The new 1.2 rule. Lets talk.

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So as we have all seen recently there has been HUGE rule changes within the rule 1.2 (Disrespect and discrimination). This is not going to be the most formal document but a basic chat with the community and staff team. It has has been noticed by not just the newer members but some of the older members who still play. I think we can all agree some sort of concerning of OOC was needed but what has been done is way to much.

So I think we can all agree straight up shit talking someone in ooc and being homophobic against them is a no go. It always has been but using certain words such as "gay" in a sentence to describe a rule?

Is this really blacklist worthy? Calling someone a menace to society. In ooc as a joke. Is this really worth a 30 min black list? Meanwhile you are able to say things such as "CONYO I hope your unborn child dies" in ooc. I am sorry but I fail to see how that is okay and calling a rule gay isnt.
What you did, while you may not consider it to be discriminatory, implies that the word gay is an insult and therefore is discriminatory.

This isn’t to say I don’t use these words and more in private settings with friends, but the senior administration team have made a decision that they don’t want this type of language on their server, so I doubt this will be changed anytime soon. There are younger players, and players you don’t know who will ready your OOC messages and as a community we aren’t trying to disparage against these people, so it really doesn’t hurt to try and widen your vocabulary to be accepting to these younger or minority players

Also, saying ‘Conyo I hope your unborn child dies’ is a bit different in my opinion as it’s obviously targeted towards conyo, who I assume knows it’s a joke and is fine with it, and it’s also an attack on a child that doesn’t even exist, making it fairly clear it’s a joke. While I get using ‘gay’ is also kinda jokey and that’s the point of it, there’s no reason you can’t use other words to get your point across on a community of this size

I’m not trying to say the words you used were bad or discriminatory, I’m just saying in a community of this size, there’s a reason the staff team are trying to limit its usage. Keep it private and no one cares
I get exactly where you are coming from and I agree this is over the top but at the same time it is literally there, As the rule says:
Any form of discrimination is not tolerated in an out-of-character context.

Now the admin here was right saying you are using gay in a negative way. It's a double thing In my opinion. Yes you could have picked a different way to word it but in the same way I see the term of "gay" being used in the way you used it in my daily life alot.

Now I am far from PC so I'd say it is fine, But I agree a blacklist is a bit much as you clearly did not use it to offend a group but as a so called powerword to make your opinion clear.

Maybe we should look more at the context of the way the word is put then the word itself. Yes it's used in a negative way but not to offend a group. I'd like to know what you think tho
I’m a bit confused about the main point of this post.

Is it that you believe 1.2 in general is too strict or something or do you just not believe that using the word “gay” like that was homophobic and/or against rule 1.2? I just don’t really understand what there is to discuss.

As the rule is written, homophobia is not allowed, yet you associated being gay with something bad, which is inherently and undoubtedly homophobic.

@Jenga also summed this up quite well here

Also, if you believe staff members have failed to enforce things properly like what you mentioned with Conyo, you should probably speak to a staff member of a higher rank or create a staff complaint but it’s quite hard to know the full context of the situation if you weren’t involved.
So wait, if i said I have this fucking gay ass planter box, I would get blacklisted then? Cus I dont understand if I was to get blacklisted over that as I would not be discriminating against gay people? Dont get me wrong, but staff/whoever suggested this was a flower (dont warn me for saying my opinion), took it too far. Like in Callum Byfords vid on OP PLPD Cop 5 (sorry for butchering the title), he swore a bit in it, which in this day an age is normal, you even hear like 12 year olds who play this swear at people.
Random profanity is a lot different to making a group of people feel excluded from society and like there is something wrong/bad with them.

Edit: Forgot to add to the end; even if you don’t intend to cause any harm. You can call people snowflakes or whatever but words still hurt people.
Its not like im going around saying fuck ...... is it. Im just saying I hate the gay ass planter cus my drugs died for like 10th time in a row (I see you staff members tryna warn me, im only using an example).
@Daft Punk But how exactly do you think this is okay? I may be more thick skinned than some people but if I see you associating who I am with something bad, I’m still not gonna feel very great about it.
@nutrient10 Like I dont care who plays the server, as long as they follow the rules (I know a bit hypocritical, im getting better). I dont care if they are w/e. Im fine with w/e happens. But its only when they start sprouting shit that gets me angry and annoyed at (not gonna say what). I just want the community to be like PG15 instead of PG 8 where you say one wrong word, you get blacklisted/banned/CWB cus you said it the 3rd time.
what word would you recommend the players use in order to describe something that is unpleasant to them? a word that would not get them blacklisted nor would it not make any people who have been categorized under that word feel marginalized?
Yes I am saying the rule 1.2 is far to strict right warning people for calling a sentence gay (being the rule) Is not offending anyone. As I said I can understand if I went up to a guy in game and started shit talking him calling him the "f" word ETC. Its the same as calling someone a menace like what are we in playgroup?
@CensoredExe so what word would you have used in this context instead of gay in order to describe something that you dislike?

also please don't slander me, i love the gays, im just trying to have a discussion here
I find the new change to the rule somewhat ironic. People not wanting to be offended is fine, I just think it's funny that the Community Manager made the announcement while it was the Community Manager himself who has said some racist ass shit in OOC. I can post the pic if needed. If there is more context to the pic ( I really doubt it) that justifies what he said ( most likely not ) then I'll apologize and take it back :)

EDIT: Looks like Drajj already posted the pic below me lol.
If the word 'gay' is an issue to you on an online roleplay server then honestly i recommend donating your computer to a children's hospital, because they'll have more fun in a day with it than you in a lifetime.

Offense is taken, not given. The word dumb can be offensive and is derogatory to those with mental handicaps. Does the word dumb need to be banned to to not cause any offense?

the slur 'thats pretty gay' is extremely normalized in online culture, especially right here! and i think its a bit pc to be handing out blacklists left and right like we're a roblox server. Don't get me wrong, it's good that there's more focus on reducing toxicity and making this a slightly more friendly place but there's a million things that can offend me or others that are not prohibited and have nothing to do with rule 1.2. Half my families pissing their pants in a nursing home due dementia, should i demand that be added in as a rule? because that's quite commonly joked about.

Also, saying ‘Conyo I hope your unborn child dies’ is a bit different in my opinion as it’s obviously targeted towards conyo, who I assume knows it’s a joke and is fine with it,
How do you find this ok but the usage of 'that's a gay rule' not? How is using a general slur horrible yet a direct attack ok? I thought the whole point of 1.2 was to ensure the community is more welcoming and doesnt look like a cesspool. Im sure newcomers do not get scared by that at all..
I kinda agree that while I think what Jamie said wasn't homophobic, I think that this community has a lot of younger people as well as members of certain communities who may be offended by that, so while I don't think its homophobic, i don't think it can hurt to chose a different vocabulary.

I personally use that and much worse in private, but OOC isnt private, which is kinda the point.
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