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  1. CensoredExe

    CS:GO ESL Premiership

    What team do you play for and what’s ur CS name?
  2. CensoredExe

    The new 1.2 rule. Lets talk.

    @Blocked i agree with you, my point is simply: use a different vocabulary when 60+ people you dont know are reading your messages in OOC, it can't hurt.
  3. CensoredExe

    The new 1.2 rule. Lets talk.

    It wasn't a direct attack, it was very obviously a joke aimed at someone in particular who knows its a joke, it also doesnt use any words that could be construed as discrimatory. Also, saying offense is taken, not given, is just weird.
  4. CensoredExe

    The new 1.2 rule. Lets talk.

    I kinda agree that while I think what Jamie said wasn't homophobic, I think that this community has a lot of younger people as well as members of certain communities who may be offended by that, so while I don't think its homophobic, i don't think it can hurt to chose a different vocabulary. I...
  5. CensoredExe

    The new 1.2 rule. Lets talk.

    @Blocked I would have used anything other than gay lol, can you seriously not express a dislike for anything without calling it gay?
  6. CensoredExe

    The new 1.2 rule. Lets talk.

    Can you really not think of any way to express yourself without homophobia?
  7. CensoredExe

    The new 1.2 rule. Lets talk.

    What you did, while you may not consider it to be discriminatory, implies that the word gay is an insult and therefore is discriminatory. This isn’t to say I don’t use these words and more in private settings with friends, but the senior administration team have made a decision that they don’t...
  8. CensoredExe


  9. CensoredExe


    Looks like someone learnt fraud
  10. CensoredExe

    Resignation from staff

    No one can compare to shay smh
  11. CensoredExe

    I was demoted

    @Alex_:D he was in a private staff only call, with everyone who he assumed to be fine with it, not exactly setting bad examples to kid’s imo
  12. CensoredExe

    Hood rats propaganda department

    don’t forgot the juicy jays
  13. CensoredExe

    The Square

    oddchamp rating when?
  14. CensoredExe

    I was demoted

    prolly the same reason i didnt get enforcer LUL but on a side note, don't let this get to you, give it some time and I'm sure you'll be welcomed back!
  15. CensoredExe

    Tampermonkey: de-clutter your PERPHeads forum experience

    .shoutbox {display:none !important;} @Samuel @Riekelt
  16. CensoredExe

    Perpcasino logo competition

    gotta love how the logo is still just my 30-second attempt at making something look somewhat ok 10/10 programming thanks everyone
  17. CensoredExe

    useless POV
  18. CensoredExe

    Increase the yield from "growing" drugs

    Maybe a system where whatever % the plants are on is the percentage multiplier to be used to calculate how many leaves you get? For example, if the plants are at 50% you get 50% of the number of leaves you would have gotten if you'd have waited to 100%?
  19. CensoredExe

    Confiscate weapon confirmation

    Also with drugs please too
  20. CensoredExe

    Wolf Industries

    @Dank I’m point is claiming it’s “100% fair” is misleading when it’s in your favour :/
  21. CensoredExe

    Wolf Industries

    @Dank As @TinySlayer told me when I released perpcasino initially, releasing your code means nothing when you can't prove it's actively running on your website. Also, its not 100% fair because I can read your code lol, you only have a 49% chance of winning if you bet under, which like ive said...
  22. CensoredExe

    Wolf Industries

    @Dank because under you only have a 49% chance of winning instead of 50, also, my main point is that you cant prove its fair, and claiming its "100% fair" especially when its been coded to give the house a slight edge is odd.
  23. CensoredExe

    Wolf Industries

    @Dank Your code isn't fair, its in your favour if they bet under, so claiming it's "100% fair" doesn't really add up. Also, you claim the "mt_rand" function is the reason its fair, this is just a function for generating random numbers that's slightly quicker than the normal one, and...
  24. CensoredExe

    Suggestion for rivals: Rumbles

    Then this isn’t an actual event?
  25. CensoredExe

    Suggestion for rivals: Rumbles

    So you’re suggesting an event game mode that is just a fist fight? I feel like it’s probably not a great use of time for developers for an event that many people won’t really want to play
  26. CensoredExe

    Doing it properly this time.

    With flugs stepping down we need azerd to step up for SA
  27. CensoredExe

    1.2 explained and a guide on how to follow it.

    Tldr Don’t call people the n word it’s that easy
  28. CensoredExe


    It’s kinda unwritten that this is ok imo, it’s only usually acted upon when the meta gaming negatively affects others / provides an advantage
  29. CensoredExe

    Poker Competition - Sponsored by Mensa

    @joey the rule is just to stop people messaging other players with their cards to play as a team, you can bluff all you want
  30. CensoredExe

    Buying Holiday Items (Dolls, Candy Canes etc)

    Any tasers in circulation?