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  1. Allen Kennedy


  2. Allen Kennedy

    Perpheads Chess Club

    Move queen back to f7?
  3. Allen Kennedy

    Perpheads Chess Club

    oh shit that's good. Still, knight can save the king from check in 2 from the queen
  4. Allen Kennedy

    Perpheads Chess Club

    king g2?
  5. Allen Kennedy

    Perpheads Chess Club

    g5 pawn to h6. King could then take but idk cause moving literally anything else is a death sentence.
  6. Allen Kennedy

    V6 WHEN? Im impatient

    I saw V6 once when I wasnt ment to. They kciked me from the chanell and then usd a braingb sscarmbler omn mne, buty sokeye caos I rembberbr everhrybving.
  7. Allen Kennedy

    Rule change, change raid timer.

    The raid timer as is right now is fairly restrictive, if people adhere to it appropriately. I think this is just copium man, sorry. If you're being repeatedly raided by the same group, hour upon hour, then either make yourself a harder target, or if it's clear they're going after you...
  8. Allen Kennedy

    Rule Suggestion (3.13 Selling Items)

    Agreed. With other player made casino games, it's at least possible to work out the odds and determine the house advantage, so you can #gambleaware, however these mystery boxes could be nothing but shit. Sure, a rule could be added to regulate how mystery box type things must be done, however...
  9. Allen Kennedy

    Model Suggestion Laser Sight attachment

    I cannot see this working, at all, but hey, if a dev can do it, and do it well, and it doesn't cause lag, which I suspect it will, then it would be kinda cool, and after two weeks probably not get used at all.
  10. Allen Kennedy

    Conquered by the Tyrannical UI Update

    UI is fine, could use scaling options tho
  11. Allen Kennedy

    Server Suggestion Add scrollbar to chat

    Honestly, for non-staff, whose console isn't filled with crap, I don't see the issue, but it would be a pleasant quality of life addition, as console sometimes gets filled with error spam regardless.
  12. Allen Kennedy

    Update Log 01/04/2024 – Vehicle Balance & Model Changes

    Honestly I feel like just making the guns and their magazines illegal to make or own, similar to grenades, would do more to reduce their usage. Or maybe give them their own, more expensive ammo, and lower the crafting cost of existing sniper ammo, as right now, almost nobody uses any other...
  13. Allen Kennedy

    Update Logs Compilation

    You poor poor man.
  14. Allen Kennedy

    Update Logs Compilation ^ missing smh
  15. Allen Kennedy

    Rule Suggestion (2.5 Excessive Negativity)

    >I steal car >3yr sentence, so not ten toes >cop gps me >clearly 2.5 cos i'm not allowed to break 3.4 and all I did was steal a car smh
  16. Allen Kennedy

    Rule Suggestion (3.4 Putting your Life at Risk) ^ We have a handbook for this sort of thing.
  17. Allen Kennedy

    What is the best PISTOL in PERPHEADS

    Beretta has clean irons. I tend to run either that or a glock as cop
  18. Allen Kennedy

    Is gambling worth it?

    He may be french, but in this case he's correct.
  19. Allen Kennedy

    Server Suggestion Hand animations

    /org shows the phone so people can see if someone is talking to their org mates, because they can't see what they've said. /radio or /gov is proximity text chat anyway so I don't see why this would really be necessary.
  20. Allen Kennedy

    Thoughts on muffins?

    I prefer cookiesman ngl
  21. Allen Kennedy

    Model Suggestion Fire department and EMS clothes decals

    The fucking snake has a platypus head and tail. Holy shit how have I never noticed this.
  22. Allen Kennedy

    Model Suggestion Fire department and EMS clothes decals

    I'd really like to see some stuff like decals for shirts like this unlocked by achieving a certain rank for that job. Not a high rank, but something like senior paramedic/firefighter, y'know, when they've put a good few hours into it.
  23. Allen Kennedy

    perphead shooting montage

    Mid clips but good music 8/10
  24. Allen Kennedy

    Model Suggestion Taxi Tesla

    Give taxi driver ranks and make the first taxi you get something shit like an impala ss and then you won't have this problem, like ever again
  25. Allen Kennedy

    UV Map for Tesla

    Please. Make chief paramedic actually desirable.
  26. Allen Kennedy

    3.22 Intersection red light.

    Honestly it's just bad map design. Warning everyone who can't be fucking waiting twenty seconds at an empty intersection for a light to go green isn't going to fix the problem, nor will removing/reconstituting the rule. The intersection should be turned into a roundabout, cause then people would...
  27. Allen Kennedy

    Model Suggestion Taxi Tesla

    I think if taxi driver got actual ranks then this would be a nice incentive.
  28. Allen Kennedy

    Police Suggestion Stop classing Taser as Equipment

    When you beat someone to death with a nightstick when they've got a rifle, and they get so salty they literally make a forum suggestion to nerf the nightstick.