minutes.

After 3 minutes exactly or when the stopwatch hits 12 minutes. It will blow up so have your fire extinguisher ready. Now extinguishing a fire in PERP is aids let me tell you that. You want to hit as many props that are on fire whilst trying to aim at the actual fire itself. I've managed to get to the point where I personally can put out a fire with just one fire extinguisher so you might need two.

Now once the fire's out you'll notice that it'll say "DANGER" above the meth. Basically that means stay away unless you want to meet Jesus.

Now the meth has been cooking beautifully for a total of 15 minutes and they now say "Cooked" above them. Good for you Cap'n Cook! Pick it up now because you've got a small time frame before that meth gets burnt and no-one likes meth.

Congratulations you're now a discount Walter White <3

A little warning. You want to cook meth in a place where fire doesn't spread, because just see for yourself.

Meth can be loud when blowing up which can attract an aggressively british not so bald man to your apartment and he'll gladly take your stuff. Or it might even attract the fuzz.

Now in V2 when putting out the meth, you will see a lot of smoke and well. Let's just say Meth really messes with your character when you're high as hell off of it. This is there to increase difficulty, but once you've done it a few times the effects won't be as intimidating!

- I'm really sorry if this meth section seems rushed I just really wanted to finish something I started ages ago.
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Hey guy's let me know if I've forgotten anything or messed up anything. I want this guide to be accurate and helpful thanks.
Very nice guide man, the formatting is really nice to look at too. Honestly you clearly put a lot of effort into it and I'm sure new players will appreciate it.

Also I'm taking "You turn around to an aggressively british bald man with sunglasses. Goodbye life, he shoots you in your face." as not only a compliment for my raiding skills but also it's going straight onto my bio.

It looks pretty nice for new guys, maybe you can add which place is the best to grow drugs solo and with your partner(s). Anyhow, nice guide :)
Thank you guys :D. I've added my own personal experience of what apartment I've had best luck with.
As nice as it is to help fresh spawns out and as nice as it is to post a well formatted post on the forums, not all the fresh spawns stay on the server because 1) They do not understand the rules 2) I have already taken their money and pots before they do anything interesting with it. Also looking on the forums of a new server they just joined isn't the first thing on their mind, especially since the forums are only active because of the current players and old players and admins. You should advertise when in game so this isn't a waste of a post.
Good luck with it
BillySavery said:
As nice as it is to help fresh spawns out and as nice as it is to post a well formatted post on the forums, not all the fresh spawns stay on the server because 1) They do not understand the rules 2) I have already taken their money and pots before they do anything interesting with it. Also looking on the forums of a new server they just joined isn't the first thing on their mind, especially since the forums are only active because of the current players and old players and admins. You should advertise when in game so this isn't a waste of a post.
Good luck with it
There's no need to be so mean to Sweater Vests :( We all had that sweater at one point in our lives. But if anyone does have any issues with growing, then hopefully players and maybe staff would recommend them to this guide if they deem it suitable for it's purpose :).
Very funny and very informative guide. This is exactly what we need to get some new players interested in the game. Well done Reece, great job.
Ben Lockwood said:
Very funny and very informative guide. This is exactly what we need to get some new players interested in the game. Well done Reece, great job.
Thank's dude I appreciate it :D
Krinkles said:
Very nice guide man, the formatting is really nice to look at too. Honestly you clearly put a lot of effort into it and I'm sure new players will appreciate it.

Also I'm taking "You turn around to an aggressively british bald man with sunglasses. Goodbye life, he shoots you in your face." as not only a compliment for my raiding skills but also it's going straight onto my bio.

'Aggressively British' I just couldn't get past that point for laughing too much. He really did hit the nail on the head with that description XD
Awesome guide.

You should fix one thing :

The VIP drugs doesen't bring around 75-90 of each as you said, but the marijuana only brings around 50-60 if you have two larges.
Projex os worst.place, you're best doing slums as next to PD, as in projex, my favourite thing to do is snipe them in scrapyard and get my friends to steal their shit :D and its far away so no one hears the shots. And house alarms, ALWAYS BUY HOUSE ALARMS!
Thank you so much for making this guide, Though I have never done drugs on this server and always played as a law enforcement or such jobs to gain cash and have fun with friends roleplaying. I have now tried doing meth, and such things.. It does indeed make you paranoid and stuff.. But it gives you heck'a'lot of money.
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